SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: All The Pretty Horses

  BY WILLIAM C. HENRY I know it’s early but with your leave I’d like to proffer two cents worth of Democrat “ticket” picking regarding the duos I believe offer the donkeys their best chances for success in 2020. First off, I semi-unequivocally submit that the winning ticket must be headed by a jenny (that’s the female equus africanus asinus for all ye non-farm dwellers). Why? Well, let us never forget that Hillary won the last election overwhelmingly, and but for the Russians and the slaveholding states’ Constitutional recalcitrance, she would now be revving up her return for a second […]

SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: Socialism For Dummies

  BY WILLIAM C. HENRY I promised you a rant regarding Trump’s raging against the horrors of Democrat SOCIALISM and vowing he will NEVER allow America to become a SOCIALIST country. So, here it is: According to one Donald J. Trump, president of the United States of America, the Democrat party is dead set on forcing wholesale SOCIALISM down the country’s collective throat beginning in 2020, and he is the only politician alive who can prevent them from doing so. Oh my, all I can say is thank God we’ve got someone sufficiently au fait with the nation’s past 85 […]


  BY WILLIAM C. HENRY This just in: Betsy DeVos, in what is arguably the most unconscionable and cartoonishly evil proposed budget cut from this satanic administration, wants to cut the 18 MILLION dollar$ from her Department of Education budget earmarked for the 2020 Special Olympics. As Betsy so DeVosly stated it: “We had to make some difficult decisions.” She goes on to say that funding for the Special Olympics should come from private philanthropy. Capital idea! If DeVos sold just ONE of her 10 yachts — or if Trump personally covered the cost of just SIX of his golf+unlimited […]

HOT DOC: #Golden Showers Intel Leak Could Spell C-U-R-T-A-I-N-S For Donald Trump’s Presidency

  BUZZFEED: A dossier making explosive — but unverified — allegations that the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” President-elect Donald Trump for years and gained compromising information about him has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents, and journalists for weeks. The dossier, which is a collection of memos written over a period of months, includes specific, unverified, and potentially unverifiable allegations of contact between Trump aides and Russian operatives, and graphic claims of sexual acts documented by the Russians. BuzzFeed News reporters in the US and Europe have been investigating various alleged facts in the dossier […]

THE PLAN: This Is What A Revolution Looks Like

  RELATED: Gerald Friedman, a respected economist (and Clinton supporter by the way) took a look at Sanders’ proposals, ran the revenue and spending numbers through a standard economic model, and suggested that the very high level of spending would provide a “significant stimulus to an economy that continues to underperform, with national income and employment at levels well below capacity.” This stimulus could lead to several positive economic outcomes, including increasing gross domestic product growth to 5.3 percent a year, cutting unemployment to 3.8 percent and increasing wages by 2.5 percent per year. This, combining with the revenue proposals, […]

SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: It’s The Plutocracy, Stupid!

  BY WILLIAM C. HENRY Have you noticed how little Republican wind is being expended on waving the “corporate treachery” flag. Barely a whiff. Don’t you find that a little odd given the make up of the “base” of the party. You know, that segment who, along with the rest of us, always bears the brunt of corporate America’s penchant for shoving truth, fairness and accountability further and further up the ass of America’s middle and lower classes. On the other hand, maybe it’s not an oddity at all. Maybe it’s flat out predictable. Why? Because, if right wing candidates […]

COMMENTARY: Once Upon A Time In America

  BY WILLIAM C. HENRY What now seems like forever ago on a flood-lit Chicago stage in front of a world-wide audience of hundreds of millions of adoring soon-to-be constituents, a relatively young, bright, optimistic, ostensibly eager-to-act-upon-a-promised-forward-thinking-agenda black President-elect lifted the hopes and dreams of young, old and in between, black, white and tan, liberals and progressives, idealists and dreamers, the down-trodden and the forgotten, Untold legions cheered and wept with joy. And then … well … a number of unexpected and not so funny things happened on the way to the end of the next eight years. If you considered yourself […]

REWIND 2014: The Year In Questions And Answers

If armies run on their stomachs, blogs run on their big fucking mouths. We’re no exception. But we’d like to think that, on a good day, we put all that hot air to good use when interrogating visiting dignitaries in advance of their triumphant arrival into the City Of Brotherly Love. We’ve never pretended to have all the answers but we do know all the right questions. And we’ve never settled for easy answers to hard questions. Sometimes feelings get hurt and sometimes new connections are made. Sometimes painful truths emerge and sometimes we actually learn something. And sometimes we […]

SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: The Dark Art Of Convincing White Middle Class America To Vote Against Itself

[Click to enlarge] BY WILLIAM C. HENRY Rarely has a political party so craftily cozened a majority of its naive yet trusting adherents as has the current Republican edition with its sham economic policies. Take for example convincing their blue- (and even many white–) collar disciples that a further lessening of the already absurdly low tax burden on the wealthy — many of whom for nearly a decade have paid an unconscionably lower percentage of their income in taxes than middle-class wage earners — will assuredly result in a mutually beneficial “trickling down” of vast improvement to their already-shattered-by-the-VERY-SAME-POLICIES lives. No doubt, but watch […]