How Many Corpses Does It Take To Suspend Habeas?

WHO: US. Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.) & Sen. Jon Kyl (R., Az.) WHAT: Will discuss whether Guantanamo Bay inmates have the right to habeas corpus in a debate moderated by Ted Koppel. WHEN: Sunday, March 18 at 5:30 p.m. WHERE: National Constitution Center 525 Arch Street, Independence Mall, DETAILS: As part of the inaugural Peter Jennings Project for Journalists and the Constitution, Barney Frank and Jon Kyl will debate whether detainees should be able to seek relief for unlawful imprisonment and appear before a court. Ted Koppel will moderate. Barney Frank has represented Massachusetts’ fourth congressional district since 1981. […]

LIVE REVIEW: J-Garofalo At Theater Of Arts

BY SARA SHERR When you see Janeane Garofalo up close, the first thing you notice is how tiny she is. While standing in the box office line, I saw The Heroine To Stubby, Smart-Ass Girls Everywhere walk on by in a knit cap, leather jacket, black-and-white houndstooth pants, and the exact same face from the ’90s: porcelain skin, red lips, and cat-eye glasses. Onstage, she was larger than life with her signature jet black hair, tattoos and blue tank top that read “Praise the Lord.” Like Exile in Guyville, she was all punk rock and piss and vinegar. In rapid-fire […]

STUDY: DOJ Corruption Probes R Ridiculously Partisan

In statewide and federal cases they found a total of 66 investigations. Here’s the breakdown: * Democrats: 36 * Republicans: 30 This is roughly what you’d expect. Democrats are slightly overrepresented compared to their actual numbers, but only by a bit. There’s nothing fishy. But the numbers for local cases paint a very different story. They found 309 investigations, broken down as follows: * Democrats: 262 * Republicans: 37 * Independents: 10 Now isn’t that odd? At the local level, even though both parties make up about half of all elected officials, Democrats get hammered and Republicans are left alone…. […]

Today I Saw…

BY JEFF DEENEY “Today I saw…” is a series of nonfiction shorts based on my experiences as a caseworker serving formerly homeless families now living in North and West Philadelphia. I decided not long after starting the job that I was seeing so many fascinating and disturbing things in the city’s poorest neighborhoods that I needed to start cataloging them. I hope this bi-weekly column serves as a record of a side of the city that many Philadelphians don’t come in contact with on a daily basis. I want to capture moments not frequently covered by the local media, which […]

Philly Confidential Returns, Now In The ‘Royal She’

[Philly Confidential] grew tired of blaming the cops for the city’s crime woes. She decided it was time to move beyond the cop beat and submerge herself into the dark abyss that is the First Judicial District. She studied crime statistics and learned that youth gun violence is at a 5-year high. She spoke to prosecutors, along with court officials, to understand the nuances of juvenile justice, yet saw how slack everything seemed. Then she snooped around a few courtrooms and heard that too many teen murderers were assigned to probation officers months, sometimes days, before a slaying. What she […]

SHISTER: Olbermann Living Life Of O’Reilly — Mad As Heck And Not Gonna Motherf***** Take It Any More!

“Keith is MSNBC’s rock star,” says Phil Griffin, NBC News senior vice president and executive in charge of its corporate cousin. “People follow him. They believe in him.” Countdown averaged 709,000 total viewers in the February sweeps, up a whopping 77 percent over the same period in ’06, according to Nielsen Media Research. Among 25- to 54-year-old viewers, the demographic advertisers pay a premium to reach, Olbermann, 48, spiked 59 percent. No wonder MSNBC just quadrupled his salary. At an estimated $4 million a year, he’s the highest-paid on-air talent at the network. As part of his new four-year deal, […]

GAYBO: Eurotrash + Camp + Drag = Homovision

BY TOMMY ZANE Outrageous drag queens? Hideous costumes? Flamboyantly flaming back-up dancers? Dreadful songs sung in foreign languages for a three hour spectacular never to be seen in America? That can only mean one thing: The 52nd Annual Eurovision Song Contest season has arrived! It’s like opera for trashounds. For those of you not familiar, here’s the scoop. Back in a post-WWII 1956, leaders of The European Broadcasting Union created The Eurovision Song Contest to unite a shattered Europe in song. Each country selects a song to represent the entire nation in the competition and the global TV viewing audience […]

Wacky Iraqi Wearing Butt Plug Diverted Philly Flight

LOS ANGELES — An Iraqi immigrant with a suspicious device lodged in a body cavity was detained Tuesday at Los Angeles International Airport, authorities said. A jetliner bound for Philadelphia, meanwhile, was diverted to Las Vegas because the man’s luggage was aboard. Officials said the device and the luggage were cleared by bomb squads in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. “There never was a threat,” said Larry Fetters, a security director for the federal Transportation Security Administration. Fadhel Al-Maliki, 35, was held for a mental evaluation and for a possible immigration violation, federal officials said. Al-Maliki, of Atlantic City, N.J., […]

FUEL: The Revolution Will Be French Fried?

Philadelphia Fry-O-Diesel converts the foul brown grease from restaurant sink traps into usable, clean-burning biodiesel fuel for heating and transportation. The project promises to make a modest contribution to reducing carbon dioxide emissions and U.S. dependence on fossil fuels, highlighted by President George W. Bush’s recent call for a 20 percent cut in gasoline consumption in the next 10 years. Fry-O-Diesel and North American Biofuels, based in Long Island, New York, are believed to be the only U.S. companies making biofuels from trap grease. In Philadelphia, the grease is trucked to the plant after being pumped out of traps that […]