PASTE: The inspiration behind the song “Best Room,” one of the songs off of the long-awaited new Modest Mouse album Strangers to Ourselves, goes back almost two decades to 1997. This was the year that frontman Isaac Brock, on his way to finish mastering their album The Lonesome Crowded West, was one of thousands of people who witnessed the “Phoenix Lights” incident. The “Phoenix Lights” story is one of the most famous UFO sightings in history, in which people saw a V-shaped object flying in the night sky. Brock explains in an interview with Studio 360, that he “was in a plane in a holding pattern while that was going on” and didn’t tell anyone about it for years except his mother, as well as his close friend Chris Takino because, “I didn’t want to be that dude with the alien, with the UFO.” MORE