HOT DOC: Dan Gross Goes After Osberg With Hammer And Tongs Over Inky/DN Lay-Offs

Today Philadelphia Media Network notified the Newspaper Guild that it was laying off 19 employees on March 31st. This comes on the heels of the announcement that 21 employees took the buyout, some more voluntarily than others. Guild President Dan Gross did not mince words in his letter to the rank and file vowing to not go down without a fight.   For the Inquirer, Daily News and to remain a viable operation in the 24/7 digital media landscape we believe that more employees, not less are required.  Unfortunately CEO Greg Osberg, in efforts to make the books look […]

MONEY TALKS: Poking The Goldman Sachs Vampire Squid In The Eye With The Sharp Stick Of Truth

THE ATLANTIC: Calling the environment he works in “toxic and destructive,” an executive director of Goldman Sachs announced he’s quitting the firm today because he can no longer stomach what his beloved company has become. And just to make sure he drives the point home to his bosses, his resignation letter is now on the Opinion Page of Wednesday’s edition of The New York Times. Greg Smith, whose former job description is listed as “executive director and head of the firm’s United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa,” summed up his feelings rather succinctly in the opening paragraphs: To […]

What Part Of ‘Quagmire’ Don’t We Understand?

NEW YORK TIMES: KABUL, Afghanistan — The mullah was astounded and a little angered to be asked why the accidental burning of Korans last month could provoke violence nationwide, while an intentional mass murder that included nine children last Sunday did not. “How can you compare the dishonoring of the Holy Koran with the martyrdom of innocent civilians?” said an incredulous Mullah Khaliq Dad, a member of the council of religious leaders who investigated the Koran burnings. “The whole goal of our life is religion.” That many Americans are just as surprised that what appears to be the massacre of […]

GEORGE CLOONEY: Who Will Stop The Rain?

DAILY BEAST: The 50-year-old movie star, who for the past decade has taken up the suffering of the Sudanese people as his personal cause, reported that the situation is as bad and bloody as ever during a panel discussion Tuesday night at the Council on Foreign Relations. “There’s a difference between two armies fighting and what the Geneva Convention calls war crimes—the indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians,” Clooney told a packed house at the council’s Manhattan headquarters. “It’s all the same people who were involved in Darfur,” Clooney went on, mentioning President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, Defense Minister Abdelrahim Mohamed Hussein, […]

EL HUMORISTA LOCO: Q&A With Will Ferrell

PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY: You’ve often said you’re a comic who doesn’t have a dark side. But Adam McKay has said you secretly do. Does that manifest itself in how you seem to like to mess with people? WILL FERRELL: I don’t have a dark side in the sense that I’m pained or I put my fist in a mirror or something like that. But I have a devious side, for sure. I’ve always loved watching Andy Kaufman. I love it when you can do something that makes 75 percent of the audience laugh and 25 percent, it drives them crazy. That’s […]

COLD, HARD FACT: Every Time Rick Santorum Wins A Primary Obama Gets A Little Stronger

[Artwork via FREAKING NEWS] NEW YORK TIMES: Rick Santorum captured twin victories in the Alabama and Mississippi primaries on Tuesday, overcoming the financial advantages of Mitt Romney and the Southern allegiances to Newt Gingrich on a night that amplified his argument that the Republican nominating fight is becoming a two-man race with Mr. Romney. The triumphs by Mr. Santorum elevated and strengthened his candidacy as the Republican campaign rolls ahead into a state-by-state battle for delegates. An aggressive push by Mr. Romney to try and capitalize on the divided conservative electorate failed to take hold, and he finished third in […]

FORECAST: Global Warm-y

ASSOCIATED PRESS: “It’s almost like we skipped winter and now we’re going to skip spring too,” said Gino Izzi, a senior meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Chicago office. Forecasters are predicting temperatures will likely remain unusually high through March. Izzi said the weather pattern is a random but normal fluctuation. A jet stream moving north to south on the West Coast is pushing an opposite, seesaw effect in the rest of the nation. Atmospheric patterns, including the Pacific phenomenon known as La Nina, have kept cold air bottled up over Canada and contributed to the warmer winter in snow-accustomed […]

Dear Daily News, There Are A Million Front Page Stories In The Naked City But This Isn’t One Of Them

Message to the Daily News: There are bajillions of buck naked babes on the Internet, and the people who like that sort of thing don’t go to big city tabloids to find them. Simply put, that’s not why people read newspapers. Most people who still read newspapers are old fashioned enough to think they should be full of, like, news. Please go find some. We will give you points for the ‘Yogi Bare’ pun, though.

EARLY WORD: Foreclosing On Bank Of America

OCCUPY WALL STREET: A crew of occupiers makes a home of a Bank of America lobby with a couch, a coffee table, a rug and a potted plant. “Bank of America took our homes so we though we’d move in here!” Join them March 15 as America turns the tables on the nation’s largest bank! MORE MATT TAIBBI: There are two things every American needs to know about Bank of America. The first is that it’s corrupt. This bank has systematically defrauded almost everyone with whom it has a significant business relationship, cheating investors, insurers, homeowners, shareholders, depositors, and the […]

PAIN IN THE ASS: Preparation H Among The 140 Advertisers That Have Fled Rush Limbaugh’s Show

[Artwork by MIKE HAMMEMEISTER] THINK PROGRESS: ThinkProgress has obtained an internal memo from Premiere Radio Networks listing 96 national companies that have “specifically asked” their advertisments not be played during the Rush Limbaugh Show. Premiere is the distributor of Limbaugh’s program. The advertisers have also requested to be excluded from other right-wing hosts including Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. According to the memo, the listed companies’ advertisements should be excluded from these programs because they have been “deemed to be offensive.” Previously, ThinkProgress has reported that 50 companies requested their advertising be pulled from the Rush Limbaugh show […]