From 1964. So beautiful. So doomed. RELATED: Faithfull began her singing career in 1964, landing her first gigs as a folk music performer in coffeehouses.[9] She soon began taking part in London’s exploding social scene. In early 1964 she attended a Rolling Stones launch party with John Dunbar and met Andrew Loog Oldham, who discovered her. Her first major release, “As Tears Go By“, was written by Jagger, Richards and Oldham, and became a chart success. She then released a series of successful singles, including “This Little Bird”, “Summer Nights” and “Come and Stay With Me”.[9] Faithfull married artist John […]

SIDEWALKING: Teach Your Children Well

Classroom, Afghanistan, location and date unkown, via REDDIT RELATED: I used to watch children in Afghanistan walk through a minefield daily to go to and from school. All of the mines (identified so far) had small rocks painted white set just to the right side of them. The path they used was worn from years of walking from the townspeople. MORE RELATED: White on one half and red on the other. Was what the villagers did to mark their walk-way. I was also in AFG. Helmand was a horrible place for kids to learn. The school itself had at least […]

WRATH OF TRAYVON: Internal Documents Reveal ALEC Reeling From ‘Stand Your Ground’ Blowback

Artwork by ryo80 THE GUARDIAN:n influential US lobbying network of Republican politicians and big businesses is seeking to avert a looming funding crisis by appealing to major donors that have abandoned it over the past two years following criticism of its policy on gun laws. The Guardian has learned that the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), which shapes and promotes legislation at state level across the US, has identified more than 40 lapsed corporate members it wants to attract back into the fold under a scheme referred to in its documents as the “Prodigal Son Project”. The target firms include […]

MEDIA: Glenn Greenwald Vs. The Fourth Estate

  DAVID SIROTA: In this new reality, ancient sclerotic news organizations that were fat and happy in the old oligopolistic system will no longer get to retain relevance, audience share, and profits by sole virtue of their masthead. With the Internet allowing anyone like Greenwald to publish anything at anytime from anywhere, and with news consumers now getting so much of their news online, the infrastructural and capital costs that once protected the oligopolists from competition are now a liability for them because those expenses are no longer a necessary cost of entry into the media market. That means the […]

XXX FILES: Gillian Anderson’s Truth Is Out There

  HUFFINGTON POST: Gillian Anderson, forever Scully, stuns in a new and revealing photo for the BLOOM & Fishlove campaign, which targets destructive fishing practices. Anderson, 45, posed topless for the shoot with an eel strategically covering her chest. The former “X-Files” star has been very active on Twitter, where she has nearly 80,000 followers, in broadcasting her various charities and causes — Fishlove included. MORE

Who Says The High Line Can’t Happen Here?

  Hosted by WXPN’s Michaela Majoun, this exclusive reception will present a fashion show curated by Melissa D’Agostino featuring Arcadia, , Commonwealth Proper, NINObrand by Bela Sheu and Bus Stop Boutique. Following the fashion show, guests will delight in an eclectic program of live entertainment featuring The Walkmen and Sun Ra Arketstra, large-scale video projections, and more. Catering by 13th Street Kitchens of Café Lift, Prohibition Taproom and Bufad. Ticket valid for the entire event, reception +concert. MORE PREVIOUSLY: In a post-industrial neighborhood that inspired one of the strangest movies put to celluloid, a plan is afoot to transform its […]

The Walkmen To Go Dark After Philly Rail Park Benefit Concert, Become Stylish Stay-At-Home Dads

PITCHFORK:  In an interview with The Washington Post, Peter Bauer said that after some shows next week, the Walkmen have no plans to continue. Though they note that they aren’t “officially breaking up,” Bauer said, “We have no future plans whatsoever. I’d call it a pretty extreme hiatus.” Later, he added, “It’s been almost 14 years now. I think that’s enough, you know?” Their final two shows for the foreseeable future are tomorrow at Union Market in Washington, DC and December 4 at Philadelphia’s Union Transfer. The future of the band, both as a recording and touring entity, is uncertain: “We really just have no […]

RAW FOOTAGE: Man Rescued After Three Days Trapped In A Sunken Ship At The Bottom Of Sea

TODAY: As a South African rescue diver probed the wreckage of an overturned tugboat in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Nigeria this summer, it was assumed that all he’d be doing would be recovering the bodies of those who perished. However, as he was swimming through the murky water inside the capsized boat on May 28, a hand suddenly reached toward him out of the gloom. It was the ship’s cook, Harrison Okene, who had somehow survived for approximately 60 hours in only his underwear in the freezing cold water by breathing from a small air pocket and […]

This Is What The Unregulated Market Looks Like

Downtown Pittsburgh, midday, circa 1940 via HISTORIC PITTSBURGH TAKEPART: Beginning in the early 1800s, air pollution produced by Pittsburgh’s coal-burning industries was a marked problem for the city’s residents. It wasn’t until after World War II, however, that anything significant was done about it.  By that time, Pittsburgh was buried in a low-level cloud of smoke that blackened its skies, frequently forcing the use of street lanterns even in midday.  In 1946, a grassroots lobbying effort prompted the enforcement of the city’s first effective anti-pollution legislation, limiting the output of the locomotive and steel industries, in addition to the pollution caused […]

Why WasThe UPenn Conference On The Secret Laws That Govern The Surveillance State & The Utter Lack Of Public Accountability Closed To The Public?

Illustration by POASTERCHILD BY DUSTIN SLAUGHTER ORWELLIAN DYSTOPIA CORRESPONDENT It is a crisp Saturday morning in late November, and the University of Pennsylvania’s campus is just barely stirring, as I walk into the Silverman building and head towards Room 147, excited about this morning’s roundtable discussion: Spying and the Judiciary: FISA and Other Special Courts. The event is one of seven moderated discussions included in the university’s Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL) conference, On the Very Idea of Secret Laws: Transparency and Publicity in Deliberative Democracy. I’m not the only geek fired-up either: a portly man […]

Everything You Should Want To Know About The NSA But Are Too Not Paying Attention To Ask

  THE CATO INSTITUTE: Nearly 40 years ago, in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, Americans got an unprecedented look behind the cloak of secrecy shielding government surveillance — and what they saw was chilling. A Senate committee headed by Sen. Frank Church uncovered a train of abuses by intelligence agencies stretching back decades, under presidents of both parties. Employing illegal break-ins, mail-opening programs, concealed bugs, bulk interception of telegrams, and telephone wiretaps, these agencies had gathered information about domestic political dissidents, journalists, labor leaders, and even members of Congress and Supreme Court justices. Perhaps most notoriously, the Church Committee […]