PLEASE DON’T FEED THE BEARS: Nutter Is Lying About New Homeless Feeding Rules Not Being About Tourism, But Who Could Really Blame Him?

INQUIRER: Despite a raucous disruption by Occupy Philadelphia protesters, the city Board of Health approved amended regulations Thursday for groups that feed the homeless outdoors. Groups will be required to obtain a permit from the city and to have at least one member receive free food-safety training from the Health Department. Health Commissioner Donald F. Schwarz said he expected the new rules to be enforced around May 1. The regulations come as the city proceeds with a ban in city parks on feeding the homeless and others who want free meals. Critics say the city wants to move the homeless […]

LAST LAUGH: The Onion Pulls Up Stakes In Philly

BUZZ FLASH: Bad news for parody-lovers: the print edition of The Onion has ceased distribution in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia, the company confirmed to BuzzFeed. “The business model we had set up in these places didn’t wield the results we were looking for, which was sustainability,” said spokeswoman Anne Finn. The free weekly started its first D.C. run in April 2007, and Finn said distribution in Philadelphia began in May 2011.The news comes at a rocky time for the company. The Atlantic Wire reported Thursday that all but a handful of the paper’s comedy writers are quitting rather than enduring […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: The Devil & Rupert Murdoch

[Illustration by ALEX FINE] FRESH AIR Allegations of phone hacking and bribery brought down Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid News of the World. Criminal and parliamentary investigations are now under way in the U.K., and dozens of journalists and top executives from Murdoch’s paper have been arrested. Scotland Yard has been investigating the scandal, but several police officials from that iconic institution have also been implicated; they’re accused of accepting bribes from reporters at Murdoch’s papers. Lowell Bergman is a producer and correspondent for the PBS documentary series Frontline. He is also a professor at the Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. “A […]

THIS IS HIP: The Obama Poster Project

O Captain! My Captain! How could I stay mad at you? (Actually, we still are a little mad — scratch that, a LOT mad — about all the pointless and pitiful capitulation to right wing assclowns and baldfaced quid pro quos to the financial industrial complex that bought the presidency for him. But we can discuss this after November 4th) From President Obama’s Tumblr page comes word of The Obama Poster Project, a series of re-elect campaign posters inspired by the movies. Next up, The Life Politic. I wonder if Mitt Romney has a Tumblr page, or maybe he’s just […]


The new Shy Pursuit is out May 1st, 2012 on Spintonic Recordings! The first single, “Take It” was birthed from a Harry Nilsson writing exercise and filtered through the rhythm section of Thriller-era Michael Jackson. Here, warbling analog synths conspire with chamber orchestras and collide into an explosive chorus. The video for “Take It” was directed directed by Daniel Gray Longino (Editor for Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, Check it Out! With Dr. Steve Brule) and Eric Notarnicola (Editor for Awesome Show, Eagleheart, and the upcoming Eric Andre Show). Fans of Awesome Show and / or early 90’s […]

NOW YOU TELL US: David Lynch Was Here…Again

This is what we get for not monitoring Drew Lazor’s Meal Ticket blog on an hourly basis. Just found out David Lynch was here, like, two days ago. And now it’s too late to catch him with that special butterfly net we keep handy for just such an occasion and then put him in a jar on the shelf with all the others. Wait…perhaps we’ve said too much. Move along, nothing to see here. RELATED: A series of short-term jobs followed, leading Lynch (at age 20) to enroll at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in January, 1966. The Philadelphia […]

EARLY WORD: Brothers In Arms

BY ZIVIT SHLANK Sometimes you listen to music and can immediately identify what you’re hearing. Other times, you’re better off trying to define it by what it’s not. For the guys of Many Arms, it’s most definitely the latter. Formed in Philadelphia in 2007, this power trio’s natural bent is constantly evolving. Admittedly, they’re influenced by so much music and combined, have worked in a myriad of settings from jazz to prog rock to punk and so on. With each new tour and recording, the main objective has always been to progress and synthesize those musical experiences into one dynamic […]


Cleveland, November 3rd, 1970, by Cleveland Police Dept. RELATED: The actress had just finished working on Klute – hence her distinctive haircut – when she was arrested at an airport in Cleveland on November 3, 1970. The customs officers wrongly accused Fonda of drug smuggling after finding vitamins labelled b, l and d (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in her bag. Known for her political activism, her arrest over something so innocent as vitamins was a sign of the paranoia of the time. At the time, the actress was on her way back from speaking at an anti-Vietnam war fundraiser in […]

Rep. John Perzel, Once A Shill For The Private Prison-Industrial Complex, Now A Valued Customer

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Former Pennsylvania House Speaker John Perzel must spend at least 2 ½ years in prison for his role in a scheme to use public resources for campaign purposes. The 62-year-old Republican from Philadelphia also was ordered to pay $1 million in restitution. Perzel sat stone-faced as Dauphin County Judge Richard Lewis handed down his sentence of 2½ to 5 years Wednesday. Perzel was among seven Republican defendants who pleaded guilty in the case. Prosecutors say he masterminded a scheme to spend millions of dollars on computer technology and expertise to give GOP candidates an advantage in election campaigns. […]

Romney Makes Santorum His B*tch In Illinois (Admittedly, This Post Was Just An Excuse To Run This Mosaic Made Entirely Out Of Gay Porn)

POLITICO: Mitt Romney dominated in Illinois, beating Rick Santorum by 46.7 percent to 35 percent and reestablishing himself as the dominant front-runner and likely GOP nominee. Santorum may win Louisiana on Saturday and perhaps his home state of Pennsylvania in April but he has no path to the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination. There is not going to be a floor fight in Tampa no matter how much the pundit class would love to see it happen. The only real question is whether Romney wins fast (by picking off a “Santorum state” like Louisiana) or slowly through consistent […]

SCOTUS To Decide If You Can Be Arrested For Telling Dick Cheney To His Face The Iraq War Sucks

NPR: The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments Wednesday in a case involving the arrest of a Colorado man who was thrown in jail after telling Vice President Cheney in 2006 that the Bush Administration’s policies in Iraq were “disgusting.” Environmental consultant Steven Howards is suing the Secret Service agents who arrested him, contending that the arrest violated his First Amendment rights because it was nothing more than retaliation for the views he expressed to the vice president. The case pits the need for protecting public officials against the rights of citizens to express their views to the people elected to […]