NOW HIRING: High-Profile Local Defense Attorney Needs High-Profile Local Defense Attorney

A well-known Philadelphia lawyer has been arrested and charged with numerous offenses. Police say he was discovered naked, in a private lounge area of the Criminal Justice Center, with a 14-year-old girl. Defense attorney Larry Charles has been charged with sexual assault, corrupting the morals of a minor, and several other crimes. Police say Charles and the girl went into the CJC on Monday. Courts were not in session because of the Martin Luther King holiday, but Charles said the girl wanted to post bail for someone. After the pair was not seen for a while, and CJC guards could […]

2nd City Hall Break-In, Intruders Rifle Thru Supreme Court Files, Leave Behind Inspirational Messages, Smiley Faces, “i”s Dotted With Little Hearts, Etc.

For the second time in less than a week, an apparent break-in has been discovered at Philadelphia City Hall. On Sunday, the glass pane of an office door leading to the fourth-floor office of the City Council president was found smashed (see related story). Then, on Tuesday morning, workers found that an exterior window in the offices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in City Hall had been smashed and the offices left in disarray. There is scaffolding outside the south side of City Hall reaching up to the fourth floor, and officials think someone got access to that scaffolding by […]


The day after 9/11 we went to the Khyber where an acquaintance assured us over beers that it was an ‘inside job.’ We told him that we were no stranger to conspiracy theories — that the official explanations of assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK are riddled with black holes of impossibility and trapdoors of doubt that lead to the sub-basements of the Dark Side of the American psyche — but to say that our own government had a hand in the wholesale slaughter of thousands of its own citizens is cheap insult to the dead. Now, we’re not so […]

GUNCRAZY: Suicide By Cop Done ‘By The Book,’ Say Experts

Police say officers twice tried to tame the man in Center City with shots from a Taser electronic stun gun before he lunged at them with the knife, yelling, “Kill me! Kill me!” The five officers shot him down in a fusillade. He was the second man killed by police gunfire this year. Police yesterday disclosed few new details about the 2 a.m. confrontation, which was captured by surveillance cameras outside the Robert N.C. Nix Federal Building on Market Street near Ninth. The assailant, said to be in his 30s, has not been identified. Experts say police, in their account […]

EMERGENCY: When 911 Is A Joke That Writes Itself

A 68-year-old man fell from an ambulance onto the busy Interstate 295 in Mount Laurel early yesterday morning while he was being transported to a hospital. Lawrence Byrne, whose address was not known, was in critical condition at Cooper University Hospital in Camden after the incident, which happened around 6:30 a.m., said State Police Sgt. Jeanne Hengemuhle. It was not immediately clear why Byrne was being transported by ambulance, Hengemuhle said. The incident occurred in the northbound lane at milepost 36.2. An investigation was continuing. DAILY NEWS: Where’s Flava Flav When You REALLY Need Him?

Why Are The War Pigs STILL Making Mad Bacon?

Noticing our nation is stuck in an unwinnable war (or two), we wondered if America hasn’t stumbled off the meritocratic path. More specifically, since political pundits like David Brooks play such a central role in our national decision-making process, maybe something is amiss in the world of punditry. Are the incentives well-aligned? Surely those who warned us not to invade Iraq have been recognized and rewarded, and those who pushed for this disaster face tattered credibility and waning career prospects. Could it be any other way in America? So we selected the four pundits who were in our judgment the […]

SPY VS. SPY: Nixon CREEPs Say The Darndest Things!

January 14, 2007 — E. HOWARD Hunt – the shadowy former CIA man who organized the Watergate break-in and was once eyed in the assassination of President Kennedy – bizarrely says that Lyndon Johnson could be seen as a prime suspect in the rubout. […] On Watergate, Hunt says he saved G. Gordon Liddy from gagging on urine-tainted booze as they got ready to break into Democratic National Committee headquarters, telling him, “I know you like your scotch, but don’t order it . . . Last night when we were hiding in the closet, I had to take a leak […]

The Rev. Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. 1929-1968

“I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the Promised Land. And I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I do not fear any man. Mine eyes have […]

ROCKSNOB: Beware Of Aging Rock Critics With Candy

BY ED KING There’s no need to lecture me on the deceptively breezy charms of the music of this month’s wondergirl, sassy British upstart Lily Allen. As any gimmick-hungry yob who’s ever hoped to dig gold from rock ‘n roll will tell you, writing and selling a catchy little pop song is a bitch. I’d been hearing so much about this Lily Allen, seemingly out of the blue, for the last month that I feared I’d fallen a few more steps out of touch with Today’s Happening People. It wasn’t as bad as I’d feared: last week I learned from […]

Stephen A. Smith Please Phone Home…Pretty Please?

Friday night was the last episode of “Quite Frankly,” the weeknight ESPN2 show hosted by Inqwaster‘s Stephen A. Smith. The station canceled the show, and on his ESPN Radio show Friday, Smith said he accepts blame for the ratings being lackluster. According to the sports network, Smith will continue to play a large role for ESPN/ESPN2. “The other things he does for us are going to increase,” an ESPN spokesman said Friday night. He added that Smith will be seen on air “as much or more than ever.” However, Smith’s comments to on Friday, suggest he is leaving the […]