MEOW MIX: Gay Guvs, Lesbian Islands & Wright Stuff

meow_mix_logo_1.jpgWill Barack Obama’s official renunciation of his former pastor neutralize GoddamnAmericaGate? In his appearance on Monday before the National Press Club, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, when asked about Obama’s distancing himself, said the candidate was just a politician doing what politicians do. Wright (who will preach in Philly on June 1st) also said he believed the U.S. government was “capable” of creating and spreading HIV to kill African-Americans and obfuscated when asked about the “chickens come home to roost” on 9/11 thing. On the surface, it seems like Wright went batshit and left Obama no choice, but certainly Wright — who’s been involved inwrightclintonseptember111998.jpg politics longer than Barack — knows that by officially renouncing him now, it allows the candidate to accuse an opponent of bringing up old news when it’s thrown at him later. Obama continues his full-frontal this weekend, when he’ll be the only guest on “Meet The Press.” Tim Russert has a real opportunity here to do what Charlie n’ George were unable to, that is, have an intelligent conversation with the candidate about what is — at least for now — the central issue of his campaign … DEVELOPING…

Here’s the good news though: Barack Obama overtakes Hillary Clinton in NJ almost three months after she spanked him in the state’s primary. Monmouth University/Gannett New Jersey poll released this morning says: “Currently, more Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents say they would like to see Obama (45%) rather than Clinton (38%) get the party’s nomination. It appears that less than three months after giving Hillary Clinton a 10 point victory in the state’s primary, some New Jersey voters feel buyer’s remorse,” said poll director Patrick Murray…DEVELOPING…

Speaking of Jersey, this McGreevey divorce would be really fun if it wasn’t just so sad and tacky: “‘It is not a normal heterosexual relationship when another male’s presence is required to maintain an erection and perform sexual intercourse with a female,’ Haller said in his court papers that were filed April 25. ‘While defendant (Matos McGreevey) may have expressed some initial antipathy to having Ted Pedersen in the room, she knew plaintiff (McGreevey) wanted Mr. Pedersen present. The fact that plaintiff sought this man’s presence during sexual relations with his fiancée is a clear indicator of homosexuality,’ Haller said.” Ya think? …DEVELOPING…

Speaking of gay: The people of the island of Lesbos are taking the Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece to court, saying having the same name as a bunch of women-lovers is ruining their lives. From the AP: “One of the plaintiffs said Wednesday that the name of the association, Homosexual and Lesbian Community of Greece, ‘insults the identity’ of the people of Lesbos, who are also known as Lesbians. ‘My sister can’t say she is a Lesbian,’ said Dimitris Lambrou. “Our geographical designation has been usurped by certain ladies who have no connection whatsoever with Lesbos,” he said. The three plaintiffs are seeking to have the group barred from using “lesbian” in its name and filed a lawsuit on April 10.” Good luck with that!

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