THIS IS OUR MUSIC: Our Favorite Albums Of 2013

  In the immortal words of the Chairman Of The Board, it was a very good year. So was last year, and the one before that and the one before that and so on. Why? Mostly, we can thank the disruptive, game-eating power of the Internet. The best thing that ever happened to music was the web-abetted collapse of the music industry’s one-size-fit-most paradigm and the death of radio as the prime determinant of what people like. Now people find music everywhere, it literally rains out of everything with an electric pulse, which has triggered a radical re-calibration of the […]

Twin Suicide Bombings Rock Russia Killing 30

  THE TELEGRAPH: A female suicide bomber attacked a train station in a southern Russia city on Sunday, authorities said, killing at least 13 people in the deadliest such blast outside the volatile North Caucasus region in nearly three years. MORE WASHINGTON POST: A blast that tore through an electric bus in the southern Russian city of Volgograd during Monday’s morning rush hour, killing 14, was probably carried out by suicide bombers from the same organization behind a railway explosion a day earlier, officials said. Together more than 30 people were killed in the explosions, putting the city of one […]

Everything You Need To Know About Benghazi But Are Too Blinded By Racist Obama-Rage To Ask

  NEW YORK TIMES: A boyish-looking American diplomat was meeting for the first time with the Islamist leaders of eastern Libya’s most formidable militias. It was Sept. 9, 2012. Gathered on folding chairs in a banquet hall by the Mediterranean, the Libyans warned of rising threats against Americans from extremists in Benghazi. One militia leader, with a long beard and mismatched military fatigues, mentioned time in exile in Afghanistan. An American guard discreetly touched his gun. “Since Benghazi isn’t safe, it is better for you to leave now,” Mohamed al-Gharabi, the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati Brigade, later recalled telling […]

WORTH REPEATING: Lewis Is The New Black

Illustration by DAN NOLAN Dear Jonathan, Call me old-fashioned but I believe that elections should be decided by how many votes you can win, not how many voters you can keep away from the polling booth. And yet, all across the country, new voter suppression laws are popping up seemingly every day. These laws are stupid and dangerous because they take aim at America’s most vulnerable voters – people of color, the poor, the elderly, students and the disabled. It’s just wrong. I’ve had enough and I’m fighting back with everything I’ve got. That’s why I’ve signed on to work […]

CINEMA: The Trouble With Llewyn Davis

  NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS: There’s the subliminal hint given by Llewyn’s Welsh name, in addition to his blank-slate personality. Maybe the Coens really wanted to make an early-Dylan biopic but couldn’t—it would probably be impossible, at least right now, for a variety of reasons—and front-loaded the picture with Van Ronkiana to blur the traces. And perhaps it is this matter of cross purposes that leaves the movie feeling aimless. The story is no more than a rambling anecdote, Llewyn’s character undergoes no change for all that he experiences and endures, and to the extent that the picture has […]

Q&A w/ David Johansen, Gutter Punk, Glam Queen, Lounge Lizard, Protean Bluesman, Living Legend

Illustration by DANIEL ZEPPO David Johansen was cool before your grandparents even thought about making your parents — and 40-plus years later he shows no signs of becoming uncool any time soon. He prefigured glam and punk with the cross-dressing garage-squawk of The New York Dolls in the ’70s. He prefigured the age of kitsch and retro-chic with pompadoured lounge lizard Buster Poindexter in the ’80s. And he prefigured the enduring fascination with the fossilized forms of music that prefigured rock n’ roll — what Greil Marcus famously dubbed “the old, weird America” — with the Harry Smiths at the […]

A Christmas Message From Edward Snowden

Go tell it on the mountain. LOS ANGELES TIMES: In the mid-1970s, the Church Committee, named for its chairman, Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho), made shocking and still-relevant findings. It found that J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI spied on hundreds of thousands of Americans who dissented against government policy, on the pretext that they were part of a Kremlin-controlled plot. […] The Church Committee also investigated NSA surveillance and its relationship to its “customer” agencies and their activities. From 1967 until 1973, the committee said, the NSA targeted the international communications of some 1,200 Americans on a “watch list” of names, submitted […]

The FBI Labeled It’s A Wonderful Life Communist Propaganda Because It Makes The Rich Look Bad

The Communism begins at the 3:14 mark when all the people of Bedford Falls rally to help George Bailey — who sacrificed all his hopes and dreams to protect the working class of Bedford Falls from the from the Capitalist predations of vampire squids like Mr. Potter — in his hour of need because he was there for each and every one of them in their darkest hours. Sick, isn’t it? Like we always say, when you’re children ask you who the Tea Party Republicans are, tell them they are the people who root for Mr. Potter when they watch […]

SNOWDEN: Mission Accomplished

  WASHINGTON POST: “For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission’s already accomplished,” he said. “I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn’t want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself. All I wanted was for the public to be able to have a say in how they are governed,” he said. “That is a milestone we left a long time ago. Right now, all we are looking at are stretch […]