Readers Write: Me Talk Pretty Some Day

The Dean Is Not Amused Dear Jonathan, Your notes got a few things wrong, but it’s always been my supicion [sic] that the summation method often beats the direct quote method anyway. Thanks for doing it. Robert Christgau Dear Dean of American Rock Critics, Okay, so what’s my grade, Dean? Jonathan Valania Dear Jonathan, I never give them out. Robert Christgau Dear Dean of American Rock Critics, Dag. I really did want one, just for bragging rights. I give it a solid B, woulda been great with the Q&A or written as such but in a forum that would allow […]

Eva Says: The Shadow Knows

Concert reviews. We’ll have at least one a week of the one show we’d actually go to even if we weren’t getting in for free. I’d write it myself, but frankly, the pay stinks. That’s why we’re sending Eva Liao. Because she is young and hungry and we are old and full. Eva is 22 years old and from Los Angeles. Her favorite band is the Velvet Underground. That’s why we hired her. Eva goes to Temple. Some would call her an intern, but we call her Editorial Assistant because we believe the media should empower young people, not belittle […]

Later Today: Grumpy Old Men Part 2

The second installment of our Grumpy Old Men series, wherein we learn from our elders. Yesterday we had Robert Christgau, today Francis Davis. Tomorrow? The Pope. What’s that you say? You never heard of Francis Davis. Oh Buddy, it’s good thing you found us! Check out his CV: He has written about music, film, and other aspects of popular culture for The Atlantic since 1984 and was appointed lead jazz critic for the Voice in 2004. He was jazz critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer from 1982 to 1996, jazz editor of Musician from 1982 to 1985, and a staff writer […]

PBR: Reggie Brown Is NOT Rick James, Bitch!

The biggest source of suck for regional sports networks like the ever-metastasizing Comcast SportsNet franchise is that after the games end, there’s a lot of airtime to fill. There’s only so much pre- and post-game analysis the audience can metabolize before they get the runs. Ditto the newspaper-sponsored round tables where goateed talking heads play devil’s advocate and rehash yesterday’s analysis. What you’re left with is LOTS of paid programming, the occasional CFL grudge match between Hamilton and Calgary and “original” programming like the trainwreck I forced myself to watch last night: CSN’s Monday Night Live. The premise: the likeable, […]

Grumpy Old Men: Christgau Speaks!

Welcome to the first of installment of our Grumpy Old Men series, wherein we learn from our elders and soak up all their salty yarns like a Bounty Quicker-Picker Upper. Because we here at Phawker believe that both the old and the young are largely disenfranchised by the MSM. More for us, we say. This what they call a Talking Dog Story. It’s not so important what the dog said, it’s that he talked at all. Late last month Robert Christgau, the Dean of American Rock Critics, was knocked off his longtime perch at the Village Voice by the hatchet […]

Peeple: Frankly, Scarlett We Actually Give A Damn For A Change

Okay, here’s your daily celebrity dirt, bitches. Admittedly, the 215 hook is a bit of a stretch but here it is: We know Tom Waits and we live in the 215. Seriously, you can come over to our place and see the pictures. Actually, you can’t because we never open the door for strangers but there ARE pictures. Anyway, peep this: Scarlett [Johansson], I am told, has signed a deal to make her first record. “Scarlett Sings Tom Waits” is being recorded now and through the winter, with a possible release next spring from Rhino Records’ recently reactivated Atco label. […]

Cover Wars: Whose Artfag Kung-Fu Is Stronger?

Let us introduce you to another regular feature: Cover Wars, in which we will make an entirely subjective call on which alt-weekly has the best-looking cover each week. (FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, we do tapdance about architecture for PW, but they will get no special treatment from us, paybacks bein’ a bitch, an’ all. Unless they give me a raise, in which case, they win every week). In this corner, we have PW’s Sara Green, a gifted newcomer — and in full-posession of a “great rack”, or so we hear, sorry but we did hear that, so get off your high […]

Pot Calls Kettle: Inky’s Satullo Responds To PW Story Calling Inky Casino Coverage Shoddy; Calls PW Story ‘Shoddy’

Because it’s infinitely more fun to stage these media cockfights instead of being in them, and because this issue is too damn important to be left to the pros, we thought we’d throw a little fuel on a dimming fire. To recap, two weeks ago, PW‘s Steve Volk debuted a new media-watchdog column called Tierney Watch, wherein he wrote a piece about the Inky’s coverage of the casino issue, with all the manifold complications, shortcomings and conflict-of-interest duly noted, and gave the anti-casino activists a chance to weigh in and then let various Inky bigwigs respond. You can read it […]

BREAKING: FBI Raids Curt Weldon’s Daughter’s House In Queen Village

FBI agents investigating U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon (R., Pa.) conducted six raids this morning – including at the homes of his daughter and a longtime friend. In all, agents executed four search warrants in Philadelphia and two in Jacksonville, Fla., officials said. In Center City, agents searched the law office of John Gallagher, a Weldon friend who has done extensive business in Russia and former Soviet Republics. In Media, Pa., agents searched the offices of public relations firm formed by Weldon’s longtime friend Charles P. Sexton Jr., and the congressman’s daughter, Karen. Sexton and Karen Weldon formed Solutions North America, […]