FOLLOW THE MONEY: U Can Run But U Can’t Hide This is an amazing tool for all those who like a little accountability with their democratic process. As you no doubt know, campaign law requires politicians to disclose the names of their contributors. However, there is no law that says it has to be easy to see those names, or compare them with who contributed what, etc. to other campaigns. Until now. Added bonus: All your favorite celebrities will be there! Click map to activate Internets.

TONITE: 5 Things You Should Know About Teenagers

  1. Just to be clear: when we say The Teenagers, we are talking about the super-hot French electroclashers, not the age group. Their super Euro-smash single is called “Starlett Johansson,” but it’s not like they are obsessed or anything. “We’re not like really obsessed with her or anything,” says Dorian Dumont of the hirsute Parisian trio, during a phone interview in advance of their appearance tonight at Making Time. “We just like saying her name… Johansson…and we think she’s pretty.” If that is a crime, let them be guilty. 2. The Teenagers are anxiously awaiting the release of Scarlett […]

Top 5 Reasons Why LUPE FIASCO Was Better Than Whatever Hip-Hop Show You Were At Last Night

U GO GO GADGET: Lupe Fiasco, The Fillmore, Last Night 1. Lupe turned the Fillmore into a walk down memory lane, beginning each song with a dream-like “Philly, do you remember that time when…?” No, Lupe, we don’t remember the time that we went grocery shopping with you for food and liquor and were jumping up and down in the aisles… but we’d love for you to refresh our memory.   2. I don’t know about everyone else, but I plan on purchasing a pair of the almost knee-high hi-tops that Mr. Fiasco was sporting as soon as possible. Only […]

CINEMA: A Honey Drippin’ Beehive

HONEYDRIPPER (2007, directed by John Sayles, 123 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK FILM CRITIC After the recent long-winded political rants Silver City and Sunshine State, it’s a relief to see indie film Godfather John Sayles pursue this more conventional story, of Danny Glover’s struggle to keep his Alabama juke joint open in the year of 1950. At its best, blues fable Honeydripper reminds one of his early 90’s hit Passion Fish; both films transcend their conventional stories with perceptive performances and a smattering of Southern regionalism. Yet even with its de-politicized story, Sayles still winds up stepping in his own […]

NEWS CLUES: It’s Like Adderall For Your Eyeballs

NJ Nursing Home Aide Allegedly Beat 89-Year-Old Patient With Dirty Diaper An employee of a South Jersey retirement home was indicted this week on assault charges, accused of beating an 89-year-old Alzheimer’s patient with a dirty diaper, authorities said. Karen A. Long, 57, worked at the Woodbury Mews in Woodbury, a senior living facility that bills itself as “The Community That Treats You Like Family.” In the pre-dawn hours of Dec. 13, another employee at the home spotted Long striking a patient in the head with a soiled adult diaper, authorities said. The man was in the facility’s memory-impaired unit, […]

KILLADELPHIA: 4 Dead In 16 Hours

BY SAM WOOD FOR THE INQUIRER The new Philadelphia police commissioner has his work cut out for him. At least four people were brutally murdered in the 24-hour period that followed Wednesday’s unveiling of Charles H. Ramsey’s new crime-fighting plan. An autopsy scheduled for this morning will determine if a fifth person, found dead early Thursday inside a Kensington rowhouse, was a victim of a drug overdose or a vicious beating, police said. * The bloodshed began Wednesday evening when a Frankford man, Roberton Overton, was gunned down about 8:30 p.m. outside a city Kmart store. Five hours later, a […]

OBILLARY 08: It’s Getting Hot In Herre

[via GALLUP.COM] BLITZER: Would you consider an Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama ticket going down the road? OBAMA: Well, obviously there’s a big difference between those two… (LAUGHTER) […] (APPLAUSE) BLITZER: So, is the answer yes — it sounds like a yes, that she would be on your short list. OBAMA: I — you know, I’m sure Hillary would be on anybody’s short list. So. BLITZER: All right. What about, Senator Clinton, what do you think about a Clinton/Obama, Obama/Clinton ticket? CLINTON: Well, I have to agree with everything Barack just said. [via CNN.COM]

NEWS CLUES: It’s Like Adderall For Your Eyeballs

SUICIDE IS PAINLESS NOW: Army Suicides Up 20% Over Last Year WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) — As many as 121 U.S. soldiers may have committed suicide in 2007, a record number if confirmed, according to Army statistics released on Thursday. The Army reported 89 suicides and 32 suspected cases among active-duty soldiers in 2007. If the 32 cases are confirmed, the 121 suicides would be a nearly 20 percent increase over 2006, when 102 soldiers committed suicide. Army officials said relationship problems were the main cause of suicides among soldiers, but those problems were increasing due to repeated long deployments […]

TONITE: I Love Lupe

[Illustration by ALEX FINE] BY MICHAEL DONOVAN In this post-American Idiot world we live in, it seems just about everyone wants to make a Big Statement concept album. More often than not, however, the much-ballyhooed “concept” is more or less indiscernible (I’m looking at you, Mars Volta). So when I heard that the latest from Lupe Fiasco would be continuing the story of The Cool begun on 2006’s Food and Liquor, I was a bit skeptical — the concept album is a very hard feat to pull off, especially on a sophomore record. As it turns out, The Cool is […]

KILLADELPHIA: Pregger Northeast Woman Killed By Shotgun Blast To The Back, Doctors Save Baby

BY SAM WOOD INQUIRER STAFF WRITER A pregnant woman was shot dead in the city’s Frankford section overnight, police said, but doctors at Temple University Hospital were able to save her child. The expectant young mother was killed by a single shotgun blast to her back shortly after 1 a.m. on the 4600 block of Griscomb Street, police said. The woman, who was 28 weeks pregnant, was found by police at 1:18 a.m. inside a parked car with her legs draped out the door. Her baby girl was expected to survive after an emergency delivery at Temple, police said. The […]

TODAY I SAW: The Ramsey Crimefighting Plan

BY JEFF DEENEY Newly anointed police chief Ramsey released his crime fighting strategy yesterday, a very readable and accessible 22 page document that provides a first look into the mind of the man who will be leading the charge against violent crime as the Nutter administration ramps up. The Nutter administration continues to look promising to me; he’s moved fast to get promised policy documents into the public’s hands and there is a sense I think most of us share that some shit is finally starting to get done around here. Last week some major, desperately needed changes were announced […]

PAPERBOY: ‘Lawyers Guns & Money’ Edition

BY AMY Z. QUINN Like time, news waits for no man. Keeping up with the funny papers has always been an all-day job, even in the pre-Internets era. These days, however, it’s a two-man job. That’s right, these days you need someone to do your reading for you, or risk falling hopelessly behind and, as a result, increasing your chances of dying lonely and somewhat bitter. That’s why every week, PAPERBOY does your alt-weekly reading for you. We pore over those time-consuming cover stories and give you the takeaway, suss out the cover art, warn you off the ink-wasters and […]