Lady Gaga Suffers Repetitive Stress Injury To Her Weirdo Tendon, Cancels Tour, Including The Philly Dates

  LIVE NATION: PHILADELPHIA (February 14, 2013)— Live Nation Global Touring has confirmed that the remainder of the Lady Gaga Born This Way Ball performances have been cancelled, including her two shows at Wells Fargo Center on February 19 and 20 in Philadelphia. After additional tests this morning to review the severity of the issue, it has been determined that Lady Gaga has a labral tear of the right hip.  She will need surgery to repair the problem, followed by strict down time to recover.   This unfortunately, will force her to cancel the tour so she can heal.  Refunds for […]

Win Tix To See Power Pop Pied Piper Chris Stamey

  We have a whole buncha tix to giveway to see power-pop legend Chris Stamey at World Cafe Live on Feb. 17th. To win all you have to do is sign up for our mailing list (SEE RIGHT, at the bottom of the masthead) and then send us an email at FEED@PHAWKER.COM saying as much with the subject line WHERE’S MY FREE CHRIS STAMEY TICKETS? Please include your full name and a mobile number for confirmation. If you have no clue who Chris Stamey and why you should care school yourself below. ALL MUSIC GUIDE: From his tenures with the […]

SMUS: You Cannot Benghazi The Gay Away

  BY WILLIAM C. HENRY It hasn’t been formally consented to by the full U.S. Senate, but following yesterday’s 14/11 party-line Armed Services Committee vote, it appears that America’s next Secretary of Defense will almost certainly be the former Republican Senator from Nebraska, Chuck Hagel. The committee’s “advice and consent” work was hardly a seamless process, however, thanks in large part to Tea Party suck-up Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Turns out the hearing had to be adjourned immediately following each of his opening remarks/questioning periods so that janitors could refill the room deodorizers. Sure, there were a number of other Republican […]


Tim Minchin – Pope Song from Fraser Davidson on Vimeo. WARNING: NSFW, hilariously excessive use of the F-word Offended? Please direct your righteous indignation on behalf of ‘the children.’ And by ‘the children’ we of course mean the ‘the children’ raped by priests and covered up by Joe Ratzinger. Never forgive. Never forget. RELATED: Ratzinger’s 2001 letter De delictis gravioribus clarified the confidentiality of internal church investigations, as defined in the 1962 document Crimen Sollicitationis, into accusations made against priests of certain crimes, including sexual abuse. This became a target of controversy during the sex abuse scandal.[30] As a Cardinal, […]

LEWIS BLACK: The Only Thing That Can Stop A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Bad Actor With No Career Left

ON CHUCK NORRIS: “By the way Chuck, you’re 72-years-old, the most deadly thing about your roundhouse kick is the fart that comes out when you lift your leg.” (3:15) RELATED: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio teamed up with actor Steven Seagal to teach members of his armed volunteer “posse” how to handle potential school shootings. The self-described “America’s Toughest Sheriff” sparked controversy late last year after the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting when he said he would deploy the posse to monitor the perimeter of more than 50 Phoenix-area schools for suspicious activity. Members of the 3,450-strong group began patrolling in […]

YEAH YEAH YEAHS: New Album Teaser

  RELATED: In the real world, there’s a widely held notion that it takes 10 years to develop expertise within a line of work, that you have to put in an arduous decade before you’ve truly ironed out the kinks of your craft. In the spontaneous realm of rock’n’roll, though, that hardworking rule can be a bit perverted, with many bands hitting a spark within 10 months, never to ignite again. In 2000, Yeah Yeah Yeahs formed in New York City and their searing early material helped get the new millennium off to a clamorous start– but those panicked yelps and tinny […]

INCOMING: Something Wicked This Way Comes

  Stay tuned for a Wayne Coyne’s house exclusive REDACTED that we tell you about just yet. Look for it later today tomorrow on a Phawker near you! RELATED: How’s this for hyperbole: in an interview with Rolling Stone last year, Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne referred to the band’s forthcoming fifteenth studio album, The Terror, as “the best Flaming Lips record that we’ve made.” That’s a pretty tall claim coming from a band that made The Soft Bulletin (and Zaireeka, and Embryonic, and a host of other considerable classics), so the question stands: do his bandmates agree? When I […]

Yoko Ono & tUnE-yArDs Team Up For Sandy Relief

  In 2010, Yoko Ono performed several shows with the Plastic Ono Band and special guests. At the Orpheum in Los Angeles, Iggy Pop, Mike Watt, Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon, Perry Farrell, RZA, Lady Gaga, Carrie Fisher and Joseph Gordon-Levitt paid tribute to Yoko, performing songs from throughout her career. Yoko also invited a young group she had recently fallen in love with: tUnE-yArDs, whose breakthrough album, Whokill, was still a year away. tUnE-yArDs wowed the audience and famous guests, updating the original 1972 lyrics of Yoko’s “We’re All Water.” Yoko loved their performance and urged tUnE-yArDs to record the […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR New York Times reporter Scott Shane and colleague Jo Becker reported last year that the Obama administration has a list of terrorists targeted for drone attacks, and that the president personally approves such strikes. The administration has been trying to keep details of its drone program under wraps, arguing that to make it public could threaten national security. Shane has reported numerous such stories. Last week, he wrote that the U.S. has a military base in Saudi Arabia from which they launch drone strikes. Several news organizations, including the Times, had known for months about the drone base, […]


This is quite probably the funniest and most fearless music video ever made — even more fearless than going full frontal at the Grassy Knoll in broad daylight. Wish we liked the song more, but no worries, the new Mala — out 3/12 in Nonesuch and arguably the best Devendra Banhart album since his debut — will set that straight.

HAPPY 204th BIRTHDAY CHARLIE DARWIN: Don’t Let The Flat Earth Society Bastards Get You Down

  SLATE: If Charles Darwin were alive today, he’d be celebrating his 204th birthday. However, millions of years of evolution have prevented humans from living that long. Still, that doesn’t stop those of us who are alive today from celebrating the man and his work. Evolution is the basis for all modern biology. It is the central tenet, the organizing theme, the trunk from which all branches grow. It has changed considerably since the early days when Darwin (and his contemporary Alfred Russel Wallace) first proposed the idea that species change over time*. They didn’t even have an idea behind […]