REST IN POWER: Kurt Wunder 1966-2019


PENNSYLVANIA BURIAL COMPANY: Upon realizing that his medications would never involve tequila, Kurt William Wunder acquiesced and peacefully surrendered his battle with glioblastoma and leptomeningeal disease on August 10th, 2019. He was the loving son of Dolores and the late William, youngest brother to Robert and William. Kurt was the devoted husband of Margo and adoring father to Georgia and Spencer. He is also survived by his faithful pets Shiloh and Parumpapumpum, as well as a hefty collection of sinks.

Captain and founder of the Hatboro Horsham High School ice hockey team, Kurt imparted his great passion for the sport to his IMG_3325wife and children. He taught them how to play and to love the game that was so dear to his heart. Kurt volunteered his time as a coach in the Rizzo Rink Ice Hockey program here in South Philadelphia, striving to foster not only skill, but also sportsmanship and a bench culture of affirmation and equity.

It was recently said of Kurt “he could have been mayor,” and that was mostly true. He saw potential in everyone and everything. Along with two likeminded visionaries, he built the 700 bar. Within a brief period of time and with their bare hands, Kurt and his partners Tracy and Chris turned a shell of a building in a desolate part of Northern Liberties into the cornerstone of a thriving community of artists, musicians, trades people, pundits and drunks for some twenty-plus years. MORE