FROM THE DEPT. OF WTF: Jilted Lover Mows Down Mother, Daughter and 5-Year-Old With Maxima

BY DANA DIFILIPPO OF THE DAILY NEWS Steaming and screaming, Wykia Townsend was fury incarnate, allegedly there to confront her romantic rival in a love triangle, investigators said.

Before Charlese Burrows, her mother, Donna, and several children frolicking in the late-day sunshine onmaxima.jpg Germantown Avenue near Somerset Street, could react, Townsend stomped on the gas pedal. Her Nissan Maxima roared onto the sidewalk and into the family, hurling bodies into the air.

When the engine quieted, Burrows, 33, her mother, Donna, 47, and her 5-year-old niece lay broken and bleeding near the battered car. Townsend and her passenger — whom police haven’t charged — had vanished, after they ditched the car in an adjacent trash-strewn lot and ran off.

At the scene yesterday, a pulverized chain-link fence, mangled car bumper, black flip-flops encircled with crime-scene chalk and white sneakers spattered with dried blood were chilling leftovers of the previous night’s carnage.

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