LIVE AND DIRECT: From The Finish Line

MAD, HOT BALLROOM: Hillary Clinton Party, Grand Ballroom of the Bellevue, moments ago. [Photos by AMY Z. QUINN] BITTER PILL: Obama Victory Party, The Waterworks Lounge By The Schuylkill, 9:15 [Photo by TIFFANY YOON] BY NICK POWELL Is that all there is to a fire? I was still in line at the buffet when when Keith Olbermann broke the news that Senator Clinton had taken Pennsylvania. I couldn’t really hear what he was saying but the chorus of boos and wails of despair said it all. The night began with an air of excitement as a hundred or so supporters, […]

LIVE & DIRECT: From The Frontlines Of Democracy

BY NICK POWELL POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT Today Philadelphians and Pennsyltuckians all across the fruited plain of the Keystone State help decide the future of our battered republic, as voters flock to their polling locations. From the hardscrabble row homes of North, South and West Philadelphia to the glass and chrome towers of Center City, Hillary and Obama signs dominated the city’s landscape, as the excitement level for both candidates reaches fever pitch after five relentless weeks of carpet-bomb campaigning. In North Philadelphia, Obama fever seemed to mobilize the very young and the very old in exponentially larger numbers than in past […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

RADIO TIMES w/ MARTY MOSS-COANE Hour One (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) CHRIS HEDGES joins Marty to talk about his new book I Don’t Believe in Atheists. Hedges is a former foreign correspondent for The New York Times and a Senior Fellow at the Nation Institute. Listen to this show via Real Audio WIKIPEDIA: Christopher L. Hedges (born 18 September 1956 in St. Johnsbury, Vermont) is a journalist and author, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and society. Hedges is currently a senior fellow at The Nation Institute in New York City and a Lecturer in the Council of the Humanities and the […]


[Photos by JUSTIN ROMAN] BY JEFF DEENEY On Lippincott Street, just east of Kensington Avenue, the entire west-facing wall of one row home is dedicated to Andrew Strimel, a 19-year-old murdered almost a year ago today during what was an outrageous weekend of violence that left 10 dead citywide. His street name, “Ice,” rises balloon-like, as if the fat, graffiti-style writing is filled with helium, afloat above a tiny grass lot between houses. The same name is written everywhere on the surrounding blocks, as if his friends got carried away by their grief, tagging “RIP Andrew” on house facades and […]

NEWS CLUES: Like A Volunteer Army Of The Night

Carter Negotiates Peace In The Middle East, White House Calls Him An Asshole JERUSALEM — Jimmy Carter said here on Monday that in talks in Damascus, Syria, over the last several days, he obtained a significant concession from the militant group Hamas regarding Israeli-Palestinian peace and found Syrian leaders eager for a full peace treaty with Israel. Mr. Carter said he extracted a promise from Hamas to respect the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip negotiated by Hamas’s rivals in the Palestinian Authority if it were ratified by a referendum of the Palestinian people.Furthermore, […]


…To Lead Us Out Of The Matrix Of Our Own Bullshit ENDORSEMENT: Phawker, DN Endorse Anne Dicker THE DAILY NEWS: THE 30-YEAR reign of state Sen. Vincent Fumo has both blessed and cursed the First Senatorial District. His 139-count indictment has badly stained the bags of money that he brought home to his district and to the city. And as the architect of the seriously flawed gaming act, he unleashed an unending and unresolvable battle between casino operators and communities, and between the city and the state. Three contenders for his seat are running in next week’s primary. Who is […]

REPORT: 126 Soldiers Commit Suicide Every Week

[“Kiddie Guernica” by RON ENGLISH] OP-ED NEWS: In a stunning admission, top officials at the Veterans Health Administration confirmed that the agency’s own statistics show that an average of 126 veterans per week — 6,552 veterans per year — commit suicide, according to an internal email distributed to several VA officials. Brig. Gen. Michael J. Kussman, the undersecretary for health at the VA, sent the email, dated Dec. 15, 2007. Kussman had inquired about the accuracy of a news report published that month claiming the suicide rate among veterans was 18 per day. “McClatchy [Newspapers] alleges that 18 veterans kill […]

I, POLLSTER: Phawker’s Hilariously Un-Scientific Pennsyltucky Primary Keystoned Cell Phone Poll

BY JONATHAN VALANIA A long time ago, in a Clinton campaign far, far away, James Carville famously declared that Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh and Philadelphia and Alabama in between. Aw, yeah: Pennsyltucky. We know thee well. It’s sort of like watching the Dukes Of Hazzard after smoking too much kielbasa. Like sweat socks with a Sunday suit. Like the Deer Hunter costumed by Wal-Mart. It’s the long dark Chicken Dance of the national soul. Lord help us all. Anyway, with the national press are already converging on the Keystone state to get some local color on their laptops, we feel an […]

WORTH REPEATING: The Audacity Of Hopelessness

[Photo by TIFFANY YOON] By Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA — Hal Sawyer figures he knows just what is needed to deliver his precinct for Barack Obama in the gritty world of Philadelphia politics. He has rigged up his Dodge Caravan with a loudspeaker so he can drive through his neighborhood in northwest Philadelphia urging people to come out to Obama events. He has reams of contacts as a local committeeman, part of the city’s entrenched Democratic Party machine.So when Sawyer walked into an Obama campaign office and asked for a yard sign, the response took him […]