PETTY OFFICER: The Dimming Of John McCain’s Halo

PHAWKER: Why not just call him ‘boy’?

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Obama spokesman Bill Burton sent a one-line message to reporters after McCain made the comment that said, “Did John McCain just refer to Obama as ‘that one’?” And again at the conclusion of the debate, the Obama campaign emailed reporters, “Did John McCain refer to Obama as ‘that one’?” Obama campaign manager David Plouffe also referenced the remark in his post-debate statement. “John McCain was all over the map mccaingry2.jpgon the issues, and he is so angry about the state of his campaign that he referred to Barack Obama as ‘that one’ – last time he couldn’t look at Senator Obama, this time he couldn’t say his name,” Plouffe said, referencing the first presidential debate at the University of Mississippi. MORE

THE ATLANTIC:  Difficult to discuss. Unwise (and unnecessary) for Obama or his campaign ever to mention themselves. But creates an impression that may be impossible to erase…McCain half-pointing at Obama and calling him, in the third person, that one. The sense of seeing in real time a gesture that will be regretted for a long time….MORE

HUFFPO:This goes beyond refusing to look at Obama in the first debate. With this slightly dehumanizing phrase, McCain may have just played into the emerging narrative of Obama-hate that has been sprouting at McCain-Palin rallies. Darren Davis, a professor at Notre Dame who specializes in the role of race in politics, sent a comment to the Huffington Post about McCain’s “that one” remark. “It speaks volumes about how McCain feels personally about Obama. Whomever said the town hall format helps McCain is dead wrong,” Davis wrote. MORE

SORE LOSER: The Un-Handshake

PHAWKER: Beneath the dignity of the office McCain aspires to.

“Finally, a word to Senator Obama and his supporters. We’ll go at it over the next two months. That’s the nature of these contests, and there are big differences between us. But you have my respect and admiration. Despite our differences, much more unites us than divides us. We are fellow Americans, an association that means more to me than any other. We’re dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal and endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. No country ever had a greater cause than that. And I wouldn’t be an American worthy of the name if I didn’t honor Senator Obama and his supporters for their achievement. ” — John McCain, Acceptance Speech, 2008 Republican National Convention

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