SHIVER ME TIMBERS: It’s ‘Talk Like A Pirate’ Day!

pirate2.jpgTALK LIKE A PIRATE.COM:  Why do we need an International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Make no mistake. We do. But it’s a little hard to articulate why, especially when you’ve made the mistake of referring to your wife as a scurvy bilge rat and tried to order her back into the galley. Talking like a pirate is fun. It’s really that simple. It gives your conversation a swagger, an elán, denied to landlocked lubbers. Before we go any further, there’s something we need to be clear about. Pirates were and are bad people. Really reprehensible. Even the most casual exploration of the history of pirates (and believe us, casual is an accurate description of our research) leaves you hip deep in blood and barbarity. We recognize this, all right? We aren’t for one minute suggesting that real, honest-to-God pirates were in any way, shape or form worth emulating. So what is it exactly that we’re celebrating here, if not pirates? What, you’re wondering, is the point? We’re going to be painfully honest here, perhaps fatally so. The point is, there is no point. And that’s what’s fun about Talk Like a Pirate Day specifically, and talking like a pirate in general. MORE

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