STUPID BLOG WARS: The Trouble With Sweeney

Since we find other people’s feuds with Doctor Philebrity to be almost as tiresome and tedious as our own, we got bored and changed the channel about half way through this exhaustive summation of the Clockcleaner vs. Joey Sweeney cage match. But you people on the Internets LOVE this catty shit, so here’s yer bowl of milk. Lap it up. Apparently there is talk of a lawsuit and the whole Internet getting sued or something — it’s like 2006 just threw up all over itself. Wake us up when it’s over.

LIVE REVIEW: Let Us Now Praise Bill Cosby

BY DAVE WALK Bill Cosby is 70-years-old now and its been 45 years since his debut comedy album. And even though he may be known to some for wearing his trademark sweaters on The Cosby Show, the pudding pops or, more recently, for his critical remarks towards African American families, he is, above all things, a stand-up comedian. And he’s still performing live. This past Sunday the 24th, he was at the State Theatre in New Brunswick, New Jersey and he did two shows, three and seven.There’s a scene in 2002’s documentary Comedian, about Jerry Seinfeld’s re-entrance into the world […]

BILLARY: When Bubba Comes To Town

INQUIRER: Former President Bill Clinton is in town today for a speech at the University of Pennsylvania, which he squeezed between some politicking for his wife among diner patrons in the morning and patrons of another sort later on.Clinton dropped by the Penrose Diner in South Philadelphia around 10 a.m. Then he was off to Penn, to present the keynote address at “Kerner Plus 40,” a University of Pennsylvania-hosted symposium on the legacy of the national commission created by President Johnson in 1968 to investigate the state of U.S. race relations, and the causes behind dozens of urban riots during […]

Top 5 Reasons Why St. Vincent Was Hotter Than Whatever Indie-Chick Show U Went 2 Last Night

SAINTS BE PRAISED: St. Vincent, First Unitarian, Last Night [CLICK TO ENLARGE] 1. St. Vincent sounds even better live than on record. Highlights of the evening were the opener, “Now, Now,” and “Marry Me,” the latter leaping to the top of the list of most heart-wrenching songs I’ve ever seen live on stage. 2. St. Vincent was very happy to finally be in Philadelphia for the tail end of her two-week tour, telling the crowd that she had drove through “the mountains, the desert, the ocean, the Siberia, and Seattle” to make it. Personally, I am of the opinion that […]

BLOOD & TREASURE: Nobel Economist Says The Astronomical Cost Of Iraq War Triggered The Recession

THE AUSTRALIAN: THE Iraq war has cost the US 50-60 times more than the Bush administration predicted and was a central cause of the sub-prime banking crisis threatening the world economy, according to Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. The former World Bank vice-president yesterday said the war had, so far, cost the US something like $3 trillion compared with the $50-$60-billion predicted in 2003. Professor Stiglitz told the Chatham House think tank in London that the Bush White House was currently estimating the cost of the war at about $500 billion, but that figure massively understated things such as the medical […]

KID IN THE HALL: Like A $16 Million Parking Ticket

BY NICK POWELL CITY HALL CORRESPONDENT Starting next year parking will cost Philadelphians $16 million more than it did in 2008 if a new parking tax bill before City Council passes. The bill, sponsored by Council President Anna C. Verna and Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco, would call for a 33 percent hike in the current tax rate, which works out to be a whopping 20 percent of the cost of parking your car in a lot. The parking tax as it currently stands requires drivers to shoulder 15% of the tax on every parking transaction. Newly appointed Revenue Commissioner Keith […]

NYT: Panama Birth Canal Could Disqualify McCain

NEW YORK TIMES: The question has nagged at the parents of Americans born outside the continental United States for generations: Dare their children aspire to grow up and become president? In the case of Senator John McCain of Arizona, the issue is becoming more than a matter of parental daydreaming. Mr. McCain’s likely nomination as the Republican candidate for president and the happenstance of his birth in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 are reviving a musty debate that has surfaced periodically since the founders first set quill to parchment and declared that only a “natural-born citizen” can hold the […]

Deregulation Without Representation Is Tyranny, YO

REMOTE CONTROL: How big are the stakes in the so-called network neutrality debate now raging before Congress and federal regulators? Consider this: One side in the debate actually went to the trouble of hiring people off the street to pack a Federal Communications Commission meeting yesterday — and effectively keep some of its opponents out of the room. Broadband giant Comcast — the subject of the F.C.C. hearing on network neutrality at the Harvard Law School, in Cambridge, Massachusetts — acknowledged that it did exactly that. Comcast spokeswoman Jennifer Khoury said that the company paid some people to arrive early […]

QUESTION THE PARKING AUTHORITY: Inky Finds PPA Worker Comp Claims Are Astonishingly High

INQUIRER: Battling fires and fighting crime is risky work, to be sure, but those jobs have nothing on writing parking tickets. Or so it would seem, if workers’ compensation claims are any indication. Over the last four years, employees at the Philadelphia Parking Authority have reported being hurt on the job more than twice as often as city firefighters or police officers. As a result, the Parking Authority spends far more on settling workplace-injury claims: $1,558 per employee, compared with the firefighters’ average of $1,084 and the Police Department figure of $833, according to an Inquirer analysis of city and […]

NPR 4 THE DEF: Giving Public Radio Edge Since 2006

FRESH AIR Director Brett Morgen joins Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross to discuss his new film, Chicago 10. Morgen uses archival footage and animation techniques to tell the story of the anti-war activists known as “the Chicago 8” — a misnomer, he says, and one he corrects in his film title. Outside the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, protesters rallied to show disapproval of the Vietnam War. They hadn’t been granted demonstration permits, however, and for a week, they were involved in violent conflict with Chicago police. Less than a year later, eight of the protest leaders — the so-called Chicago […]