NPR 4 THE DEF: Giving Public Radio Edge Since 2006

FRESH AIR During the famously chaotic filming of Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, another director was at work on the set: Documentary director Eleanor Coppola, the auteur’s wife. Her footage, along with cast and crew interviews shot a decade later, became the celebrated documentary Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse, which premiered on the Showtime cable channel in 1991. The documentary, which takes its title from the Joseph Conrad novel that inspired Apocalypse Now, has been described as a revealing insider look at how stressful moviemaking can be, as well as a deeply personal chronicle of one director’s battles with […]


BY EVA LIAO Here’s one for the kids of my generation, the kids who grew up stuck between the loud, crude fads of the ’80s and the comparably apathetic, bereaved children of today. Here’s to the victims of a less dramatic, and all-the-more innocent decade known as the ’90s. Last month the DVD series of My So-Called Life was released to the elation of the pathetically nostalgic, such as myself. It’s been 13 years since the show last aired on ABC, running only one season. The series came to an unexpected halt once lead actress Claire Danes, who was only […]

REALITY CHECK: On CP’s Baby ‘Mama Drama’ Story

BY JEFF DEENEY Doron Taussig’s City Paper article “Mama Drama” details the backlash from one grassroots women’s coalition against the escalation of foster care placements by the Philadelphia Department of Human Services. The escalation comes in the wake of scathing news probes into an alarming number of child deaths taking place under DHA’s watch. It’s a touchy subject that draws strong reactions from all sides: DHS feels like they have stepped up to the plate, doing what was absolutely necessary to stamp out a crisis. Conversely, any mother, no matter how incapable of adequately caring for a child she may […]

THE LINCOLN BITE: Curing Hunger With Just $5

BY COLLEEN REESE One of the pains of living in Philadelphia is gormandizing on entirely too much stuff. We snag our egg-and-cheese sandwiches off greasy trucks and never for a second wonder what’s truly in them — the egg-and-cheese that is, not the trucks. The guy at the deli knows your name and the names of your best friends and cousins, but we never really sit down and just breathe with them. So when I walked into joe Coffee Bar and it tugged gently at me to sit down for a little stolen moment, I was almost hesitant. I was […]

MONEY SHOT: Amy Winehouse Gobs Paparazzi

EDITOR’S NOTE: This may be the greatest celeb candid ever taken. It actually captures the loogie in mid-flight! Shades of Johnny Cash’s immortal middle finger! Seriously, give that guy a Pulitzer. And if anyone has earned the right to spit in the camera’s eye, it’s Miss Beehive 1965. God save Amy Winehouse. Please, God, we don’t ask for much. RELATED: The troubled singer Amy Winehouse finally has something to look forward to after receiving six Grammy nominations this afternoon. Winehouse, who has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons lately, received the second-highest number of nominations for the […]

Tom Ridge & The Selling Out Of Homeland Security

In its report, Homeland Security for Sale – DHS: Five Years of Mismanagement, CREW details billions of dollars in waste and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars, for example: —$24 billion has been spent, and at least $178 million wasted, on the failed Coast Guard Deepwater program; –over $600 million has been allocated for unworkable radiation border scanners; —$1.3 billion has been lost on the US-VISIT program, which was never fully implemented and –projected $2 billion loss on the SBInet “virtual fence” border program. MORE

PAPERBOY: Super-Dooper ‘All I Want For Christmas Is A Fat Sack Of AK47 Peace On Earth’ Edition

BY AMY Z. QUINN We know how it is: so many words to read, so little time to surf for free porn. That’s why every week, PAPERBOY does your alt-weekly reading for you, freeing up valuable nanoseconds that can now be better spent ‘roughing up the suspect’ over at Suicide Girls or what have you. Every Thursday we pore over those time-consuming cover stories and give you the takeaway, suss out the cover art, warn you off the ink-wasters and steer you towards the gooey caramel center of each edition. Why? Because we like you. ON THE COVER: CITY PAPER: […]

NEWS CLUES: It’s Like Adderall For Your Eyeballs

GET REAL ESTATE: Subprime Crisis Spurs Home Loan Interest Rate Freeze WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has hammered out an agreement to freeze interest rates on certain subprime mortgages for five years to combat an escalating number of home foreclosures, congressional aides said Wednesday. A person familiar with the matter said the rate freeze would apply to borrowers with loans made from Jan. 1, 2005, through July 30 of this year with rates that are scheduled to rise between Jan. 1, 2008, and July 31, 2010; likewise, the program would only be available for owner-occupied homes — to ensure the […]

When Beer Was The AK47 Super-Weed Of Its Day

Wednesday, December 5th was the 75th anniversary of the end of Prohibition. KYW’s John McDevitt spoke with the owner of the nation’s oldest brewery, in nearby Montgomery County, Pa., and what his family did to stay in business during the ban on alcohol.Yuengling Brewery in Pottsville went into business 178 years ago. They were established for about 90 years before Prohibition. Dick Yuengling is the fifth generation running the brewery. He says that during Prohibition his family brewed “near” beer: “Less than one-half of one percent alcohol in (the) product. We called it a ‘cereal beverage.’ There were a couple […]

TMI TV: Kidnap Victim To Host Chat Show

(CNN) — Natascha Kampusch, the Austrian teenager who was held prisoner for eight years in a basement, will have her own television chat show, her media adviser confirmed to CNN Thursday. Natascha Kampusch gives an interview in August 2007, a year after she escaped from her captor. The 19-year-old made headlines around the world after she escaped from a subterranean bunker below the house of Wolfgang Priklopil in a suburb of Vienna 16 months ago. Her captor killed himself by throwing himself under a train only hours after she fled. Kampusch will be hosting a show on the Austrian television […]