HOT NOT DOC: ‘Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate’

[Click HERE to enlarge] WORLD NET DAILY: California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.[…]  “I’m forcing the issue, where Obama will have to respond,” she said. “Before, they said, ‘You don’t have anything backing your claims,’” Taitz explained. “Now I have something. In fact, I have posted on the Internet more than Obama has. My birth certificate actually has […]

LIVE AND DIRECT: All Points West Day Three

BY KYLEE MESSNER The last day of All Points West was sure to be full of surprises. As we arrived, we were informed no bands would be playing for quite some time, given the storm that had just hit. We wondered if the show would be canceled. “Of course not, millions of dollars have been raised from this festival,” a staff worker told us. How reassuring, I thought. It wasn’t until four o’clock that a sea of people began to form lines, many leaving, others remaining, all clueless as to when they would be let into the festival. “How unorganized,” […]

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR With the record business decimated by illegal downloading, the live concert represents the ailing music industry’s biggest source of revenue. But as journalist John Seabrook reports in The New Yorker, the live concert business has yet to reconcile two competing sides of its identity. For the world’s leading concert promoter and ticket seller — LiveNation and Ticketmaster, respectively — a concert is a moneymaking venture. For diehard fans of top-grossing touring artists like Bruce Springsteen and U2, it’s a unique experience of “instant cousinship” with other fans (as one pioneering promoter puts it). Meanwhile, Internet scalping on sites […]

White House Plans Counter-Offensive Against Insurers

NEW YORK TIMES: With Republicans mobilizing against the proposed health care overhaul, President Obama, Congressional Democrats and leading advocacy groups are laying the groundwork for an August offensive against the insurance industry as part of a coordinated campaign to sell the public on the need for reform. […] Revamping health care is the president’s top legislative priority, and people on all sides of the debate agree that August, when lawmakers leave Washington to take the pulse of constituents, will be crucial to shaping public opinion. With Republicans making headway by casting the legislation as a costly government takeover, Democrats have […]

QUESTION THE PARKING AUTHORITY: The Torch Of PPA Loathing Has Been Passed To A New Web Site

[Click image to activate Internets] PREVIOUSLY: “In this time of fiscal crisis, when they’re talking about laying off police officers, firefighters and closing libraries, we’ve got an agency that’s collecting cash faster than you can possibly imagine, and it’s not going to the places it’s supposed to fund,” Gym says. “Who do we need to look at it? Are we going to leave it up to people with titles and say, ‘Hey, they’re going to take care of it?’ Why do you think things stay the way they are?”

VOLK: Where Have All The Gangsters Gone?

PHILADELPHIA MAGAZINE: The Godfather rises up out of his chair: “Sit down,” he says, giving me his seat before I can object.  [Reputed Philly mob boss Joe] Ligambi grabs another stool and sits down beside me. And there we are, just a couple of fellas, talking over a glass of wine. […] I’d gone everywhere I could to learn about him, including his house. Ligambi lives on 17th Street, just south of Packer Avenue, near the sports stadiums, in a house registered under his wife’s name. The neighborhood is best described as leafy, more suburb than city. I walked the […]

LIVE AND DIRECT: All Points West Day 2

EDITOR’S NOTE: Phawker concert reviewer dynamic duo Kylee Messner and Dianca Potts will be sending in live first person dispatches from APW all weekend. DAY TWO KYLEE: It was our second day at All Points West, and it seemed like the festival, much like the weather, had a much sunnier disposition. Festival goers still seemed to be enjoying the previous night’s mud, sinking into the ground like quicksand. Kool Keith’s “Girl Let Me Touch You” could be heard from the main stage, much to the delight of fans sporting as little clothing as possible. “We can’t stop, can’t stop yet,” […]

DICK SHITHOUSE: Workers Sue Philadelphia Waste Transfer Plant Over ‘Whites Only’ Bathroom

CNN: Black employees at a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, waste transfer plant were harassed, humiliated and discriminated against by their supervisor for decades, says an attorney representing two workers who filed a complaint against the city. Among the allegations in the complaint is that for decades, John Gill, the Northwest Transfer Station’s superintendent, limited one restroom to whites only, said the attorney, Howard K. Trubman. The restroom — which he called the “supervisors’ bathroom” — was supposedly for the sole use of upper-level officials with the city’s Streets Department, Trubman said. As far back as 1996, it became apparent to black employees […]

LIVE AND DIRECT: All Points West

EDITOR’S NOTE: Phawker concert reviewer dynamic duo Kylee Messner and Dianca Potts will be sending in live first person dispatches from APW all weekend.  DAY ONE Kylee: The alarm went off, it was 4am Friday morning. “Damn,” I said to myself, groaning all the way to the bathroom. After weeks of planning, stressing, and arranging, the day had finally come for All Points West.  Dianca had me in a panic as usual, driving from the burbs to Philadelphia to take my ass to Jersey City. We had two hours ahead of us on the open road, three days of music […]

SEPTA GIRL: Brassiere & Loathing On The 55

BY PHILLYGRRL Day three. The lady on the 55 bus couldn’t find the 75 cents she needed for a transfer. So she started looking. The front half of the bus stared in fascination as she dipped down low into her expansive bosom and fished in her white bra. From under her teal shirt up came a cell phone. Out came several tokens and some slips of paper. The lady moved her hand slowly, leisurely through the cups, oblivious to the stares and the murmurs from the elderly ladies to the right and left of me. “Now that’s a damn shame,” […]