EARLY WORD: ‘You Could Feed The World With My Garbage Dump, And That Sums It Up In One Big Lump’

evacartoon.jpgEVA SAYS: Few things can drag me out of bed before noon on a Saturday. An inexhaustible assemblage of some of the coolest junk Philadelphia has to offer happens to be one of them. And this weekend the Starlightpunk-rock-flea.jpg Ballroom will be the mecca of cool junk. That 79? Cost of Living Clash EP? It?ll be there. Turkey-flavored vegan scrapple? No problem. Screen-printed Butt Heads? Got it. And it?ll be the kind of heartwarming event that people of all creeds can indulge in, with the hippies hovering in ?hand made? sections, the hipsters at the ?vintage only? tables, disgruntled old men bargaining at the funk and soul booths and everyone else at the venue?s full bar at two in the afternoon. Me, I’ll be looking for a flask to replace the one that got swiped at the Khyber last weekend (you’re a bastard, whoever you are?) while my friends look for things they can blow up. It’s a warm, communal R5 event that?ll bring out the city?s best holiday cheer.
SELLER’S LIST: Click Here & Caveat Emptor

At The Starlight Ballroom / Club Polaris
460 North 9th Street (just below 9th and Spring Garden)
Philadelphia, PA
$3 Entry Donation
All Ages / 21+ To Drink
Tables Are Sold Out (sorry)

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