SHAMEFUL: FOP Throws Party For Cop Fired For Punching Unarmed Woman In The Face On YouTube


DAILY NEWS: The police union will fete the 19-year veteran with a $30-per-person benefit Oct. 28. “Come On Out and Support ONE OF OUR OWN” reads a flier inviting officers to the five-hour, Sunday-afternoon event at the FOP Hall on Spring Garden near Broad. Proceeds will help Josey with living expenses, because he no longer gets a paycheck, FOP President John McNesby said.[…] McNesby blasted any suggestion that the benefit is inappropriate. “It was inappropriate for the city to apologize to this woman and drop the charges until the investigation was complete,” McNesby said. “And we still don’t believe it’s a fireable offense.” He emphasized the event isn’t an official FOP benefit, even though it’s being advertised on FOP letterhead and the union’s website. Rather, “it’s a benefit that is going to be held at the FOP hall, by officers and co-workers. They’re using our building.” Still, he added, “we are in support of it.” MORE

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