DALLAS MORNING NEWS: The Dallas County district attorney’s office has unearthed a treasure trove of memorabilia from the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in an old safe on the 10th floor of the courthouse. It includes personal letters to and from former District Attorney Henry Wade, a gun holster, official records from the Jack Ruby trial, letters to Ruby and clothing that probably belonged to him and Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, said Dallas County District Attorney Craig
And conspiracy theorists will rejoice over one find: a highly suspect transcript of a conversation between Ruby and Oswald plotting to kill the president because the mafia wanted to “get rid of” his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy. “It will open up the debate again about whether there was a conspiracy,” said Mr. Watkins, who at 40 was born four Novembers after Kennedy was killed in 1963. The purported Oswald-Ruby conversation took place on Oct. 4, 1963, at Ruby’s Carousel Club on Commerce Street. It reads like every conspiracy theorist’s dream of a smoking gun that ties the men to a plot to kill Kennedy. Part of the two-page transcript reads:
Lee: You said the boys in Chicago want to get rid of the Attorney General.
Ruby: Yes, but it can’t be done … it would get the Feds into everything.
Lee: There is a way to get rid of him without killing him.
Ruby: How’s that?
Lee: I can shoot his brother.
Ruby: But that wouldn’t be patriotic.
Lee: What’s the difference between shooting the Governor and in shooting the President?
Ruby: It would get the FBI into it.
Lee: I can still do it, all I need is my rifle and a tall building; but it will take time, maybe six months to find the right place; but I’ll have to have some money to live on while I do the planning.”
Later, Ruby warns Oswald that the mafia will ask Ruby to kill him if he’s caught. MORE
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