TONITE: Swallow Your Pride



Josh Camerote’s Swallow Your Pride, a documentary about Philadelphia’s Wing Bowl competition, chronicles a year of the life of a past Wing Bowl champion. Bill Simmons, aka El Wingador and the principle subject for the film, spent his days prior to Wing Bowl stardom in the limelight of professional sports. But upon retirement, he soon realized that the incessant stirring in his belly could be symptomatic pangs of his next vocation. But what glory is there in competitive eating, you ask? Well, Camerote thinks it about time all you dainty elitists swallowed your pride and recognize the intense training and aggressively carnivorous spirit Simmons and his fellow Wing Bowl champions bring to the table. So in spite of the spectacularly voracious footage of gluttons gone wild, Camerote hopes Swallow Your Pride will help people to make out the flesh and blood human under the bony remains of chicken wings and barbecue sauce. — AARON STELLA

Swallow Your Pride will be screened tonight as part of the First Person Arts Festival at the Painted Bride located at 230 Vine Street from 8:30 pm – 10:30 pm. Admission is $15

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