MEET THE NEW BOSS: A Bunch Of Rich White Guys Sell The 76ers To Another Bunch Of Rich White Guys

COMCAST SPORTS NET: A group led by billionaire Joshua Harris, a director at Apollo Global Management LLC, has reached an agreement to buy the Sixers from Comcast-Spectacor. The ownership group also consists of David Blitzer; senior managing director of The Blackstone Group; Jason Levien, a former player agent and Sacramento Kings executive; and Art Wrubel. (meet the new ownership) Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the sale is believed to be for $280 million. Comcast-Spectacor will continue to own the Wells Fargo Center, of which the Sixers will remain tenants. Comcast SportsNet also has the television rights through […]

FINALLY: Obama Finds Spine, Gives Cantor What For

NEW YORK TIMES: After the meeting at the White House, Republicans and Democrats offered differing versions of what by all accounts was a tense session. Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority leader, said he raised the idea of taking what savings could be achieved now — roughly $1.4 trillion — and then having additional votes to raise the debt limit again before the elections in November 2012, with Republicans ultimately seeking a total of at least $2.4 trillion in cuts with no tax increases. At this, Mr. Cantor said, the president “got very agitated, seemingly.” Mr. Cantor quoted […]

DEVIL’S HAIRCUT: Rupert Murdoch Drops Bid For Total Ownership Of BSkyB, Which Would Have Made Him More Powerful Than You Could Possibly Imagine

NATIONAL JOURNAL: At the center of a firestorm over alleged phone-hacking, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation announced Wednesday that it is dropping its bid to buy the share of Britain’s primary satellite TV broadcaster that it does not already own. The dropped bid comes a day after a U.S. Senator encouraged officials to look into whether the scandal affected any Americans. News Corp.’s stock has been hammered by the widening scandal, shaving billions of dollars off of the company’s market capitalization. Shares in the company have plummeted from $18.13 per share right before the first reports of the phone hacking and […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR When the energy giant Enron collapsed 10 years ago, top executives of the company faced criminal prosecution, and many served lengthy prison terms. In the savings and loan scandal of the 1980s, hundreds of bankers went to jail. But the financial meltdown of 2008 hasn’t generated a single prosecution of high-level Wall Street players — even though the Securities and Exchange Commission has brought civil cases against some companies and reached financial settlements. That’s a result of new guidelines issued by the Justice Department in 2008, which have allowed prosecutors to take a “softer approach” to corporate crimes. […]

MUST SEE TV: George C. Scott Is NOT A Fan Of The Aggressively Awful New Adam Sandler Movie

WASHINGTON POST: One cannot say he or she has watched a terrible movie trailer until he or she has witnessed all two minutes and 33 seconds of the recently released trailer for Adam Sandler’s upcoming comedy, “Jack & Jill.” This clip/promotional debacle boasts Adam Sandler in drag, Adam Sandler as the twin brother of himself in drag, Al Pacino hitting on Adam Sandler in drag with help from a hot dog weiner and Katie Holmes attempting not to look embarassed by her involvement in this motion picture. MORE GAWKER: I don’t know that there’s really anything to say about this. […]

EARLY WORD: Hey, Mr. Spaceman

This must-see video for “Symphony in White, No.2,” the b-side of the  Wild Palms single, is a mini-doc of the Philly-based bliss-popsters’ recent performance at the First Unitarian Church. The audio is from the 7″, and the video features projections made specifically for the music by Klip Collective. Sun Airway plays the Pitchfork Music Festival on Saturday and WXPN’s XPoNential Music Festival on July 23rd. Sun Airway’s “Symphony In White, No. 2” from klipcollective on Vimeo.

Guv Stands Behind Appointment For Sec. Of Dept. Of Obnoxiousness, Impressed By The Naked Displays Of Powermad Arrogance Inflicted On Commoners

COMMONWEALTH CONFIDENTIAL: Avila has grabbed headlines recently for his behavior around town. When he first came to Harrisburg from New York, he got into a dispute with a local diner owner over the freshness of the eggs in his egg sandwich. After exchanging words with the diner owner, Avila is alleged to have yelled: “Do you know who I am? I am the Secretary of Health!” He later sicced city health inspectors on the diner. Avila has also raised more than a few eyebrows for ordering spanking-new jackets, as well as a badge, identifying himself as the Health Secretary. He also ordered jackets […]

EARLY WORD: Animal Collective

Love Four Paws, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping homeless animals, is sponsoring an adoption carnival at ACCT, Philadelphia’s Animal Care & Control shelter, this weekend. “Fall in Love Under The Big Top” is going to be a great event to raise awareness about the shelter and save many lives through fantastic adoption specials. Cats over six months old are just $1! Spin the Wheel of Deals for our dogs, and the adoption fee is $40 or less—or perhaps even free! There will also be popcorn, snow cones, music, food for sale, and great raffle items. The event takes place […]

BLINK: McConell Proposes Uncocking The Hammer On The Gun The GOP Is Holding To America’s Head

NEW YORK TIMES: The Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, said Tuesday that a bipartisan budget deal with President Obama was probably out of reach, and he proposed a plan under which the president could increase the federal debt limit without Congressional approval for offsetting spending cuts. Mr. McConnell’s proposal reflected a growing sense of pessimism on Capitol Hill about the prospects that Mr. Obama and Congressional leaders could come to terms on a budget deal before the government’s borrowing authority hits its limit on Aug. 2 Mr. McConnell’s proposal would give Mr. Obama sweeping power to increase the […]

TONIGHT: Return Of ‘The Bold Rock Life Style’

Urge Overkill* plays the North Star Bar tonight with Creem Circus** and The Cocks*** *UO released its first full-length, the Steve Albini-produced Jesus Urge Superstar, in 1989 through Touch and Go Records and steadily began ascending in popularity. By the early 90’s, they were opening for Nirvana and Pearl Jam, and eventually signed to Geffen Records, who released their beloved classic LP, Saturation. The group’s biggest moment in the spotlight came when Quentin Tarantino prominently used their cover of Neil Diamond’s “Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon” in his film Pulp Fiction. The soundtrack soon became one of the most […]

WANGO TANGO: Ted Nugent Eats Tiger Dick

MOTHER JONES: Of course, Nugent’s backdrop is a giant American flag, and it’s a secret to no one that he’s a bit of an oddity in this liberal haven. Soon enough, he’s ragging on California in general—”The Independent? I didn’t know that was legal here”—and telling off-color jokes about San Francisco’s Chinatown District. He introduces “Dog Eat Dog” by suggesting that people eat sweet-and-sour dog, and boasts that he dined on tiger-dick soup earlier in the day—a claim that becomes one of the evening’s running themes. Example: It being the fifth of July, Nugent deems it “Defiance Day”—an extension of […]