Obama Still Drinking The Drug War Kool-Aid, DOJ To Crack Down On Medical Marijuana

HUFFINGTON POST:  The Associated Press reports that federal officials are beginning a California-style crackdown on medical marijuana businesses in Colorado. As CBS4 originally reported in December when rumors of crackdown were beginning to take shape, the crackdown will be focused on medical marijuana businesses that are within 1,000 feet of schools. They must shut down within 45 days or face federal penalties. Letters were sent out to 23 medical marijuana businesses in Colorado on Thursday, according to The Denver Post. This is the most aggressive law-enforcement action that the federal government has pursued in the state. […] This comes after […]

DISCLAIMER: 5 Myths About The Arab Spring

WASHINGTON POST: When the Arab Spring began a year ago, the Western world was shocked. On the surface, it had seemed that liberty had bypassed the Arabs; they had seemed resigned to tyranny. But once unleashed, the upheaval knew no restraint, and there were mayhem and promise in the streets of the Arab world. Since then, the rebellions have spawned a steady stream of punditry and conventional wisdom about the Arab Spring — some of it vastly mistaken. Let’s explore what really fueled the uprisings. 1. Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech helped inspire the Arab Spring. Nothing could be further from […]

Santorums Were ‘Pillars Of The Communist Party’?

[Artowrk by CATGIRLKARI] DAILY BEAST: The elder Santorum matriarch doesn’t understand why he has diverged so far from the family’s longtime political stance. “In Riva del Garda his grandfather Pietro and uncles were ‘red communists’ to the core,” writes Oggi journalist Giuseppe Fumagalli, likening the family to “Peppone” after a famous fictional Italian communist mayor who fought against an ultraconservative priest known as Don Cammillo and about which a popular television series is based. “But on the other side of the ocean, it’s like his family here doesn’t exist. Instead he draws crowds as the head of the ultraconservative faction […]


This is jazz musician Maurice Rocco. Born in Oxford, Ohio, Maurice Rockhold (1915-1976) later became known as a jazz musician who played the piano while standing up. He performed briefly with Duke Ellington. His career included musical performances in several movies during the 30s and 40s and he later toured in Europe and? Asia. He was murdered in Bangkok, Thailand while he was living there and performing at nightclubs. He was buried in Oxford’s Woodside Cemetery.

JAZZER: Lucky Old Souls

BY ZIVIT SHLANK With 2012 fully under way, the Lucky Old Souls concert series is back in action. To kick off the first concert of the year tomorrow night at Moonstone Arts Center (aka Robbins Books), LOS founder Matthew Feldman will be presenting two Philadelphia acts: The After Hours Trio + One and the Craig Ebner Quartet feat. John Swana. The former is a Philadelphia-based group headed up by singer Najwa Parkins, a recent graduate of Temple University’s Boyer College of Music and Dance, Najwa (whose name is Arabic for “secret conversation”) studied under the tutelage of vocalist Joanna Pascale […]

Q&A: With Online Privacy Expert Lori Andrews

The take away from I Know Who You Are And Saw What You Did is this: As an Internet user your rights are exactly none. Actually, that’s not true, you do have the right not to use it. But assuming you have waived that right, know that you are being watched, probed and profiled, your footprints are being tracked from your front door to the furthest reaches of the digital ether and back. They know who you are and what you did. Somewhere there is a file being kept on you. They know a thousand things about you. Preferences, locations, […]

You Know It’s Time To Go Home When You Literally Start Pissing On The People You’ve Just Killed

WARNING: Graphic Content RATING: NSFPWRLTWIAAHINE (Not Safe For People Who Really Like The War In Afghanistan And Hope It Never Ends) REUTERS: The Marine Corps said on Wednesday it would investigate a video showing what appear to be American forces in Afghanistan urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters. The video could aggravate anti-American sentiment in Afghanistan after a decade of a war that has seen other cases of abuse. The Marine video release comes at a sensitive moment, with Washington trying to promote Afghan reconciliation as U.S. troops gradually withdraw from the country. The video, which was posted […]

Tina Fey & ?uestlove Settle Feud With A Two-Way Race To The Middle Of ‘The Hoagie Of Forgiveness’

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You can take the girl out of Philly, but you definitely can’t take the Philly out of the girl. (Especially when said girl is Liz Lemon and an acceptable meal in said city is Pat’s cheese steaks and Tastykakes.) Tina Fey was ready to let her inner Philly girl out when she learned that fellow native ?uestlove told Andy Cohen during a visit to Watch What Happens Live that the 30 Rock star is “never nice to the Roots.” MORE

HOT DOC: The Last Picture Show?

Dear Friends, In early December we received a perplexing Christmas present from Moore College of Art & Design — a three-sentence email from their recently appointed Dean of Students Ruth Robbins, a person we had had no prior communication from (and indeed, had never even heard of). It said: “I am writing to notify you that your contract for Secret Cinema at Moore College of Art & Design is up for renewal as of December 13, 2011. We have decided not to renew the contract going forward. I wish you the best of luck with Secret Cinema.” Just like that. […]

What Part Of ‘Suck It’-gate Don’t You Understand?

BLINQ: From my couch Sunday night, I sent this email to my friend and colleague Matt Katz, he of the Christie Chronicles: you see this stuff about christie in exeter? was he saying what dave & i think he was saying??? (“dave” refers to husband, a former New Jersey political reporter-turned-author who also had his mind in the gutter, apparently.) Katz witnessed the exchange and was puzzled. Didn’t even think of that, he wrote back, adding that the remark sounded like one of Christie’s signature verbal smackdowns. MORE CHRISTIE CHRONICLES: I just heard “going down” as a reference to a […]

If You Are Going To Be A Media Monopoly/Major Cog In The Military Industrial Complex You Should At Least Have A Sense Of Humor About Yourself

NATURAL NEWS: The 1998 Robert Smigel animated short film “Conspiracy Theory Rock”, part of a March 1998 “TV Funhouse” segment, has been removed from all subsequent airings of the Saturday Night Live episode where it originally appeared. Michaels’ claimed the edit was done because it “wasn’t funny”. The film is a scathing critique of corporate media ownership, including NBC’s ownership by General Electric/Westinghouse. MORE

ARTSY: A Picture Worth Thousands Of Words

[“Mattress Flip” by ZOE STRAUSS] PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY: On the day that Boo was shot, a group of older male family members went to Dorney Park in Allentown. Boo [pictured above, right] stayed behind. Richards remembers that morning and her son’s last words to her. “My mom was cooking for Father’s Day. He came in and said, ‘Mom, I’m getting ready to be a dad.’” “I said, ‘You better leave something behind!’” Boo loved kids. He babysat family members often. His cousin Robyn, 25, was pregnant at the time. “He wanted to be the godfather,” says Robyn. “Every time he’d see […]