NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane Wednesday, November 22nd Hour 1 Aside from Thomas Eakins’ painting “The Gross Clinic” at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, what other important works are in hospitals, schools, and non-museum institutions in Philadelphia? We talk with MICHAEL LEJA, Professor of American Art at the University of Pennsylvania and PENNY BALKIN BACH, Executive Director of the Fairmount Park Art Association. Hour 2 Being on your best behavior during the holidays. We talk manners with Johns Hopkins professor PM FORNI, author of “Choosing Civility: The 25 Rules of Considerate Conduct.” Then, New York Times ethicist RANDY COHEN helps us […]

IMMODEST PROPOSAL: Get Your Wallet Out, Bitches!

Leaders in the city’s art, business and political communities are scrambling to raise $68 million in six weeks so a treasured Thomas Eakins masterwork will not be removed from its only home. Officials acknowledge that matching the record-setting sum for the lifelong Philadelphian’s 1875 painting, “The Gross Clinic,” will be a challenge. However, they said they have to believe that they can prevent the departure of an irreplaceable part of the city’s cultural history. Let’s get out the old abacus and figure out how much each of us has to pony up to keep “The Gross Clinic” within the gates […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

Fresh Air from WHYY to Tuesday’s show — Nov. 14, 2006 Books: Author Sees No Evidence Prayer Can Heal In his new book, Blind Faith: The Unholy Alliance of Religion and Medicine, Richard Sloan examines the claim that prayer and religion can heal the sick. Using the scientific method, he shows that there is no compelling evidence that religion can actually cure medical ailments. Interviews: Stemming Violence in Iraq Michael Gordon, chief military correspondent for The New York Times, was recently in Iraq. He discusses efforts to stem the violence in Baghdad, and the prospects for change in American policy. […]

There Ain’t No Starving Artists In The Afterlife: JEFF SELLS EAKINS PAINTING TO WAL-MART FOR $68 MILLION CLAMS; Natives Grow Restless And Unimpressed, Say Deal Shoulda Been Done With Legal Tender, Not Shellfish

At least twice in the 1970s and 1980s, deep-pocketed buyers came knocking on the doors of Thomas Jefferson University seeking to purchase Thomas Eakins’ The Gross Clinic. On both occasions, administrators consulted the alumni organization – which gave the world-renowned painting to the medical school in 1878 – about what to do. And in both cases, the alumni said no to millions of dollars, according to several members of the university community. Absolutely not. No sale. The painting, a monumental portrayal of renowned Jefferson surgeon Samuel D. Gross demonstrating a bloody leg operation, is considered inextricably bound to the university […]

EARLY WORD: A Festival Grows In Old City

Festival-goers will begin their Old City experience at the newly renovated F.U.E.L. Collection, formerly The Real World House, located at the corner of 3rd and Arch Streets, where businesses will provide a sneak peak of their services. There, they’ll pick up a map which will have a schedule of events going on throughout the neighborhood. There will also be performances by the School of Rock, information about Old City businesses, and free gift bags for Festival goers. About Cities and Towns: Old City Fall Festival Details Old City District: More

Party People Alert: Emergency Kegger At Vox Populi

From: Subject: [R5] VOX POPULI BENEFIT THIS SUNDAY w/ BANDS AND BEER ! Date: October 20, 2006 3:10:22 PM EDT To: Hello – Just a quick note about a benefit worth attending this weekend…For those who are not in the know – Vox Populi is an local galley/collective who are being forced out of their building due to Philadelphia Convention Center expansion. This displacement and move is going to cost Vox several tens of thousands dollars. Here’s the PW story with all the gory details.