UNPLUGGED: Portlandia‘s Meta-Hipster Burlesque

THE NEW YORKER: “Portlandia” presents a heightened version of the city’s twee urbanity: a company sells artisanal light bulbs, a hotel offers a manual typewriter to every guest, and a big local event is the Allergy Pride Parade. The mayor, played by Kyle MacLachlan, becomes an object of scandal when he’s “outed” as the bass guitarist in a middle-of-the-road reggae band. (The real Portland’s mayor, Sam Adams, who is openly gay, plays MacLachlan’s assistant on the show.) Armisen and Brownstein, wearing anthropologically precise wigs and outfits, portray most of the main characters: bicycle-rights activists, dumpster divers, campaigners against any theoretical […]

THIS JUST IN: Ting Tings To Rock Troc

On April 13th. Tickets go on sale Friday. PREVIOUSLY: The Ting Tings, a stylish duo from the UK, and their sassy, big-bottomed punk-funk hit “Shut Up And Let Me Go”, currently wiggling in throbbing primary color perpetuity on a cable station near you. Even before the iPod ad put them over, The Tings Tings were the new hot thing for people who like ‘new hot things,’ and for good reason: They are a stone cold gas, trading in a kicky-cool, post-everything hybrid of punk, dance, pop and rap combined with an innate sexiness, impeccable style and an irrefutable ‘get down’ […]

WORTH REPEATING: Why Santorum Still Sucks

[Artowrk by DONKEY HOTEY] THINK PROGRESS: Rick Santorum reiterated his belief that states should have the right to outlaw contraception during an interview with ABC News yesterday, saying, “The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have.” Santorum has long opposed the Supreme Court’s 1965 ruling “that invalidated a Connecticut law banning contraception” and has also pledged to completely defund federal funding for contraception if elected president. As he told CaffeinatedThoughts.com […]

Romney Snatches Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

BUZZFEED: Fresh off a narrow victory in the Iowa Caucuses, and touting the endorsement of his former 2008 rival Sen. John McCain, Mitt Romney was looking to build momentum in a town hall event here — but instead he gave one of his worst performances in recent memory. Tired and hoarse, Romney drew a crowd of several hundred in the Central High School gym, which was filled well below capacity. After accepting McCain’s glowing endorsement he started taking questions — and then it got bad. The first came from an Occupy New Hampshire activist who pressed Romney on his remarks […]

Perry Un-Ends Campaign After Bachmann Quits

[Illustrations by ALEX FINE] UPDATE OF THE UPDATE: A determined Rick Perry announced Wednesday he will not abandon his presidential campaign despite a fifth-place finish in the Iowa caucuses. “And the next leg of the marathon is the Palmetto State. … Here we come South Carolina!!!” the Texas governor wrote on his Twitter account. His campaign also confirmed his continued quest for the nomination. Perry, an avid runner, attached a photo of himself jogging near a lake, wearing a Texas A&M running shorts and showing a thumbs-up. The photo of Perry after what appears to have been a cold morning […]

HATFUL OF HOLLOW: DN’s Local Boy Becomes Pope Of Scientology Story A Whole Lot Of Not Much

DAILY NEWS: Jenna Miscavige Hill, herself a former member of the church, says Scientology caused her to become isolated from her family while she was growing up – an unofficial church policy often referred to as “disconnection” – and she no longer speaks with many relatives still in the church. “I feel that there is a good possibility that the Miscavige family would be better off if my grandpa had not found Dianetics,” she told the Daily News in an email yesterday. “I can’t say that if [he] didn’t find that, then he wouldn’t have found something else. But not […]

THE DEVIL AND RICK SANTORUM: Rupert Murdoch Endorses The Google Scat-inator

[Illustrations by ALEX FINE] DAILY MAIL: As Rick Santorum continues his surprise climb up the polls, he has received support from an unexpected quarter – media mogul Rupert Murdoch.The day before the Iowa caucuses, the News Corporation boss wrote on Twitter that ‘all Iowans’ should ‘think about’ supporting Mr Santorum in the Republican race. While Mr Murdoch’s endorsement may not count for quite as much since the phone-hacking scandal engulfed his company, it is still a rare accolade coming from one of the world’s most powerful political figures. Mr Santorum’s campaign may welcome the news as evidence that their candidate […]