All The King’s Horses And All The King’s Men

  NEW YORKER: Still, on this question, pending some further (and very belated) revelations, I’m willing to swallow my skepticism and accept the official story: Oswald was the lone shooter. But why did he do it, and was he maybe put up to it? It is here that the Secretary of State departs from the Warren Commission’s version of events. In an interview with NBC’s Tom Brokaw, Kerry said, “To this day, I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.” And, he went on, “I’m not sure if anybody else was involved—I don’t go down that road with […]

CINEMA: The Archer At The Gates Of Now

  THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE (2013, directed by Francis Lawrence, 146 minutes, U.S.) DALLAS BUYER’S CLUB (2013, directed by Jean-Marc Vallée, 117 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK FILM CRITIC The dystopia thickens in the second installment of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. What’s ablaze in this chapter is the popularity of Katniss (current “It Girl” Jennifer Lawrence), the main character of the series who won the government’s murderous gladiator game in the first film by threatening double-suicide with her last opponent at the contest’s climax. This development made Katniss a reality TV star and an inspiration to the revolutionaries […]

BEING THERE: Sleigh Bells @ Union Transfer

Photo by MARY LYNN DOMINGUEZ When Sleigh Bells took the stage last night at Union Transfer, I got the feeling that some serious ass-kicking was about to take place. A military-style drum line track introduced the four-piece band as they took their places accordingly, building up anticipation for the arrival of frontwoman Alexis Krauss. Emerging onstage dressed in a flashy, silk cheetah-print boxing robe with the words “Bitter Rival” across the back, Krauss made it seem as if the show was merely a pit-stop after a run up the steps of the Art Museum with Rocky Balboa. She made it […]

THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Q&A With Erik Prince, Founder & Former CEO Of Blackwater

Illustration by ALEX FINE BY JONATHAN VALANIA Blackwater founder Erik Prince will be speaking at the Free Library on Friday to promote his new book, Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story Of Blackwater & The Unsung Heroes Of The War On Terror, his compelling counter-narrative about the rise and fall of Blackwater. Not surprisingly, in Prince’s telling Blackwater is essentially blameless for any and all murder and mayhem that has occurred on its watch. Yesterday we got Prince on the phone and asked who, in the final accounting, will have to answer for all that murder and mayhem. Turns out nobody […]

THE RAIN PARADE: This Can’t Be Today

A little blast from our gloriously misspent youth we dug up in preparation for Mazzy Star’s sold out show at Union Transfer on Friday. The Rain Parade is Mazzy Star guitarist/songwriter Dave Roback’s first band, circa 1983. Pound for pound, better than any three Stone Roses’ songs combined.

NPR 4 THE DEF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

  FRESH AIR Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele are the duo behind the Comedy Central sketch comedy show Key & Peele. Each has a white mother and black father, and a lot of their comedy is about race: Perhaps because they’re biracial, they’re perfectly comfortable satirizing white people and African-Americans — as well as everybody else. The New Yorker’s TV critic Emily Nussbaum as a “Golden Ticket to themes rarely explored on television.” Peele tells Fresh Air’s Terry Gross, “I think the reason both of us became actors is because we did a fair amount of code switching growing up, […]

SON LITTLE: Cross My Heart

“Cross My Heart,” the debut track from new ANTI- signing Son Little — the voice of RJD2‘s Icebird project, the voice of “Sleep” on The Roots‘ undun — is a box of bonbons filled with barbed wire. Over a deceptively slinky groove — shades of 70’s Marvin Gaye, Leon Ware — the singer croons, phrases emerging from the swelter, “sex and candy,” “gonna get me some:” a lover’s plea. But the angular blues guitar lick over the top of the track is clue to a deeper, older invocation, as Son Little’s lyrics bear witness to two departed friends, and, inspired […]

NPR 4 THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

  FRESH AIR Anjelica Huston is best-known for her performances in Prizzi’s Honor, The Grifters, The Addams Family, The Royal Tenenbaums and the TV series Smash. But her new memoir about her early life, A Story Lately Told, ends just as her successful acting career begins. That part of her life will be in a second volume, now in the works. Huston is the daughter of John Huston, who directed nearly 50 films, including 1941’s The Maltese Falcon, 1948’s The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre, 1951’s The African Queen and 1985’s Prizzi’s Honor, for which Anjelica won an Oscar. But […]

EXCERPT: The Man Who Fell To Earth

After 14 years, Moby has final created a worthy successor to 1999’s game-changing, bazillion-selling Play. MAGNET scales the walls of celeb-studded, anecdote-guarding Moby Castle high up in the Hollywood hills to find out what took so long. BY JONATHAN VALANIA This story starts in Moby’s apartment on a sunny pre-9/11 morning in New York city. Moby and his neighbor David Bowie are sitting on the couch strumming “Heroes” on acoustic guitars. They are prepping for a Tibet House benefit concert at Carnegie Hall organized by Phillip Glass. This is too good to be true, Moby thinks to himself. What if […]

OBITUARY OF THE TRUTH: The Messianic Life & Lonesome Death Of Cosmic Comedian Bill Hicks

  BY JONATHAN VALANIA It’s hard to remember now, but there was a time when Tiffany sold a lot of records. When New Coke vs Old Coke embodied the national debate on aesthetics. When Jim and Tammy Faye still had their biblical theme park and the prospect of catching Jimmy Swaggart with a hooker was about as likely as anyone uttering the words “President Mondale.” It was a time when the two-headed hydra of Reagan-Bush zombified a nation with fiscal sleight of hand and don’t-worry-be-happy hypnosis, all the while secretly feeding the voracious appetite of the military-industrial complex with tender […]

SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: Lucifer Rising

Illustration by MARIO PIPERNI BY WILLIAM C. HENRY Senator Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz returned to Texas recently to pick up a clean white sheet and rummage for more dry timbers and kerosene. Having been run out of Washington with pointed hat in hand, it must have felt especially good to be welcomed home by some 600 of his crimson-naped faithful all decked out in their finest Sunday-go-to-meeting stars and bars.  Okay, I’ll come clean. I detest Ted Cruz, just as I detest all political deceivers, thieves, racists, bigots, hypocrites and phonies. But because Cruz has earned himself such a special […]