MIC DROP: Jon Stewart Evicerates Fox New’s Race-Baiting Blame-The-Victim Ferguson Coverage

TALKING POINTS MEMO: “The Daily Show” returned from hiatus Tuesday night and Jon Stewart finally tackled the situation in Ferguson, Mo., directing the brunt of his criticism at what he saw as Fox News’ misplaced outrage over the police shooting of an unarmed black teenager. He took Bill O’Reilly to task for cutting his vacation short to rage against the way the media covered the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, but not at the shooting itself. The comedian also slammed Sean Hannity for saying that he would simply lift his shirt to let an officer know he had a gun if he were ever stopped by police. “You really do have no f*cking idea, do you?” he said. “If only Michael Brown, instead of holding his hands over his head, had reached down to his waist and lifted up his shirt to show the gun he did not actually have, well, this whole tragedy could have been avoided.” MORE