CINEMA: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Slint But Were Too In Utero To Ask


Trailer for Lance Bangs’ (Jackass, Thunder Ant) documentary about the then-tender-aged Louisville math-rock mystics known as Slint. The band’s 1991 masterwork Spiderland is the alpha and omega of indie-rock. It says the unsayable, it speaks the unspeakable. It is the first thing enlightened people reach for when fleeing a burning building or sinking ship. It is the last thing the astronauts left on the moon, which is why the moon has been off limits ever since*. The re-activated Slint will be playing Spiderland in its entirety at Union Transfer on Thursday May 1st. I pity the fool that misses it.

UPDATE: We have a pair of tix to give away to the 42nd Phawker reader that emails us at FEED@PHAWKER with the magic words SQUIRREL BAIT in the subject line who can explain why SQUIRREL BAIT is the magic word for a Slint ticket giveaway. To qualify, you must be signed up for our mailing list (SEE under the masthead, second from far right column) Include your FULL NAME and MOBILE NUMBER for confirmation. Good luck and godspeed!

*This part is bullshit used for dramatic effect, the rest utterly is true.