Court Papers Finger Dead Cardinal In Cover-Up

INQUIRER: Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua ordered aides to shred a 1994 memo that identified 35 Archdiocese of Philadelphia priests suspected of sexually abusing children, according to a new court filing. The order, outlined in a handwritten note locked away for years at the archdiocese’s Center City offices, was disclosed Friday by lawyers for Msgr. William J. Lynn, the former church administrator facing trial next month. They say the shredding directive proves what Lynn has long claimed: that a church conspiracy to conceal clergy sex abuse was orchestrated at levels far above him. The revelation is likely to further cloud Bevilacqua’s […]

CINEMA: The Very, Very Bad Lieutenant

RAMPART (2011, directed by Oren Moverman, 108 minutes, U.S.) BY DAN BUSKIRK I thought it was an interesting move when film producer Edward Pressman issued a second, unconnected chapter to the 1992 film Bad Lieutenant, going from Abel Ferrara directing Keitel as a corrupt cop in gentrifying New York to Warner Herzog helming a tale of pain-wracked Nick Cage in post-Katrina Louisiana. Although unaffiliated to the Bad Lieutenant films, Rampart exists for the same reason: to provide a tough star vehicle, in this case for Woody Harrelson as a loose cannon cop in post-riot Los Angeles. Surrounded by an exceptionally […]

SANTORUM: Colleges = Obama Indoctrination Mills

CBS NEWS: Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said Thursday that President Obama wants more young adults to go to college so they can undergo “indoctrination” to a secular world view. In an hour-long interview with conservative television host Glenn Beck, Santorum also defended his record on abortion and his vote in favor of President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind education law. On the president’s efforts to boost college attendance, Santorum said, “I understand why Barack Obama wants to send every kid to college, because of their indoctrination mills, absolutely … The indoctrination that is going on at the […]

Google Glasses To Give User ‘Terminator’ Vision

NEW YORK TIMES:  People who constantly reach into a pocket to check a smartphone for bits of information will soon have another option: a pair of Google-made glasses that will be able to stream information to the wearer’s eyeballs in real time. According to several Google employees familiar with the project who asked not to be named, the glasses will go on sale to the public by the end of the year. These people said they are expected “to cost around the price of current smartphones,” or $250 to $600. The people familiar with the Google glasses said they would […]

TONITE: It Was 25 Years Ago Today…

[Illustrations by ALEX FINE] EDITOR’S NOTE: This year Radio Times turns 25. To mark the occasion, The Kal & Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies at Drexel University has invited Marty Moss Coane to come celebrate with a live interview career retrospective at Ruth Auditorium (125 Nesbitt Hall) tonight at 6:30. This event is free and open to the public. In honor of Radio Times hitting the quarter century mark, we dug up our Q&A with Marty from 2007. BY JONATHAN VALANIA How do we love Marty? Let us count the ways: The way she picks Philadelphia’s brain every […]

COOKIE MONSTER: How To Make The Marketing Industrial Complex Stop Tracking Your Every Move

FRESH AIR: One of the fastest-growing online businesses is the business of spying on Internet users. Using sophisticated software that tracks people’s online movements through the Web, companies collect the information and sell it to advertisers. Every time you click a link, fill out a form or visit a website, advertisers are working to collect personal information about you, says Joseph Turow, a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. They then target ads to you based on that information. On Wednesday’s Fresh Air, Turow — the author of the book The Daily You: How […]

Occupy Wall Street Announces Plans For A National Assembly In Philadelphia On The Fourth Of July

ASSOCIATED PRESS: A group of protesters affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement plans to elect 876 “delegates” from around the country and hold a national “general assembly” in Philadelphia over the Fourth of July as part of ongoing protests over corporate excess and economic inequality. The group, dubbed the 99% Declaration Working Group, said Wednesday delegates would be selected during a secure online election in early June from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. In a nod to their First Amendment rights, delegates will meet in Philadelphia to draft and ratify a “petition for a […]