ELEPHANT GUN: John McCain’s House Of Pain

Our completely unfair and totally biased analysts tonight will be Amy Z. Quinn, aka Citizen Mom, recently converted Obama supporter/longtime Hillarycrat dead-ender, and Jonathan Valania, aka ME, who was right about Obama, and most other things, all along. We join the fourth night of the RNC in Minneapolis with Cindy McCain about to take the stage… 9:40 PM  me: omg   shoulda seen the Cindy McCain movie   she beat back genocide 9:41 PM with just a single adoption and a few strategically placed cases of Anheuser Busch products  Citizen: Hey, that beer money’s paying the bills, she can be the Queen of […]

HOT DOCUMENT: Letter From Alaska

[EDITOR’S NOTE: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED] TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992. Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools. Her father was my child’s favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the residents of the city. She is enormously popular; in every way she’s like the most popular girl in middle […]

All Of This Happened While You Were Sleeping

I’LL BE YOUR MIRROR: Aleksandra Berczynski performs How Do I Love Me?, Pll Gallery, Fringe Fest, Last Night [Photos by ROZA FRYKOWSKA] “This theatrical experiment marks Aleksandra Berczynski’s Fringe acting debut with her minimalist one-woman show. Inspired by The Bard’s Sonnets, Berczynski explores the budding beauty, love, and artistic yearning of a young woman, discovering the most gorgeous thing…” MORE FRINGE PICKS: It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane! No, It’s…. stuporwoman Tania Isaac Dance Featuring the stunning, vibrant movement style of St. Lucia-born choreographer Tania Isaac, stuporwoman is an operatic and humorous fairytale of motherhood and parenting in the twenty-first […]

JUNK SCI: If Cows Could Break Home Run Records

BY ELIZABETH FIEND LIVING EDITOR In a stunning consumer victory the biotech behemoth Monsanto announced on August 8th that they want to dump their business of producing rBGH and hope to find a buyer for the product. rBGH is a lab produced, genetically modified artificial growth hormone that is being administered to about 15-17 percent of America’s milk producing dairy cows. r = recombinant which means it’s artificially produced in a lab; BGH, Bovine-Growth-Hormone is the common description for the hormone bovine somatotropin (BST) sold to dairy farmers under the commercial name of Posilac. The label on a bottle of […]

PAPERBOY: What’s Black & White & Dead All Over?

BY DAVE ALLEN Like time, news waits for no man. Keeping up with the funny papers has always been an all-day job, even in the pre-Internets era. These days, however, it’s a two-man job. That’s right, these days you need someone to do your reading for you, or risk falling hopelessly behind and, as a result, increasing your chances of dying lonely and somewhat bitter. That’s why every week, PAPERBOY does your alt-weekly reading for you. We pore over those time-consuming cover stories and give you the takeaway, suss out the cover art, warn you off the ink-wasters and steer […]

HURRICANE SARAH: A Pitbull In Lipstick

Our completely unfair and totally biased analysts tonight will be Amy Z. Quinn, aka Citizen Mom, recently converted Obama supporter/longtime Hillarycrat dead-ender, and Jonathan Valania, aka ME, who was right about Obama, and most other things, all along. We join the third night of the RNC in Minneapolis with Rudy Guiliani about to take the stage… 9:53 PM me: are you watching CNN?  Citizen: no, cspan   PUT IT ON  me: WTF   no  Citizen: i’m not riffing on the friggin’ cnn anchors   and shit  me: only got CNN   put it on 9:54 PM Citizen: Eff these pundits   no   i want to hear the […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR Conventional wisdom has it you can tell a lot about a person by the company he or she keeps. But, what if posterity makes a big mistake in judging a famous somebody’s friends; wouldn’t that blunder then trigger a huge misreading of the chief person of interest? There you have the reasoning underlying Brenda Wineapple‘s fascinating new book, White Heat, that explores the relationship between Emily Dickinson and one of her closest confidants, Thomas Wentworth Higginson. For decades, Higginson has been derided by Dickinson scholars and fans as a kindly oaf; a Victorian man of minor letters damned […]

KILLADELPHIA: Death In The Afternoon

INQUIRER: A Philadelphia man was shot dead yesterday afternoon on a street in the city’s Kensington section, police said. Keith Bolden, 31, was lying on the 800 block of Thayer Street with a gunshot wound to the chest when police found him about 2:30 p.m. Emergency crews took Bolden, of the 5100 block of Saul Street, to Temple University Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 4:35 p.m., a police spokeswoman said. Investigators have no motive or suspect in the slaying. MORE   INQUIRER: Two men found dead yesterday in an apartment above a North Philadelphia car stereo store had […]

FRINGE PICKS: The Sweet, Sweet Vampires Of Sodom

Sweet By-And-By Pig Iron Theater OBIE Award-winning Pig Iron Theatre Company teams up with Swedish Teater Sláva to create this all-acoustic whistle-stop tour of America in a time of union martyrs, Seventh-Day Adventists, and lost souls. A forerunner of Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, and Billy Bragg, Joe Hill was a Swedish immigrant, well known on California picket lines as a union organizer and radical songwriter. Sweet By-and-By features Hill’s wickedly funny songs on banjo and concertina, while following his journey from Sweden to California to a Utah jail, and on up to Mars, where all good union leaders go to […]


JAY ROSEN/HUFFINGTON POST: John McCain’s convention gambit is now a culture war strategy. It depends for its execution on conflict with journalists, and with bloggers (the “angry left,” Bush called them last night) along with confusion between and among the press, the blogosphere, and the Democratic party. It revives cultural memory: the resentment narrative after Chicago ’68 but with the angry left more distributed. It dispenses with issues and seeks a trial of personalities. It bets big time on backlash. At the center of the strategy is the flashpoint candidacy of Sarah Palin, a charismatic figure around whom the war […]