ARE YOU READY FOR SOME COVER UP? NFL Forced ESPN To Pull The Plug On Brain Damage Doc

Watch “League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis” preview on PBS. See more from FRONTLINE. NEW YORK TIMES: Pressure from the National Football League led to ESPN’s decision on Thursday to pull out of an investigative project with “Frontline” regarding head injuries in the N.F.L., according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation. ESPN, which is owned by the Walt Disney Company, pays the N.F.L. more than $1 billion a year to broadcast “Monday Night Football,” a ratings juggernaut and cherished source of revenue for Disney. “Frontline,” the PBS public affairs series, and ESPN had been working for […]

BEING THERE: Chelsea Girl

Moby, Los Angeles, yesterday. RELATED: The US soldier who was sentenced as Bradley Manning on Wednesday plans to undergo hormone therapy and has asked to be recognised as a woman. In a statement on Thursday Manning said she would like to be known as Chelsea E Manning [see below] and be referred to by female pronouns. “As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me,” she wrote. “I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone […]

The Problem With Half-Baked Conspiracy Theories Is They Provide Cover For The Fully Baked Ones

  LA WEEKLY: There’s a sign tacked to the tree where Hastings crashed that night, reading, “This was not an accident.” Taken down several times, it always gets put back up. Another sign says, “Didn’t have to know you to know the truth of what happened.” After the Fourth of July, someone gathered up about 30 mini American flags and planted them around the memorial site. Kimberly Dvorak, a freelance reporter for San Diego 6, was barely aware of [Michael] Hastings until he died in circumstances too bizarre for her to ignore. She’s now the leading reporter looking at “alternate” […]

MARVIN GAYE: Got To Give It Up

NPR: “Blurred Lines,” this year’s song of the summer*, sounds a lot like Marvin Gaye’s “,” one of the songs of the summer of 1977.vIn fact, it sounds so much like the Marvin Gaye song that Robin Thicke and the other guys behind Blurred Lines have launched a preemptive strike: They filed a lawsuit against Marvin Gaye’s family. Thicke and the other plaintiffs don’t want money; they want the court to rule that “Blurred Lines” does not infringe on “Got to Give It Up.”vMembers of Marvin Gaye’s family have reportedly been asking for a cash settlement and threatening to sue, […]

NPR 4 THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When U Can’t

Artwork by JOSE COCODRILO FRESH AIR If you’ve ever participated in a miserably long pub crawl, you’ll understand the plight of the characters in The World’s End, the latest from Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright. The film follows five old high school friends who reunite to finish a pub crawl they started 20 years earlier. But as they travel from pub to pub in their old hometown, they find strange, supernatural things start to happen. In 2004, Pegg and Frost’s zombie send-up Shaun of the Dead gave the English comedy pair a cult following that grew with their […]

THE WAR ON ERROR: My Life As A Terrorist

  WASHINGTON POST: The celebrated writer William Vollmann has revealed that the FBI once thought he might be the Unabomber, the anthrax mailer and a terrorist training with the Afghan mujahideen.vIn the September issue of Harper’s magazine, Vollmann describes the alarming and ludicrous contents of his 785-page secret government file, 294 pages of which he obtained after suing the FBI and CIA under the Freedom of Information Act. Spiked with sarcasm directed at what he sees as the agencies’ arrogance, presumptuousness and ineptitude, his Harper’s essay, “Life As a Terrorist,” is inflamed with moral outrage at the systemic violation of […]

BOOKS: The Horror, The Horror

  AMAZON: Hidden far from sight, deep in the thick underbrush of the North Florida woods are the ghostly graves of more than thirty unidentified bodies, some of which are thought to be children who were beaten to death at the old Florida Industrial School for Boys at Marianna. It is suspected that many more bodies will be found in the fields and swamplands surrounding the institution. Investigations into the unmarked graves have compelled many grown men to come forward and share their stories of the abuses they endured and the atrocities they witnessed in the 1950s and 1960s at […]

NPR 4 THE DEAF: We Hear It Even When U Can’t

FRESH AIR Today’s Internet users have become accustomed to stories of hacking, identity theft and cyberattacks, but there was a time when the freedom and anonymity of the Web were new, and no one was sure what rules — if any — applied to its use. Many thought the Internet was beyond government regulation, its very chaos a source of creativity and strength. Those early days are the focus of technology writer Nate Anderson’s new book, The Internet Police: How Crime Went Online, and the Cops Followed. In it, Anderson recounts how the opportunities the Web offered to snoops, scam […]

George W. Bush Kills 655,000 Iraqis*, Gets Library; Bradley Manning Declassifies War Crime Evidence And Catty State Dept. Memos, Gets 35 Years

  THE GUARDIAN: As of today, Wednesday 21 August 2013, Bradley Manning has served 1,182 days in prison. He should be released with a sentence of time served. Instead, the judge in his court martial at Fort Meade, Maryland has handed down a sentence of 35 years. Of course, a humane, reasonable sentence of time served was never going to happen. This trial has, since day one, been held in a kangaroo court. That is not angry rhetoric; the reason I am forced to frame it in that way is because President Obama made the following statements on record, before […]

Jeffrey Toobin Didn’t Become A Dick Over Night, He’s Been Working On It For A Long Time

  THE DISSENTER: Toobin’s campaign against Snowden and in defense of the government’s right to protect sensitive national security secrets is incredibly hypocritical, given his past history. In journalist Michael Isikoff’s book, Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter’s Story, he described how Toobin was caught “having absconded with large loads of classified and grand-jury related documents from the office of Iran-Contra independent counsel Lawrence Walsh” in 1991: Toobin, it turned out, had been using his tenure in Walsh’s office to secretly prepare a tell-all book about the Iran-contra case; the privileged documents, along with a meticulously kept private diary (in which the young […]

Elmore Leonard, Master Noir Naturalist, Dead @ 87

Artwork by JOE CIERDIELLO NEW YORK TIMES: Elmore Leonard, the prolific crime novelist whose louche characters, deadpan dialogue and immaculate prose style in novels like “Get Shorty,” “Freaky Deaky” and “Glitz” established him as a modern master of American genre writing, died on Tuesday at his home in Bloomfield Village, Mich. He was 87. To his admiring peers, Mr. Leonard did not merely validate the popular crime thriller; he stripped the form of its worn-out affectations, reinventing it for a new generation and elevating it to a higher literary shelf. Reviewing “Riding the Rap” for The New York Times Book […]