Did Sarah Palin Just Have Her Chappaquiddick?

WASHINGTON POST: One hundred and ten years ago, during another low point in the nation’s political discourse, newspapers owned by William Randolph Hearst – who was angling for a presidential run in 1904 – published a pair of columns fantasizing about violence against President William McKinley. Columnist Ambrose Bierce wrote that a bullet “is speeding here to stretch McKinley on his bier.” Next, an unsigned column widely attributed to Hearst editor Arthur Brisbane declared: “If bad institutions and bad men can be got rid of only by killing, then the killing must be done.” Six months later, a deranged man […]

WORTH REPEATING: Being Jared Lee Loughner

MOTHER JONES: At 2:00 a.m. on Saturday—about eight hours before he allegedly killed six people and wounded 14, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), in Tucson—Jared Lee Loughner phoned an old and close friend with whom he had gone to high school and college. The friend, Bryce Tierney, was up late watching TV, but he didn’t answer the call. When he later checked his voice mail, he heard a simple message from Loughner: “Hey man, it’s Jared. Me and you had good times. Peace out. Later.” That was it. But later in the day, when Tierney first heard about the Tucson […]

STAY CLASSY PHILADELPHIA: Green Bay Packers Fans’ Cars Effed Up In Linc Parking Lot

MORNING CALL: A college professor from Lower Macungie Township who wrote a book about the first 50 years of the NFL knew Philly fans had a reputation for mistreating visiting fans, but the Wisconsin native said he didn’t know how bad it could be until he went to the Eagles game Sunday.  Craig Coenen and his father, Peter Coenen, left Lincoln Financial Field jubilant after watching their beloved Green Bay Packers defeat the Eagles in the NFC wild card playoff game. “We were just thinking about how nice a day it was and it was a good memory,” Peter Coenen […]

THIS JUST IN: Tom Delay Sentenced To 3 Years In Jail

                          LOS ANGELES TIMES: Tom DeLay, the once powerful Texas Republican congressman found guilty of money laundering and conspiracy, was sentenced Monday to three years in prison. The former Republican House majority leader, dubbed “The Hammer” for his take-no-prisoners style, was convicted in November of conspiring to illegally funnel $190,000 in corporate campaign donations to Republican candidates for the Texas Legislature. The prison sentence applies to the conspiracy count. DeLay did not receive prison time for the money laundering count. He was given 10 years probation, and faces […]


DAILY NEWS: WHEN THE KING of ultraviolent wrestling suffered severed arteries during a match, he wanted to keep fighting while blood shot from his armpit like a small geyser. “Just wrap it,” Nick “F’n” Gage told the people screaming “Call 9-1-1.” Gage [pictured, above right, smashing fluorescent light bulb over back of his opponent], a berserker whose brutal brand of wrestling has made him a legend in the Philadelphia-based Combat Zone Wrestling, has been set on fire, hit with chairs, tables and worse, and has seen his blood spilled all around the world. The only thing that could stop Gage […]

SPORTO: After The Fall

[Photo by pimpdisclosure] BY MIKE WOLVERTON SPORTS GUY You can’t say the Eagles deserved to win that game. You can certainly say they had chances to win. I thought the best chance was the short pass to DeSean Jackson on the opening play of the final drive. He’s magic, I really thought he might go all the way. And if Desmond Bishop hadn’t caught him by the shoestrings, he just might have taken it to the house instead of just 29 yards. Then four plays later it was all over. Did the Eagles shoot themselves in the foot? Would anyone […]

KITCHEN BITCH: The Savoy Truffle

[Photo by bewarenerd] BY MAVIS LINNEMANN When Doug announced to me that Treasure Island, a local high-end grocery store, was selling a limited number of black truffles —the diamonds of the culinary world—I couldn’t get the idea of buying one out of my head. Truffles are tuber-like fungi (think mushroom) that grow underground on the roots of particular oak trees in Italy, France, Spain, and in some other areas of Europe. Because truffles can’t be seen, specially trained truffle dogs and pigs hunt them out for farmers during the truffle’s very short growing season, which lasts from early December through […]

TOMBSTONE BLUES: The End Of Palinism?

NEW YORKER: For the past two years, many conservative leaders, activists, and media figures have made a habit of trying to delegitimize their political opponents. Not just arguing against their opponents, but doing everything possible to turn them into enemies of the country and cast them out beyond the pale. Instead of “soft on defense,” one routinely hears the words “treason” and “traitor.” The President isn’t a big-government liberal—he’s a socialist who wants to impose tyranny. He’s also, according to a minority of Republicans, including elected officials, an impostor. Even the reading of the Constitution on the first day of […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR Alan Lomax spent more than a half-century recording folk music and customs around the world, and now he is the subject of a new book by John Szwed called Alan Lomax: The Man Who Recorded the World. In 1990, Lomax, who died in 2002, spoke to Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross about the decades he spent compiling sound recordings from around the world. In the 1930s and ’40s, Lomax and his father, John, were the first folklorists to travel around the American South documenting songs on portable recording machines. They both contributed thousands of field recordings to the Library […]

ARTSY: Pleased To Meat Me

BY CAROLINE SCHMIDT Photographer Dominic Episcopo’s latest show, “Meat America,” opens tonight at Bambi Gallery. Episcopo—who leads a double life  as a well-respected commercial photographer—has taken pounds upon pounds of raw meat, and carved it into a bracing series of photographs depicting the carnivorous cultural landscape of America. Out of rib eye steaks, pork chops, lamb and gator—even caribou—he has butchered and sculpted the shapes of all 50 states, along with cultural icons and historical figures: from Benjamin Franklin to Bob Dylan, from Betsy Ross to Elvis. Out of ground beef he has made a series of photographed still lifes […]

CINEMA: Romeo Void

DAVID EDELSTEIN: Gone are the days when filmmakers kept a respectful distance from their characters. In Blue Valentine, writer and director Derek Cianfrance is obsessive in how he uses the hand-held camera to get in his actors’ faces. Yet there’s something in those faces to see — something momentous, angry, desperate, unmanageable. The film is a rough ride with the shock absorbers removed. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams play a married couple, Dean and Cindy, with a little daughter named Frankie. Dean paints houses and Cindy is a nurse. The movie’s opening is as ominous as any horror film. The […]