BY TOMMY ZANE GAYDAR EDITOR The 13th Annual Philadelphia International Gay Lesbian Film Festival opened Thursday with a bang as DJ Lady Miss Kier of Deee-Lite kicked the party wide open with the best of dance floor underground, from Malcolm McLaren to M.I.A., to vintage disco and street beats. Ever the fashionista, Miss K was dressed in a fierce magenta prom gown cut into a mini-dress! Work it, Miss Thang! She really had the queens pumpin’ and jumpin’. Seen at the partay: Drunkan, Billy Kline, The Divine Miss Jimmi, Pearl, stunning filmmaker Ursula Burton, and more hipster hotties than you could shake a dick at. Party decorations by Jennifer Angelo Designs were tacky and cheap, but the Hyatt Regency did a swell job hosting the event. Kudos to Kelly Burkhardt, Tom Cardwell
and the entire film fest team.
Earlier in the evening, a screening of the new gay comedy, Casper Andreas‘ Four Letter Word, was introduced by future-mayor Michael Nutter. The always eloquent Nutter brought the mostly gay male audience to its feet, with the exception of numerous obvious Log Cabin Republicans with miserable tina-riddled frowns on their faces. Nutter promised a bigger arts and culture budget for a very welcoming and diverse Philadelphia which continues to grow in size and stature as a gay tourism destination.
Four Letter Word, the festival opener, starred the hysterical Jesse Archer, Charlie David and Cory Grant. The Manhattan queer ghetto character driven film moves along nicely with some great laugh-out loud jokes. I was fortunate enough to share a ride over to the opening night party with filmmaker and The Office television actress, Ursula Burton. The very unpretentious and lovely Miss Burton is represented at the film fest with the film short The Happiest Day of His Life, a wry and clever switch on traditional male/female roles on the big wedding day. The bride wears conservative clothes and marries a much younger very pretty groom who, of course, stays at home and raises the kids. What a fantastic idea for a film that explores gender equity and traditional gender roles.
There are plenty more festival reviews and gossip to come this week, including the dirt on the new John Travolta movie musical, John Waters’ Hairspray, adapted in a Craig “Chicago Oscar winner” Zadan production. Is it worth seeing? Stay tuned to this Gaybo channel! Zane out.
Future queer friendly Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter, film fest fave RuPaul of Starrbooty, and lame schmuck Mayor John “standing in line for his iPhone” Street.
Classic breakin’ tune, Malcolm McLaren’s “Buffalo Gals”:
ABOUT THIS COLUMN: Are you gay and read Phawker? Or just thinking about it? Becoming gay that is. Because, you know, you “heard good things.” Are you straight but curious how the other team plays? Congressman, we have heard your call and answered your prayers. Our Gaydar Editor Tommy Zane is gay all day and queer for a year, and like all gays he is wickedly funny, stylish, tidy and knows from window treatments. He could also probably kick your ass into next week. But don’t worry, Tommy’s a lover not a fighter. He may be going to hell, but then most of our straight friends are, too. Every week look for GAYBO. We’ll have a gay old time!