NPR 4 THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

  FRESH AIR “Who am I to judge?” With those five words, Pope Francis “stepped away from the disapproving tone, the explicit moralizing typical of popes and bishops,” writes columnist James Carroll. Francis made in July, in response to a reporter’s question about the status of gay priests in the Church. In a about Francis in The New Yorker, Carroll describes the pope as having “unilaterally declared a kind of truce in the culture wars that have divided the Vatican and much of the world.” Carroll was a seminarian and a priest during another great period of change — Vatican […]

RIP: Ronnie Biggs, Great Train Robber, Dead @ 84

NEW YORK TIMES: Ronnie Biggs, a carpenter and petty crook who became an international celebrity for his role in one of Britain’s most famous crimes, the Great Train Robbery of 1963, and for the decades he spent afterward eluding a worldwide manhunt by Scotland Yard, died on Wednesday in London. He was 84. “Sadly we lost Ron during the night,” they wrote in a Twitter feed. “As always, his timing was perfect to the end.” A long-scheduled two-part dramatization of the Great Train Robbery, a half century after it took place, is to be broadcast by the BBC on Wednesday […]

MEDIA: That’s Hacktastic!

  This is a devastatingly brilliant and hard-earned comeuppance, but we’ve come to expect nothing less from Alex Pareene. Although it probably won’t seem so funny in the not-so-distant future when we get all our news from animated GIFs and we’re, like, ROFL at how fucked we are. But until then, we’ll always have this. Check it out HERE. RELATED: Swamp People, Hippies, Hijabs, and a Gay Couple: See How the Obama Admin Is Branding America Abroad (& the LGBT Adviser Who’s Behind It!)

NPR 4 THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When You Can’t

Artwork by TOM MULLER FRESH AIR If you ask the Coen brothers about how they write their films, you might not get a straight answer. “It’s mostly napping,” Ethan tells Fresh Air’s Terry Gross. “We go to the office, we’re there, we’re in a room together,” Joel adds. “We take naps, but, you know, the important thing is that we’re at the office, should we be inspired to actually write something.” The brothers don’t split up writing responsibilities — they “talk through” the dialogue and “work it out together,” Joel explains. The process seems to be working for the brothers […]

Federal Judge Rules NSA’s Mass Surveillance Of Americans Unconstitutional, ‘Almost-Orwellian’

Artwork by POASTERCHILD ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION: In a historic decision, a federal judge in Washington, D.C. today declared that the NSA’s mass phone records surveillance is likely unconstitutional, ruling that the plaintiff’s data should be purged from the system and prohibiting the NSA from collecting further phone records from the plaintiffs. The case, Klayman v. Obama, undermines the government’s assertions that its bulk surveillance program, which collects virtually every phone record in the United States, is legal. MORE U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE RICHARD LEON: “I believe that bulk telephony metadata collection and analysis almost certainly does violate a reasonable expectation […]

Win Tix To A VIP Advance Screening Of INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS Tomorrow Night! Ask Me How!

  If you are a regular Phawker reader you probably can’t wait to see the new Coen brothers satire of the ’60s Greenwich Village folk scene, Inside Llewyn Davis. And now you don’t have to. We have several pairs of tickets to give away for a special VIP advance screening 7:30 PM tomorrow night at the Ritz 5. Bet you never thought of yourself as a VIP-advance-screening type of guy/gal — well, you are now! To qualify, all you have to do is sign up for our mailing list (see right, below the masthead). Trust us, this is something you […]

Peter O’Toole, British Master Thespian, Dead @ 81

Artwork by Shahin Gholizadeh NEW YORK TIMES: Peter O’Toole, an Irish bookmaker’s son with a hell-raising streak whose performance in the 1962 epic film “Lawrence of Arabia” earned him overnight fame and established him as one of his generation’s most charismatic actors, died on Saturday in London. He was 81. Blond, blue-eyed and well over six feet tall, Mr. O’Toole had the dashing good looks and high spirits befitting a leading man — and he did not disappoint in “Lawrence,” David Lean’s wide-screen, almost-four-hour homage to T. E. Lawrence, the daring British soldier and adventurer who led an Arab rebellion […]

BEING THERE: Washed Out @ The Electric Factory

Photo by NOAH SILVESTRY Some say chillwave is the new shoegaze. Others say shoegaze is the old chillwave.  I say who cares about nomenclature if the music feels right? Making good-feeling music has become a mission statement for Ernest Greene, the auteur behind Subpop’s resident chillwave/shoegazers Washed Out. Greene eschews complex rhythms and intricate vocal arrangements in favor of lush sonics and velveteen song structures that feel good when they rub up against your cochlea. In the studio Washed Out is a one man band, but last night at the Electric Factory Greene brought with him an entire backing band […]

BEING THERE: Goblin @ The Trocadero

Photo by PETE TROSHAK Legendary Italian soundtrack instrumentalists Goblin arrived in Philly Thursday night delivering a crowd pleasing two hour set to a fan-base that had waited forty years to see them. The band is in the middle of the their first U.S. tour ever featuring four-fifths of the seminal original line-up of the band — drummer Agostino Marangolo, guitarist Massimo Morante, keyboard player Maurizio Guarini and bassist Fabio Pignatelli. The band built their legend composing scores for Giallo movie maestro Dario Argento, Italy’s answer to Alfred Hitchcock. Their most famous work was the soundtrack to Argento’s film Suspiria – […]

CINEMA: Her And Him

Photo by BRIGITTE LACOMBE NEW YORK MAGAZINE: Spike Jonze first emerged as a movie director as part of the “class of ’99,” making his debut in what turned out to be an epochal year that also saw breakthroughs for the Wachowskis, Kimberly Peirce, David O. Russell, Brad Bird, and Tom Tykwer, not to mention Jonze’s then-bride Sofia Coppola (the two married in 1999 and divorced in 2003). His contribution to the new-­generation vibe of that moment was particularly auspicious: After winning good reviews for his first major acting role, as a hayseed soldier in Russell’s acclaimed Three Kings, he arrived […]


  BBC: Vodka martini, “shaken not stirred” – often said as part of a bad Sean Connery impersonation – is one of the most quotable lines from Bond. Yet Her Majesty’s top secret agent’s love of the bottle would leave him impotent and at death’s door. Doctors analysing the Ian Fleming novels show James Bond polishes off the equivalent of one and a half bottles of wine every day. They say he is not the man to trust to deactivate a nuclear bomb. Doctors in Derby and Nottingham sat down to read the 14 Bond novels in their spare time. […]