HEAR THE FAT LADY SING #2: Curt WelDONE To Admiral Sestak, ‘You And The Liberal Media Sunk My Battleship!’

Sestak unleashes turnout machine
The Democrats’ strategy could rival the GOP’s success at organizing on behalf of U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon.

By Todd Mason
Inquirer Staff Writer

A confident Joe Sestak is working on the final surprise in his startling bid for the Seventh Congressional District seat: a turnout machine to rival the Republicans’.

“The polls show that we are at least seven [percentage] points ahead,” Sestak told volunteer pollweldonsux.jpg workers Wednesday night attending one of three required training sessions. “But we’re working like we are eight points behind.”

His opponent, U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon (R., Pa.), isn’t conceding, even though Weldon is calling himself the underdog.
Sestak says he has signed up 1,835 volunteers. In the 84 hours leading up to the election, they will contact 134,000 voters identified as casual Democrats, independents or moderate Republicans.

The campaign also has a volunteer flying squad of 125 lawyers to monitor disputes at polling sites. Some are assigned to full-time duty at particularly worrisome sites. And it has 250 disposable cell phones to pass out to workers who don’t have their own.

Weldon couldn’t escape the FBI probe at [a campaign stop at a West Chester high school]. A student asked him about the investigation into whether he helped a PR firm owned by his daughter Karen and his friend and political supporter Charles P. Sexton Jr.

Weldon told the students he was targeted by the media and bureaucrats he had offended as a “troublemaker” on Capitol Hill.

“Irresponsible journalism is something the American people will have to tackle,” he said.

Yeah, right whatever, start boxing up your shit, Senator Scandalbutt. You had your fun, you don’t get well no more.

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