CORPORATE WELFARE: The American Taxpayer Has Handed $1 Billion To Tanking Banks In The Last Month

FINANCIAL TIMES: US banks have been quietly borrowing massive amounts of money from the Federal Reserve in recent weeks by using a new measure the Fed introduced two months ago to help ease the credit crunch. The use of the Fed’s Term Auction Facility, which allows banks to borrow at relatively attractive rates against a wider range of their assets than previously permitted, saw borrowing of nearly $50bn of one-month funds from the Fed by mid-February. US officials say the trend shows that financial authorities have become far more adept at channelling liquidity into the banking system to alleviate financial stress, […]

MEDIA: Goodbye Norma Jean

Actress Lindsay Lohan appears as she’s never been seen before in an exclusive photo portfolio by Bert Stern, restaging the photographer’s famous series of photos of Marilyn Monroe that came to be known as “The Last Sitting,” in the Spring Fashion issue of New York magazine, on sale today. Shot at the Hotel Bel-Air on February 5, the photos of Lohan as Monroe duplicate the 1962 originals down to the lighting, the shellacked blonde wig Lohan wears, and her willingness to appear in little more than a chiffon scarf. MORE

NPR FOR THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

FRESH AIR Americans consume more bananas than apples and oranges combined. Dan Koeppel, author of Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World, gives us a primer on the expansive history — and the endangered future — of this seedless, sexless fruit. Koeppel traces the ubiquitous yellow fruit back to the Garden of Eden, where, he argues, it, not the apple, was the “forbidden fruit” that Eve offered Adam. In the 20th century, he examines the United Fruit Company’s maneuvering in the “banana republics” of Central America, and warns that the banana’s unique reproductive system — each new […]

SMASHMOUTH POLITICS: The ‘Silly Season’ Begins

NEW YORK TIMES: Senator Barack Obama adapted one of his signature arguments — that his oratory amounts to more than inspiring words — from speeches given by Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts during his 2006 campaign. At a Democratic Party dinner Saturday in Wisconsin, Mr. Obama, of Illinois, responded to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, who has criticized him for delivering smooth speeches but says they do not amount to solutions to the nation’s problems, by ticking through a string of historic references. “Don’t tell me words don’t matter,” Mr. Obama said, to applause. “ ‘I have a […]

KILLADELPHIA: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

INQUIRER: Joseph Kelly Sr., 77, was eastbound on the Expressway about 1:50 a.m. when he spotted the man in the wheelchair stuck on the expressway’s outer eastbound lane near the 15th Street off-ramp. The wheelchair was facing traffic heading in the wrong direction. It was not immediately clear why the man in the wheelchair was on the expressway or how he had become stuck. Kelly stopped his minivan on the right shoulder, got out of his vehicle and crossed three lanes of traffic to offer help to the wheelchair-bound man, police said. As Kelly pushed the wheelchair back toward the […]

BEYOND THE GRASSY KNOLL: Dallas D.A. Finds Alleged Smoking Gun Proof Of JFK Conspiracy In A Safe

DALLAS MORNING NEWS: The Dallas County district attorney’s office has unearthed a treasure trove of memorabilia from the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in an old safe on the 10th floor of the courthouse. It includes personal letters to and from former District Attorney Henry Wade, a gun holster, official records from the Jack Ruby trial, letters to Ruby and clothing that probably belonged to him and Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, said Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins. And conspiracy theorists will rejoice over one find: a highly suspect transcript of a conversation between Ruby and Oswald […]

ADBUST: Over The Hillary

This is another set of devastatingly sly anti-Hillary ads from the always dead-on Lee Stranahan, the guy who brought you the legendary Hillary 1984 Apple spoof. These ads cleverly masquerade as the pro-Hillary ads similar to the ones the Clinton campaign is running in Wisconsin that attempt to bate the Obama campaign into yet ANOTHER debate. Because, the 22 debates they’ve already had were just not enough, especially when you are short on cash and debates mean free air time. Heh-heh. You check out more of his work here. It is our considered opinion that he is without a doubt […]

BAD MEAT: USDA Recalls 143 Million Pounds Of Beef

LOS ANGLES TIMES: The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced the recall of 143 million pounds of raw and frozen beef from a troubled Chino meat-packing company, deeming it unfit for human consumption because of lapses in required inspections. Agriculture Department officials called this the largest beef recall in the United States, surpassing the ban in 1999 of 35 million pounds of ready-to-eat meat. The USDA said there was “a remote probability of adverse health consequences from the use of the product.”Problems at the plant first went public following the release of a video (SEE BELOW)showing treatment of animals at […]

We Know It’s Only Rock N’ Roll But We Like It

HAIRWAY TO STEVEN: Gibby Haynes w/ Paul Green School Of Rock, Trocadero, Sat. 1. Despite recently turning 51, Gibby looked relatively healthy, trim — trademark beer gut not withstanding — and positively boyish with his hair cut short in the style of the day. His voice remains the full-moon bullfrog croak of yore. And his only concession to age or the passage of time, aside from a pair of stylish frames and thick corrective lenses, was a sheet music stand with all his song lyrics, which he utilized like a teleprompter. Between every song, with a Yuengling lager in his […]

KILLADELPHIA: 5 More Dead Since U Went To Bed

DAILY NEWS: In West Philadelphia, the body of a woman who had been stabbed to death lay facedown amid trash outside a vacant rowhouse. In Crescentville, construction workers found a dead man with a gunshot blast to the head.It was all part of a bloody breakfast hour for Philadelphia police yesterday, who hurried to investigate two bodies found within 20 minutes in separate incidents just after 7 a.m. Detectives already were juggling one homicide and two other deaths from overnight. The five deaths came after a three-day homicide hiatus; yesterday’s carnage boosted the city’s murder tally for the year to […]

MEDIA: Morale Shits The Bed At Courier-Post?

The Gannett Newspapers chain has a miserly rep in the biz for buying up papers, sending in the bean counters and subjecting staff and management to brutal belt-tightening: freezing wages, killing bonuses and slashing newsroom jobs. This just came in over the transom from something called the Gannett Blog, which appears to be a gathering place for the disgruntled: I couldn’t make this up if I tried. A reliable Gannett Blog tipster says Corporate sent a human resources representative to the Courier-Post in Cherry Hill, N.J., yesterday after the Big Cheeses in McLean, Va., got a letter describing a serious […]