BREAKING: Duck Boat Down, Two Still Missing

rtducks.jpgASSOCIATED PRESS: A sightseeing boat carrying 37 people was hit by a barge and overturned Wednesday afternoon, spilling passengers into the Delaware River and leaving two people unaccounted for after a frantic rescue effort. MORE

INQUIRER:  Two passengers are missing, a 16-year-old girl and a 20-year-old man, both tourists from Hungary. Police divers entered the river about 5:30 p.m. to search for the victims. Police on both sides of the river searched the banks. MORE

INQUIRER: Witness Jason Tilghman said the duck boat had stopped in the river for about 5 to 10 minutes. A crew member screamed “jump!” to the passengers and jumped in himself. Four passenger leaped in after him before the barge crashed into the back of the duck boat and pushed it 150 feet north toward the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. Tilghman said the duck boat became dislodged and capsized. MORE

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