AMERIKA: This What A Police State Looks Like

[Portland Oregon 11/17/11] “The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.” — Franklin Delano Roosevelt

How Steve Jobs F*cked Over The American Worker

INQUIRER: The death of Steve Jobs was followed by an avalanche of superlatives – brilliant, genius, and visionary among the more common. He was likened to Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison. But in the case of Edison, there was one significant difference that went unmentioned. For more than a century, just one of Edison’s inventions alone – the incandescent lightbulb – was manufactured at numerous locations in the United States, providing employment for millions of Americans across family generations. The Apple home computer, not at all. After only one generation, all the Apple manufacturing jobs in America […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: Hey! That’s MY Name!

[Illustration by ALEX FINE] EDITOR’S NOTE: I have it on good authority that Terry Gross will be reading a passage from my Philadelphia Weekly cover story on Khyber-Barkeep-Turned-Mumbai-Terror-Attack-Planner David Coleman Headley and crediting me by name, which, as a long time superfan of Fresh Air, and a longtime NPR FOR THE DEAF, ahem, aggregator, this is sort of like Christmas and my birthday and an orgasm-on-heroin all at once. For the record, I have never tried heroin but I am told it feels a lot like having Terry Gross read an excerpt from a PW cover story you wrote to […]

WIZARD OF BLOZ: Pay No Attention To That Zuccotti Park Crackdown That Totally Backfired

ASSOCIATED PRESS: U.S. authorities declined to pursue a case against an “al Qaeda sympathizer” accused of plotting to bomb police stations and post offices in the New York area because they believed he was mentally unstable and incapable of pulling it off, two law enforcement officials said Monday. New York Police Department investigators sought to get the FBI involved at least twice as their undercover investigation of Jose Pimentel unfolded, the officials said. Both times, the FBI concluded that he wasn’t a serious threat, they said. The FBI concluded that Pimentel “didn’t have the predisposition or the ability to do […]

AMERIKA: This Is What A Police State Looks Like

GLENN GREENWALD: The now-viral video of police officers in their Robocop costumes sadistically pepper-spraying peaceful, sitting protesters at UC-Davis (details here) shows a police state in its pure form. It’s easy to be outraged by this incident as though it’s some sort of shocking aberration, but that is exactly what it is not. The Atlantic‘s Garance Franke-Ruta adeptly demonstrates with an assemblage of video how common such excessive police force has been in response to the Occupy protests. Along those lines, there are several points to note about this incident and what it reflects…MORE BOING BOING: Lt. Jon Pike sprayed […]

JAZZER: Q&A With John Hollenbeck

BY ZIVIT SHLANK JAZZ CORRESPONDENT Composer/drummer/bandleader/educator John Hollenbeck is a musician of indefinable mystique. He embodies the spirit of, say, a Dave Brubeck insofar as his ability to revive the jazz idiom with a creative, eclectic yet accessible approach all his own. His ingenuity and versatility, having worked in a myriad of styles and settings, are on prominent display through his most prolific baby to date, The Claudia Quintet, an ensemble that goes above and beyond the confines of the standard jazz quintet sound. Don’t bother trying to pin them down; just listen close and surrender to the beauty. Saturday’s […]


[illustration by NOWHERE MAN11] The long awaited release of the session tapes of Brian Wilson and Beach Boys never-completed masterpiece, SMiLE, is finally here. With the full participation of original Beach Boys Al Jardine, Mike Love, and Brian Wilson, Capitol/EMI has, for the first time, collected and compiled the band’s legendary 1966-’67 sessions for the SMiLE Seesions 5-CD box set. In several sessions between the summer of 1966 and early 1967, The Beach Boys recorded a bounty of songs and drafts for an album with the working title Dumb Angel that was intended as a follow-up to the band’s 1966 […]

EARLY WORD: The (Young And) Dumb Diaries

The just-published Post-It Note Diaries: 20 Stories Of Youthful, Abandon, Embarrassing Mishaps and Everyday Adventure is the book version of a wildly popular Brooklyn-based spoken word series hosted by comic duo Arthur Jones and Starlee Kine, of This American Life and the Hulu series Starlee and Arthur Review fame. Some of the most auspicious, young-ish storytellers of the modern age were invited to share the glorious misadventures that are invariably the stock and trade of the young and/or misbegotten. John Hodgman tells us how he got his patented cobra-headed cane; Chuck Klosterman tells us about the first time he got […]

TONITE: Sex In The (Old) City

For 10 years, Liz Spikol wrote The Trouble With Spikol — a plucky, often-humorous, first-person newspaper column/blog documenting the trials and tribulations of coping with mental illness — for the Philadelphia Weekly. Her writing has garnered numerous awards from the Society for Professional Journalists and the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, as well as the Mental Health America and the Philadelphia Psychiatric Society. She received an Access Achievement Award from the Mayor’s Commission on People With Disabilities for her efforts to de-stigmatize mental illness. She has been featured on National Public Radio and the Discovery Channel, and in the New York Times. […]

SERIOUSLY: ‘This Is What A Police State Looks Like’

RELATED: It must take a mighty, mighty big man to get all armored up, while surrounded by reinforcements, and spray a U.S. citizen with mace for exercising their inalienable rights. Never mind whether said citizen is female or not. The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here. This is what a police state looks like. MORE RELATED: This Is Also What A Police State Looks Like RELATED: So Is This RELATED: Excellent Pictures Of 11/17 Protests RELATED: The right-wing Daily Caller website has been anything but kind to Occupy Wall Street, even going so far as to condemn the protest […]

#OCCUPYWALLSTREET: Ex-Philly Police Captain Getting Arrested Outside NY Stock Exchange

Retired Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis was arrested in New York City during the Occupy Wall Street protest on Thursday. According to the New York Observer, Lewis joined the Occupy movement on Tuesday. Philadelphia Police Department has confirmed Lewis’ arrest, Fox 29 News reported. FOX 29: First news of the arrest was broadcast over Twitter around 9:15 a.m. by the protest group on its @OccupyWallStNYC account, stating, “Philly Police Captain (Retired) has just been ARRESTED! #N17 #ows.” The group then tweeted, “The arrested retired police captain’s name is Captain Ray Lewis. Immense cheers and music as he is taken away. […]