THE WORM TURNS: Judge Rules Against Credit Bid In Inky/DN Auction, Paving Way For Local Ownership

INQUIRER: Philadelphia Newspapers L.L.C. can bar its lenders from using $300 million in debt they are owed to try to purchase the company at auction next week, a federal judge ruled today. The decision by U.S. District Judge Eduardo C. Robreno reverses a ruling by Chief Bankruptcy Judge Stephen Raslavich. Lawyers for the company’s senior lenders — which include Angelo, Gordon & Co., the CIT Group, Wells Fargo and Eaton Vance (Citizens Bank put the deal together) — had argued that it would be unfair if they had to bid cash, like other potential buyers, for property that served as […]

CONCERT REVIEW: Asher Roth & Kid Cudi

BY JONATHAN VALANIA FOR THE INQUIRER Asher Roth is nothing but a good time, although the haters, and they are legion, would deny him even that. Of course, none of them was in attendance Thursday night at the Electric Factory, where the sandy-haired Morrisville native and West Chester alum wrapped up his 20-date Great Hangover Tour with a sweaty throw-down before an adoring, largely under-21 audience. Minus the naysayers, it was a night of guilty pleasure — which is, in a nutshell, what Asher Roth is all about. Rolling onstage behind the wheel of a tot-size Cadillac SUV and armed […]