GAYBO: I Know Who Knocked Up Anna Nicole

BY TOMMY ZANE Here’s what I want to know about Anna Nicole: How can someone have so much money and be so unhappy? I mean, I just love hearing the sob stories of the rich. Daddy’s Little Girl can’t afford her Mercedes anymore because of her coke habit, or Biff can only go to Bermuda this summer instead of Italy, because Daddy lost some money in the stock market when Zimbabwe expelled the white farmers. Of course, Anna Nicole came from nothing, but please don’t confuse her story with the American Dream. She fucked, sucked and schemed her way to […]

HIZZONER ’07: Is Milton Street The Black Moses?

T. Milton Street, who hopes to replace his younger brother as mayor, offered an interesting political wager yesterday. Street promised to drop out of the mayoral race if he fails to draw a minimum of 5,000 supporters to a noon rally at City Hall on March 1. “If they don’t show up, then I’m out,” Street said. “That’s the end of it. You don’t have to worry about me again. All right? OK?” As Street called upon the city masses to rise up and join him, another mayoral candidate beseeched voters and television- news crews to ignore Street’s clown-like antics. […]

GUNCRAZY: The Cos In Town To Diss Thug Life

(CBS 3) PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia native Bill Cosby is expected to discuss gun violence when he returns to the city Wednesday.Cosby will speak at a forum at the Community College of Philadelphia in an event sponsored by Men United for a Better Philadelphia.He is expected to addresses the topics of mentoring young people and violence during the discussion. KYW: Fold Your Hands, Child, You Walk Like A Peasant

MEDIA: And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out, or, Why You Don’t Know Anything You Should

ST. PETERSBURG – The notes under the door. The incessant phone calls. The impassioned pleas, all begging for a piece of the story. It wasn’t reporters in search of secret intelligence involving the war in Iraq. The subject: St. Petersburg’s Jennifer Mee, a 15-year-old who started hiccuping four weeks ago today and has yet to stop. The competition for her story became so frenzied over the weekend that NBC’s Today show changed Jennifer and her mother’s New York hotel after another network’s exhaustive attempts to get an interview. “You really never know what is going to gain that sort of […]

PERMA-WAR: Iranian Targets Locked And Loaded

BBC NEWS — Diplomatic sources have told the BBC that as a fallback plan, senior officials at Central Command in Florida have already selected their target sets inside Iran. That list includes Iran’s uranium enrichment plant at Natanz. Facilities at Isfahan, Arak and Bushehr are also on the target list, the sources say. BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner says the trigger for such an attack reportedly includes any confirmation that Iran was developing a nuclear weapon – which it denies. The Natanz plant is buried under concrete, metal and earth Alternatively, our correspondent adds, a high-casualty attack on US forces […]

NEW JFK MOVIE: Welcome To Dallas, Mr. President

DALLAS (Reuters) – Previously unreleased footage of John F. Kennedy’s fateful motorcade in Dallas moments before he was gunned down was released on Monday, a surprising new detail in a saga that has gripped the United States for four decades. The silent 8mm film shows a beaming Jacqueline Kennedy close up in vivid color waving to the crowd. A group of excited bystanders — women sporting big 1960s hairstyles — waves to the cameraman shortly before the motorcade sweeps past. The president’s coat is clearly if briefly seen bunched up on his back — a detail that will be scrutinized […]

CRIME: Gunless Crooks Use Hot Java As A Weapon

Authorities across the Delaware Valley are asking for the public’s help for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the so-called “splash and grab” robbers who have been targeting 7-Elevens, Wawas, and other businesses over the past few weeks. Philadelphia police captain Benjamin Naish says the robbers have hit three times in Philadelphia and at least 16 times in the region, mostly at convenience stores. He says the weapon used is a hot drink: “One of the males is obtaining hot, steaming hot liquid — coffee or hot chocolate. They bring it to the counter, and when the cashier […]

HIZZONER ’07: Something ‘Funny’ About Brady’s Money?

In early summer 2003, at least 27 city judicial candidates, among others up for election that November, wrote checks to a political action committee called the Appreciation Fund.They gave $200, $500, $1,000 at most. Nearly half the money raised paid for a July banquet honoring U.S. Rep. Bob Brady [pictured, left, with Johnny Doc] , then celebrating his 18th year as chairman of Philadelphia’s Democratic Party, as well as the retiring 60th Ward leader, Isadore Shrager. The rest of the money sat unspent – until two months ago. That’s when the Appreciation Fund was almost depleted, with more than half the […]


Feb. 19, 2007 — ABC News has confirmed reports that two satellite radio providers XM and Sirius will announce a long-anticipated merger today. The two companies worked over the weekend to finalize a plan that is expected to be structured as a “merger of equals,” although ABC News has learned the plan calls for Sirius CEO Mel Karamzen to run the new company. The merger would require regulatory approval as well as anti-trust scrutiny. Kevin Martin, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, reportedly said last month that a merger could not be approved under current FCC regulations. ABC NEWS: They Are […]