NEWS CLUES: It’s Like Adderall For Your Eyeballs

CLARIFICATION: Adolf Hitler NOT ‘Good,’ Says Will Smith LOS ANGELES — Will Smith is angry over celebrity gossip Web site articles that he said misinterpreted a recent remark he made in a Scottish newspaper about Adolf Hitler. In a story published Saturday in the Daily Record, Smith was quoted saying: “Even Hitler didn’t wake up going, ‘let me do the most evil thing I can do today.’ I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was ‘good.’” The quote was preceded by the writer’s observation: “Remarkably, […]

CINEMA: Royal Tannenbaums

THE DIVING BELL & THE BUTTERFLY (2007, directed by Julian Schnabel, 112 minutes, France/U.S.) WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY (2007, directed by Jake Kasdan, 96 minutes, U.S.) THE SAVAGES (2007, directed by Tamara Jenkins, 113 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK FILM CRITIC Who can forget the Phawker episode a few months back when our editor/provocateur ruffled academic feathers by opining that the journalism majors should study something/anything else and then bring that speciality into their journalistic interests? Outrage and hilarity ensued. Too bad we couldn’t get our fearless editor’s act booked into the country’s film schools because they’re aching […]

RECONSIDER THIS: Blade Runner Turns 25

BY MATTHEW DADDONA It is a curious symptom of our modern digital world — where the DNA of art can be easily transposed, transported or transformed with the click of a mouse, a process that used to take years and a cast of thousands in the analog age — that the basic premise of a landmark film can be altered in the director’s cut DVD version twenty years after the fact. This is literally rewriting, or more accurately re-editing, history. Prior to its initial theatrical release back in 1982, Warner Bros studio execs were so convinced that audiences wouldn’t be […]

CINEMA: Schlock King

THE MIST (2007, directed by Frank Darabont, 127 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK, FILM CRITIC  Still lingering around in area theaters is Frank Darabont’s adaptation of Stephen King’s 1980 novella The Mist, a film intriguing enough that it would be underselling it to say it is merely the best King adaptation in years.  The End Days come to a small town Maine supermarket when an eerie mist descends the hills, obscuring a multi-tentacled beast that has jumped dimensions to terrorize the imprisoned shoppers.  All manner of giant bugs and slimy vagina-like creatures lay waste to the All-American crew cowering among […]

CINEMA: Merchant Irony

ATONEMENT (2007, directed by Joe Wright, 130 minutes, U.K.) BY DAN BUSKIRK, FILM CRITIC What would the holiday season be like without another stuffy European period piece designed for a matinee with your granny? They’d be much the same for those of us who do our best to avoid the never-ending string of Merchant Ivory-style costume weepies made to sate the appetites of the blue-haired denizens of the art houses. Still, like a bad restaurant with a convenient location, I find myself occasionally checking in on the repressed sex and waistcoats genre, usually coming to the conclusion that I shouldn’t […]

HOT DOC: Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon

Dear jonathan, Last weekend, I was proud to travel through Iowa with John Edwards during his “Main Street Express” bus tour as he met with caucus goers and discussed his specific ideas for providing universal health care, ending the war in Iraq, stopping global warming, and taking back our government from the powerful corporations and special interests who run it. Now, I am happy to help him kick off his final push before the caucuses. Today, John’s campaign is launching a great new video you really should check out. It’s a movie trailer, actually — a preview of all that […]

CINEMA: Shank Of The Evening

STARTING OUT IN THE EVENING (2007, directed by Andrew Wagner, 111 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK FILM CRITIC The actor Frank Langella’s name is always afforded the greatest respect by serious watchers of theater, although the genius he has shown on stage has seldom been visible in his film work. Langella made his big screen splash in 1979, recreating his stage role in John Badham’s Dracula (poorly-received it was quickly dubbed “Disco Dracula” by wags because Badham previously directed Saturday Night Fever and from then on, you’d be hard pressed to find an actor of his reputation who has appeared […]

TRAILER: Persepolis

This looks cool, Punky Brewster comes of age in post-Revolution Iran. RELATED: TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iranian police have closed down 24 Internet cafes and other coffee shops in as many hours, detaining 23 people, as part of a broad crackdown on immoral behavior in the Islamic state, official media said on Sunday. The action in Tehran province was the latest move in a campaign against fashion and other practices deemed incompatible with Islamic values, including women flouting strict dress codes and barber shops offering men Western hair styles. “Using immoral computer games, storing obscene photos … and the presence of […]

CINEMA: What Would Jeebus Do?

WHAT WOULD JESUS BUY? (2007, directed by Rob Van Alkemade, 91 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK FILM CRITIC It’s hard to reconcile what has become the modern American version of Christmas and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Look at Luke 12:15, where the man they called Christ warns against covetousness, “for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” I don’t know if real pastors are preaching such anti-materialist messages this holiday season, but performance artist Bill Talen ponders the question of Christ’s capitalist instincts under the guise of “Reverend Billy” in this diverting new documentary produced […]


“Bonnie & Clyde” RELATED: The young Center City Philadelphia couple charged with stealing many identities and tens of thousands of dollars to live a lavish lifestyle (see related story) has been arraigned on additional charges that they burglarized neighbors’ apartments as part of the alleged scheme. Bail for Jocelyn Kirsch was increased to $105,000, and bail for Edward Anderton was raised to $130,000, based on the new charges. Parents of the two defendants were in the courtroom and looking distraught on Thursday morning. Both families were expected to post bail, after which Kirsch was expected to return to her family’s […]