EARLY WORD: Beam Me Up, Ziggy

  The Roddenberries are “Philadelphia’s Foremost Star Trek Tribute Band. Need we say more? I mean, dude in the sunglasses has a ripped tunic like he just rumbled with the Gorn. It’s that kind of a painstaking attention to detail is what makes them the ‘Foremost’ and not just some run of the mill local Star Trek tribute band.  Also, Candy Volcano will perform Ziggy Stardust from beginning to end and it goes without saying that she’s a total blam blam. RELATED: Feel the love as the magnificent Candy Volcano showers you with a sensational eruption of glitter flavored goodness. […]

THIS STINKS ON ICE: PA Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery No Longer Passes The Smell Test

  INQUIRER: Over the last decade, the wife of Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Seamus P. McCaffery – his chief judicial aide – has received 18 payments as referral fees for connecting law firms with clients. In the most recent payment, McCaffery’s wife, lawyer Lise Rapaport, received $821,000 – her fee from a settlement in a multimillion-dollar medical malpractice case. Court records and McCaffery’s state-mandated public financial-disclosure forms list the 18 instances in which his wife received a referral fee. A lawyer for the couple, and attorneys with the firms, say the fees were routine and proper. But the high court’s […]

BEING THERE: The Eels @ World Cafe Live

Photo by PETE TROSHAK The Eels have a history of odd opening acts. That streak continued on Saturday night, with opener Puddles Pity Party. Puddles [pictured, above]  is a six foot five clown clad in a white outfit who arrived on the World Café Live stage after shambling through the crowd with a lantern and suitcase in hand. He stood at the mic silently and stared into space for what felt like a nine months before opening his mouth. When he did finally sing he stunned the crowd with a short set of heartbreak ballads served up lounge style with […]

REMINDER: The Top 1% Own 40% Of The Nation’s Combined Wealth, While The Bottom 80% Shares 7%

  You are being fucked in ways that, until recently, were still illegal in Georgia and Texas and you don’t even know it. So by all means, keep laughing at Honey Boo-Boo and the Kardashians and hating on Anne Hathaway. It’s just what they want. RELATED: Five Myths About Sequestration Republicans Pray You Are Too Stupid Or Busy To Question RELATED: One of the most persistent myths amongst Republicans and conservatives is the notion that lower income tax rates, especially on the wealthy, are the key to restoring the economy. This morning on Meet the Press, when House Speaker John […]

Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers’ “Roadrunner” Is So Obviously The State Rock Song Of Massachussetts

  BOSTON GLOBE: “Roadrunner” should be the Bay State’s official rock song. The influential early-’70s proto-punk anthem, written by Natick native Jonathan Richman, centers around a nighttime drive past Stop & Shop, name-checks a range of state roads and towns, and repeats the refrain, “I’m in love with Massachusetts.” “It is an unabashed valentine,” says Dorchester-based publicist and rock band manager Joyce Linehan, who proposed a bill to give “Roadrunner” official state honors, and found a lead sponsor in Democratic state Representative Marty Walsh. The movement quickly took off — earning a mention in Rolling Stone, and becoming a bipartisan […]

BEING THERE: Man Man @ Union Transfer

Photo by MEREDITH KLEIBER A way sold out Union Transfer got its collective weird-beard on last night when local yokels Man Man planted their freak flag with an onslaught of rock-and-roll absurdity that spanned all four of their extant albums. It didn’t take long for the local cult favorite to raise the collective heart rate of the audience. By their third song, “Mr. Jug Stuffed,” they had the floor dancing, the balconies stomping, and the crowd surfers doing a great job of pissing off security. Momentarily slowing down the audience’s collective pulse, Honus Honus donned his signature alien mask as […]

WORTH REPEATING: ‘Respectable Murder’

  “Political language. . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” — GEORGE ORWELL NEW YORK TIMES: “I believed if the public — in particular the American public — had access to the information” in the reports, “this could spark a debate about foreign policy in relation to Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said. Private Manning said he first called The Washington Post and spoke to an unidentified reporter for about five minutes. He decided that the reporter did not seem particularly interested because she said The […]

DRUG WAR IS OVER IF YOU WANT IT: Senior DEA/ICE/Federal Prosecutors Now Lawyering For Colombian Cartels & Calling For Legalization Of Pot & Cocaine

THE GUARDIAN: US prosecutors and other senior officials who spearheaded the war against drug cartels have quit their jobs to defend Colombian cocaine traffickers, saying their clients are not bad people and that United States drug policy is wrong. Senior former assistant US attorneys and Drug Enforcement Administration agents are turning years of experience in investigating, indicting and extraditing narcos to the advantage of the alleged traffickers they now represent. “I’m not embarrassed about the fact that I changed sides,” said Robert Feitel, a Washington-based attorney who used to pursue traffickers and money launderers at the Department of Justice. “And […]

EXCERPT: The Miraculous Acquittal Of Lt. Josey

  PHILLY POST: Best I can tell, there’s some unspoken cop rule that says at the end of every car chase everyone gets a chance to kick and/or punch the perp, preferably when he’s down. I’m sure this is both a satisfying and effective way of working off all the adrenaline — not to mention the ‘roid rage — that builds up during one of those high-speed-squealing-tires-white-knuckle car chases. Plus, it sends a very clear message to everyone who’s not a cop: You run, you will get beat. Respect must be paid. Now, before we go any further, let me […]

SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: Deliver Us From Evil

BY WILLIAM C. HENRY With Pope Benedict XVI on the lam, it’s time once again for the Catholic Consiglieri to elect a new Don. My first reaction upon hearing that disgraced Vulture (the truly beautiful black and red bird doesn’t deserve association with this far-less-than-princely predator) Roger Mahony would be allowed to vote for the new Pope (and it turns out he’s wasn’t the only one) was: You’ve got to be sh*tting me! My second was: Well, of course he will, and why not? Hell, if for literally scores of years, the hierarchy of the Catholic church had deemed the […]