ENDGAME: Santorum Suspends Campaign

NEW YORK TIMES: Rick Santorum suspended his presidential campaign on Tuesday, bowing to the inevitability of Mitt Romney’s nomination and ending his improbable, come-from-behind quest to become the party’s conservative standard-bearer in the fall. “We made a decision over the weekend, that while this presidential race for us is over, for me, and we will suspend our campaign today, we are not done fighting hating,” Mr. Santorum said. MORE ASSOCIATED PRESS: From obscure former senator driving a pickup truck across Iowa, Rick Santorum made a surprising — he calls it miraculous — leap to become the most formidable threat to […]

CONTEST: Win Tix To See The Ting Tings @ The Troc

Wanna a pair of tix to see the Ting Tings at the Troc on Friday April 13th? Of course you do! To win them, all you have to is be the third person to email us at FEED@PHAKWER.COM with the correct answer to the following Ting Tings trivia question: What is the name of Katie White and Jules De Martino’s went-nowhere band just prior to forming The Ting Tings? Hint, they were signed to Mercury Records. Put TING TINGLY in the subject line and include a mobile number for confirmation. Good luck and godspeed, man! PREVIOUSLY: There was a time […]

THE INQUISITION: Pedo Priest Convicted Of CP Possession Was Just Shuffled To Another Church; Nun Who Complained About It To Bevilacqua Fired

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Jurors in a landmark church sex-abuse trial were presented with documents Tuesday outlining the troubled clerical career of a priest who was convicted of child pornography charges yet remained in ministry for years despite similar and repeated complaints. Prosecutors presented years of correspondence from mental health facilities, therapists and church officials regarding Edward DePaoli when he was a priest. The documents, kept in the archdiocese’s secret archives, outlined how DePaoli, after being convicted in federal court of child pornography charges in 1986, went through psychological treatment, rounds of therapy, and a half dozen church assignments for two decades […]

DAS RACIST: National Review Fires John Derbyshire For Indefensible Trayvon Martin Column

THE GUARDIAN: A leading US conservative magazine, the National Review, has fired a prominent contributor over an online column advising his children to protect themselves by avoiding African Americans, to closely scrutinise black politicians and to accept that white people are more intelligent. John Derbyshire wrote the offending article, The Talk: Nonblack Version, as a response to widespread debate over “the talk” that many African American parents give their teenage sons about racism in America following the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida. Derbyshire’s column appeared in another publication, Taki’s Magazine, run by the rightwing Greek socialite Taki Theodoracopulos, who […]

SIDEWALKING: Towering Inferno

2411 Kensington Avenue, 4:34 AM, by JOE KACZMAREK RELATED: Two firefighters who were battling a massive blaze at an abandoned warehouse Monday were killed when an adjacent furniture store they were inspecting collapsed, burying them in a pile of debris, authorities said. It took about two hours to extract the bodies of Lt. Robert Neary, 60, and firefighter Daniel Sweeney, 25, because of all the debris, Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers said at a news conference. Two other firefighters were rescued and taken to a hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. The blaze in the city’s Kensington section started around 3:15 a.m. and […]

RIP: Mike Wallace Had Ways Of Making You Talk

CBS NEWS: Each week, “60 Minutes” viewers could expect the master interviewer to ask the questions they wanted answered by the world’s leaders and headliners. Wallace did not disappoint them, often revealing more than the public ever hoped to see. He got the stoic Ayatollah Khomeini to smile during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979 when he asked him what he thought about being called “a lunatic” by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. The Ayatollah answered by correctly predicting that Sadat would be assassinated. The same year, Johnny Carson called Wallace “cruel” during an interview after Wallace asked, “It takes one […]


EDITOR’S NOTE: The first in an occasional and recurring series about the perfect soundtrack for a good day sunshine. ALAN MCGEE: Their second album, Turn! Turn! Turn! continued to fine-tune the pop sensibility. Whenever I hear the title track it always sounds almost perversely economical, somehow too perfect. It seems to state, “This is as far as you can refine a pop song”, and “I can do this standing on my head”. It is hard to imagine a song more instantly engaging than Turn! Turn! Turn! It always rings like a bell through any background noise and conveys its sentiment […]

BAD COMPANY: Coke, Pepsi & Kraft Quitting ALEC

[Artwork and animation by MARK FIORE] REUTERS: Coca-Cola Co is dropping its membership in a conservative national advocacy group that supports “Stand Your Ground” laws such as the one being used as a defense in the Florida killing of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin. The move by the world’s biggest soft drink maker comes as corporate America faces increased scrutiny from consumers and shareholder activists over lobbying and political spending. PepsiCo Inc ended its relationship with the group – the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) – in January. In a statement on Thursday, Coca-Cola made no direct mention of […]

FOOD INC.: Chicken, The Other Fright Meat

[Artwork by CRYSTAL GONZALEZ] NEW YORK TIMES: My topic today is a pair of new scientific studies suggesting that poultry on factory farms are routinely fed caffeine, active ingredients of Tylenol and Benadryl, banned antibiotics and even arsenic. “We were kind of floored,” said Keeve E. Nachman, a co-author of both studies and a scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future.  “It’s unbelievable what we found.” He said that the researchers had intended to test only for antibiotics. But assays for other chemicals and pharmaceuticals didn’t cost extra, so researchers asked for those results as well. […]

JACK WHITE: Sixteen Saltines

NEW YORK TIMES: In an industrial section of south-central Nashville, stuck between a homeless shelter and some railroad tracks, sits a little primary-colored Lego-block of a building with a Tesla tower on top. The inside holds all manner of curiosities and wonders — secret passageways, trompe l’oeil floors, the mounted heads of various exotic ungulates (a bison, a giraffe, a Himalayan tahr) as well as a sign on the wall that says photography is prohibited. This is the home of Third Man Records: the headquarters of Jack White’s various musical enterprises, and the center of his carefully curated world. “When […]


BY WILLIAM C. HENRY On March 31st Peggy Noonan authored a piece for the Wall Street Journal entitled “Not-So-Smooth Operator” in which she feebly attempted to articulate her opinion(s) as to why President Obama was increasingly coming across as devious and dishonest. Well, Peggy, all I can say is — and, trust me, there are a multitude of things about this administration with which even I take exception — that after reading it I have come to the inescapable conclusion that America should finally grant you the recognition you so richly deserve as one of this country’s most cognitive and astute judges […]