mcain_cindy_john_1.jpgNATIONAL ENQUIRER: The ENQUIRER’s exclusive bombshell expose as  Sen. John McCain‘s wife, Cindy, is caught with another man! Not only that but multiple witnesses have caught the pair lip locking on several other occasions. “I couldn’t believe I was watching Cindy McCain passionately kissing and hugging another man!” That’s the stunned reaction of an eyewitness who says he watched in shock – and snapped photos – as the former presidential candidate’s wife romantically kissed a long-haired man who resembles “a washed-up ’80s rock musician.” Sources told The ENQUIRER investigative team the pair have been seen at concerts and sporting events acting very lovey-dovey The wealthy blonde heiress and her secret pal have been spotted together around her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona over the past several years, say sources. MORE


YOUR DAILY DOSE OF OBAMA: Goodnight, Sweet Prince


[Photo by Callie Shell/Aurora for Time]

NEW YORKER: Barack Obama could not run his campaign for the Presidency based on political accomplishment or on the heroic service of his youth. His record was too slight. His Democratic and Republican opponents were right: he ran largely on language, on the expression of a country’s potential and the self-expression of a complicated man who could reflect and lead that country. And a powerful thematic undercurrent of his oratory and prose was race. Not race as invoked by his predecessors in electoral politics or in the civil-rights movement, not race as an insistence on tribe or on redress; rather, Obama made his biracial ancestry a metaphor for his ambition to create a broad coalition of support, to rally Americans behind a narrative of moral and political progress. He was not its hero, but he just might be its culmination. MORE

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