WHO/WHAT: HipCityVeg WHERE: 127 S. 18th St. Philadelphia Pa, 19103 CUISINE: Classed-up, plant-based, fast food VIBE: With its big glass front window, greener than green seats, and winding counter, Hip City screams ‘fresh, clean, and bright.’ The simplicity of the place gives it a very modern feel, mixed with a warm, home-style, comfort-food vibe. A giant menu, mounted on the wall, is about the only decorative element. Come early, the place gets packed. There’s only 10 seats so, weather permitting, grab it to go and walk a block down to Rittenhouse Park for a peaceful picnic. MENU HIGHLIGHTS: The […]

Win Tix 2C Thurston Moore’s Chelsea Light Moving!

Time waits for no man, not even Thurston Moore, the Dorian Gray of indie-rock. After 32 years, Sonic Youth is over. So, too, is his marriage to SY bassist/alt-rock gadlfy Kim Gordon. Daughter Cocoa is coming up on 19. What to do? Start a new band, of course. What to call it? Something very New York-y and stoner-friendly. How about Chelsea Light Moving? Done. What’s it gonnna sound like? A less noisy, more rockist SY, minus Kim Gordon’s kitten-in-a-dryer caterwauling? Pretty much. Chelsea Light Moving’s self-titled debut dropped early last month. What now? Tour, of course. All of which is […]

WORTH REPEATING: How Tucker Carlson Got Elected The Mayor Of Asshole City

  SALON: Carlson is now engaged in giving the people — the idiotic, angry, paranoid people — what they want, which became incredibly apparent once the Caller began tackling the Trayvon Martin tragedy by launching a campaign to prove that Martin had been a thug. It was barrel-scraping racist garbage. Martin’s Twitter feed and social media presence were cherry-picked to make him seem scary because he engaged in adolescent macho posturing. It was convincing proof that Martin wasn’t as “innocent” as he seemed, if your definition of “innocence” is “not young, black and male.” Asinine race-related trolling is now a […]

FLAMING LIPS: The Terror Medley

Sampler of sounds from The Terror, the new Flaming Lips album due out April 16th. PREVIOUSLY: Wayne Coyne Easter Text PREVIOUSLY: Freak Night PREVIOUSLY: Wayne Coyne Explaining The Perjinky Effect In His Kitchen PREVIOUSLY: Flaming Lips Still Taking Drugs To Make Music To Take Drugs To So You Don’t Have To PREVIOUSLY: At War With The Dipshits


  BY WILLIAM C. HENRY As just about everyone knows by now, the Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of the federal government’s Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) or as I like to call it, Deprival Of Matrimony Act. If ever a SCOTUS finding in favor of the plaintiff(s) appeared to be a slam dunk, this would be the one. No less than the First and Second Circuit Court of Appeals and eight other federal courts have already found most of DOMA’s constituent parts to be unconstitutional. So why all the blather and bother? Well, when four […]

MONOPOLY: Comcast Is Simply Too Big To Fail

  REUTERS: The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled in favor of Comcast Corp in an antitrust case over how much it charged cable TV subscribers, further curtailing the ability of people to pursue class action lawsuits. In a 5-4 decision, the court said a group of cable TV subscribers in the Philadelphia area who accused Comcast of overcharging them as part of an effort to monopolize the market could not sue as a group. MORE CITY PAPER: Comcast may also benefit from evading the corporate state income tax. More than 1,000 Comcast subsidiaries and holding companies are registered in Delaware, […]

ARTSY: Captain Trips & His Dog Toto

Hitchhiker with his dog, ‘Tripper,’ on U.S. 66. Yuma County, Arizona, May 1972. (Charles O’Rear/National Archives) “Searching for the Seventies” now showing at the National Archives in D.C. (through September) showcases 90 remarkable photographs taken for a Federal photography project called Project DOCUMERICA (1971-1977) funded by, get this, the Environmental Protection Agency. To document a decade that saw the flowering of environmental consciousness — when people finally realized we’re not living on a rock but a living thing — the EPA sent a phalanx of professional photographers out across the fruited plain, following in the footsteps of the depression era […]

RIP: Paul Williams, Founder Of Rock Criticism and Philip K. Dick’s Guardian Angel, Dead At 66

  GOLLANCZ: Paul Williams died yesterday, aged 64.  I don’t expect this means anything to most people who visit this blog, but you should honour his memory for various reasons. In the wider realm of popular culture, you should honour him as the founding father of rock journalism.  The magazine he founded as a 17-year-old college student in 1966, Crawdaddy!, was the first publication to focus on serious writing about the then-new music.  It launched the career of writers such as Jon Landau (who went on to become Bruce Springsteen’s manager), Sandy Pearlman, and Richard Meltzer.  It was the inspiration […]