HOLY SHIITE: Iraq Blowing The F*ck Up Again

BAGHDAD — Iraq’s prime minister warned gunmen in the oil port of Basra to surrender their weapons by Friday or face harsher measures, as clashes between security forces and Shiite militia fighters spread throughout the south and in Baghdad. Despite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s ultimatum Wednesday, government troops in Basra were having trouble making inroads into neighborhoods that the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army has controlled for years. Residents spoke of militiamen using mortar shells, sniper fire, roadside bombs and rocket-propelled grenades to fight off security forces. A Pentagon official said reports from the Basra area indicate that […]

CINEMA: Ghost Van Sant

PARANOID PARK (2007, directed by Gus Van Sant, 85 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK FILM CRITICEarly in Gus Van Sant’s hypnotically lulling new film Paranoid Park, the lead character Alex lets you know what you’re in for: “I’m writing this a little out of order,” his narration says, “Sorry. I didn’t do so well in creative writing, but I’ll get it all on paper eventually.” There is the slenderest thread of a detective story at the center of this skater drama, but with the endlessly dazzling camerawork by superstar cinematographer Christopher Doyle (favorite of Wong Kar Wai) and Rain Kathy […]

DAILY KOS: John McCain Is Stealing The Election

Dear Jonathan, John McCain is breaking the law. When McCain’s presidential campaign was in trouble, he opted-in to public financing through the primary, limiting him to a $54 million spending cap. But laws aren’t for “mavericks”… McCain’s latest spending report, filed by his own campaign, shows he has spent in excess of $58 million so far — a public admission by his own hand that he has broken the law. We filed a formal complaint to Federal Election Commission yesterday, and we want you to sign-on for a second delivery of signatures later this week. View the signers and add […]

NPR 4 THE DEF: Giving Public Radio Edge Since 2006

FRESH AIR Journalist Pico Iyer has a long history meeting with the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader living in exile in India. Iyer joins Fresh Air to discuss how the fourteenth Dalai Lama is responding to the current Tibetan uprising and protest against Chinese rule. Iyer’s new book, based in part on his conversations with the revered Buddhist monk over the last 33 years, is The Open Road: The Global Journey of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Iyer is the author of several other books, including his reflections on his travels, Sun After Dark. RADIO TIMES Hour 1 Is America’s […]

PENNSYLTUCKY: The Shocking Death Of Kirsten Taylor

INQUIRER: A Pennsylvania man, who electrocuted his wife during kinky sex, faces murder charges after a coroner ruled her death a homicide, authorities said. Kirsten Taylor, 27, was found Jan. 23 unconscious and suffering from severe burns on her nipples in her York County mobile home. She was rushed to York Hospital where she was pronounced dead, police said. Her husband, Toby Taylor, was charged the next day with involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment by the Lower Windsor Township police. He was arrested and released after posting $100,000 bail.The county medical examiner yesterday ruled Kirsten’s death a homicide and the […]

HOT DOC: Hillary’s Pastor Stands Up For Rev. Wright

A STATEMENT CONCERNING THE REV. JEREMIAH WRIGHT The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an outstanding church leader whom I have heard speak a number of times. He has served for decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society. He has been a vocal critic of the racism, sexism and homophobia which still tarnish the American dream. To evaluate his dynamic ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a people that has […]

COPS: Fraternal Order Of Popo Endorses Johnny Doc

INQUIRER: One of Philadelphia’s most influential unions will throw it’s political might today behind a powerful union boss in his first bid for public office. The president of The Fraternal Order of Police said Lodge 5 board members unanimously voted last night to endorse John Dougherty in his run for the First State Senatorial District. The FOP represents 14,000 active and retired Philadelphia police officers. Dougherty, 47, has led the city’s electricians’ union for 15 years. He is running for the seat left vacant by former foe Vincent Fumo, who announced his retirement from public life March 12 after suffering […]

HOT DOC: Follow The Funny Money

This is from an Obama campaign press release that went out today: “Senator Clinton recently claimed that she’s ‘the most transparent figure in public life,’ yet she’s dragging her feet in releasing something as basic as her annual tax returns,” said Obama Communications Director Robert Gibbs. “Senator Clinton can’t claim to be vetted until she allows the public the opportunity to see her finances — particularly with respect to any investment in tax shelters.” The Clinton campaign’s vague commitment to release the returns and the Clintons’ known involvement with such investments as Yucaipa raise a number of questions. 1. Yucaipa […]

MAILBAG: The Trouble With Ed King

To the Editors at Phawker, Let me first say, I enjoy many parts of your publication. You do an superb job of blending various elements of news into a Blog format. However, I honestly think you need to replace your “Rock Music” critic, the so-called King Ed. His recent review of the new Raconteurs album was shallow and condescending to say the least. While I realize it was an “insta-review” and he was purely commenting from his first listen; it is evident that he was going to hate the album from the outset. He took a sarcastic tone to the […]

NPR 4 THE DEF: Giving Public Radio Edge Since 2006

FRESH AIR BY ED WARD FRESH AIR MUSIC CRITIC In the past 20 years, Great Britain has produced a huge quantity of popular music that’s gotten very little attention in the U.S. So much, in fact, that it’s practically impossible for American fans to keep up with it. In an attempt at a crash-course, Rhino released a four-disc collection titled The Brit Box late last year. The British music scene is very different from the American one. Britain is, and always has been, the home of pop — music which revolves around the three-minute single, produced by fresh new faces […]