GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK: Bachmann’s McCarthyism Overdrive May Cost Her Re-Election

WASHINGTON POST: Those comments, made to Chris Matthews on “Hardball” last Friday, alleging that Barack Obama held “anti-American” views immediately lit up the blogosphere, energized the campaign of former Blaine Mayor Elwyn Tinklenberg (great name! -Ed.) and turned Bachmann’s race from an afterthought into one of the most high profile House races in the country. Tinklenberg has raised more than $800,000 in the aftermath of Bachmann’s comments and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee communications director Jen Crider has called this a “$1 million mistake” on the part of the Republican incumbent. The DCCC, sensing opportunity, began airing an ad hitting Bachmann […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR Nobel laureate Paul Krugman believes that increased public spending — akin to the efforts of the New Deal during the Great Depression — is the best way to escape the financial crisis and regain American global leadership. In his Oct. 16 column in The New York Times, Krugman writes, “It’s politically fashionable to rant against government spending and demand fiscal responsibility. But right now, increased government spending is just what the doctor ordered, and concerns about the budget deficit should be put on hold.” Paul Krugman is a professor of economics and international affairs at Princeton University, and the […]

Inquirer Editorial Page Editor Responds To Our Questions About The Paper’s Split Endorsement

HAROLD JACKSON: To answer your questions: Like most, if not all, editorial boards, we do not divulge our votes. Besides, in most cases, as it was in this one, we reach consensus rather than taking a formal vote. Secondly, like most editorial boards, we do not identify the writers of editorials, because the editorials represent a consensus opinion and not necessarily the opinion of any specific writer. Thirdly, almost every decision the board reaches on any topic is a split decision in that different points of view are expressed before consensus is reached. The Obama endorsement was no different. The […]

THE DUPLICITY OF NOPE: Vetting The Inquirer’s Cruel And Unusual McCain Sub-Endorsement

Today the Inquirer editorial board endorsed Senator Barack Obama, sort of. For reasons that remain unclear, the editorial board saw fit to issue a dissenting opinion, as if it were the Supreme Court. What the Inquirer editorial board is supposed to be is the conscience of a newspaper — in this case, a newspaper that is struggling to maintain relevance in a city that is overwhelmingly pro-Obama. On the day that lifelong Republican Colin Powell put country over party, reached across the aisle and endorsed the Democratic candidate for president, the Inquirer couldn’t even throw a bone to the dogs […]


NEW YORK TIMES: Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell endorsed Senator Barack Obama for president on Sunday morning as a candidate who was reaching out in a “more diverse and inclusive way across our society” and offering a “calm, patient, intellectual, steady approach” to the nation’s problems. The endorsement, on the NBC public affairs program “Meet the Press,” was a major blow to Senator John McCain, who has been a good friend of Mr. Powell for decades. Mr. Powell, a Republican, has advised Mr. McCain in the past on foreign policy. MORE POLITICO: Once considered a potential running mate […]

POWER TO THE PEOPLE: 175,000 Rally For Change

[via FLICKR] MSNBC: ST. LOUIS, Mo. — Obama rallied 100,000 people underneath St. Louis’ Gateway Arch on Saturday, according to St. Louis police — his biggest event in America to date — and laid out the differences between himself and his rival on taxes and other issues. Speaking underneath the landmark near the banks of the Mississippi River, Obama called taxes a values issue and said McCain’s proposals valued wealth more than the work that creates it. He refuted McCain’s criticism that his plan to provide tax cuts for 95 percent of Americans would amount to “welfare” for the 40 percent the […]

THE BIG LIE: Obama Campaign Demands Special Prosecutor To Look Into ACORN Persecution

NEW YORK TIMES: Seeking law enforcement investigations into reports of fraudulent voter registrations in several states as an extension of the controversial firings of United States attorneys, the Obama campaign on Friday called for a review by a special prosecutor. Bob Bauer, general counsel for the Obama campaign, sent a letter to Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey and Special Prosecutor Nora R. Dannehy, who is investigating the attorney firings, requesting that Ms. Dannehy also look into the whether F.B.I. investigations of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or Acorn, were politically motivated. In a conference call with reporters […]

EXHUMING McCARTHY: Assclown Congresswoman Calls The Obamas ‘Anti-American’, Demands All Of Congress Be Investigated For Anti-Americanism

HUFFINGTON POST: In a television appearance that outraged Democrats are already describing as Joseph McCarthy politics, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann claimed on Friday that Barack Obama and his wife Michelle held anti-American views and couldn’t be trusted in the White House. She even called for the major newspapers of the country to investigate other members of Congress to “find out if they are pro-America or anti-America.” MORE [The Young Turks: Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on MSNBC’s Hardball, October 17, 2008] HUFFPO: What makes the incident even more bizarre is that Bachmann is in a close congressional race and just this […]


ASSOCIATED PRESS: Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is set to appear on this week’s broadcast of “Saturday Night Live,” the entertainment show that has featured a popular parody of the Alaska governor by former cast member Tina Fey. Palin will appear Saturday on the show hosted by actor Josh Brolin, who plays President Bush in director Oliver Stone’s new movie, “W.” A John McCain campaign spokeswoman, Jill Hazelbaker, on Friday confirmed Palin’s appearance but offered no details about what the Alaska governor will say or do. MORE WASHINGTON POST: GREENSBORO, N.C. — No wonder GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah […]

CALLING ALL COMMIES: Beware Of Drunk Bikers

[via PENNSYLVANIA FOR JOHN MCCAIN] McCain-Palin Motorycle Rally, Philadelphia Free Beer, plus bikers is unbeatable. Please sign up with Chris Hill at: I need a favor from each of you. On Sunday 26 October at 1400hrs, I am leading a motorcycle caravan around the city to get at the communists making all manner of noise. We’re going to ride from the Chinatown McCain campaign office at 1008 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA. We’ll bash around Center City, through South Philly out to the Northeast and then back, with flags a flying and pipes roaring. If you ride and want to […]


And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. [Dir. by SCOTT COLAN] DANA MILBANK, WASHINGTON POST: I have to say the Secret Service is in dangerous territory here. In cooperation with the Palin campaign, they’ve started preventing reporters from leaving the press section to interview people in the crowd. This is a serious violation of their duty — protecting the protectee — and gets into assisting with the political aspirations of the candidate. It also often makes it impossible for reporters to get into the crowd to question the people who say vulgar […]

OBAMA: Serve The Servants

NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY MAGAZINE: For a guy who just four years ago was running his first statewide campaign, Barack Obama has made startlingly few missteps as a presidential candidate. But the moment Obama would most like to take back now, if he could, was the one last April when, speaking to a small gathering of Bay Area contributors, he said that small-town voters in Pennsylvania and other states had grown “bitter” over lost jobs, which caused them to “cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.” That comment, subsequently posted by a blogger for […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR The New Yorker‘s chief political correspondent, Ryan Lizza, explains Joe Biden’s relationship with Barack Obama — and why taking on less often means doing more as vice president. Lizza’s article “Biden’s Brief,” about the Democratic vice presidential candidate, appears in the Oct. 16 issue of The New Yorker. ALSO, Emmy-winning director and producer Larry Charles has a penchant for the ridiculous — witness his credits, which include Borat, Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Now, Charles wants to turn his latest film, Religulous, into an HBO series. RADIO TIMES Hour 1 Analysis of last night’s third and final presidential […]